Chapter 32

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@Dark Love

Part 31


One kiss. Three words. A feeling. A realization. A longing. Love. As they sat cuddled up, both silently recounted how their life had changed.  


The party was over, after Kripa had met with the Khanna family, the elders had retired to bed. Angad, Kripa, Ananya, Nikhil, Prithvi, Josh, Mishty and Aaliya sat together in the living room, talking. The couples, Angad-Kripa, and Ananya-Nikhil were cuddled up joining conversations here and there. Josh was trying to flirt with Mishty and Aaliya, and getting nasty replies in return. Prithvi was text messaging someone, deeply observed in it.


"Lets play a game!" Aaliya said all of a sudden. Everyone groaned.

"No way, I am not playing any game that you came up with" Angad told her.

"Fine, don't play then, Kripa will play, right Kripa?" Aaliya asked.

Kripa looked from a bored Angad to Aaliya, who had a hopeful look on her face. "Um, what game is it?"

"Uh, okay, well, this game is called "Truth", someone will ask a question pointed specially at someone and they will have to answer it truthfully, even if they don't want to."

"See, I knew it was going to be stupid" Angad told Kripa. Ignoring him, she asked Aaliya, "How do you win?"

"To win," Aaliya continued. "A person has to refuse to answer a question, then, they get to ask a question and if whoever they asked, gets it right, they win."

"Huh?" everyone asked.

"Okay, so, for example, I ask, Josh a question, he either has to tell me the complete truth, or he can pass and ask me a question instead. The catch is, the question has to be extremely hard, because he wouldn't want me to win, so if I am not able to answer it, then he wins!"

"Uh, I have heard of that game, except how the he** are we suppose to play with so many people?" Ananya asked.

"Uh, somehow, so who is in" Aaliya asked.

"Me" Ananya replied.

"I'll play" said Mishty.

The girls looked at Kripa, who looked at Angad, and then back at them. "Okay, count me in"

"Kripa!" Angad said annoyed.

"What?" she asked him with a cute look on her face. "Angad is playing too," she told everyone else. Angad did not reply so they turned to Prithvi who was not paying attention at all, still text messaging someone.

"Hey lover boy are you playing or not?" Mishty asked.

"Uh, what?" he asked, a bit embarrassed.

"Forget him" she told the rest, and they turned to Nikhil who on Ananya's pleas agreed to play.

"Okay, hmm, I'll start first!" said Aaliya. Everyone turned their attention to her. "I'll ask… Angad!"

Angad rolled his eyes. "Go ahead, Your Highness"

"Hmm… how many girls did you date in Paris?" she asked with a wink.

"None" Angad answered smoothly.


"Yea right" Kripa replied.

"I am dead serious" he replied with a serious look. "I didn't date a single girl in Paris."

Everyone was quiet. "Awww" Aaliya said after awhile. "Now that is sweet, so you guys have been hiding your love all these years?"

Kripa blushed and Angad just gave her a one hand hug and squeeze like he'd never let go. They got their answer, and so the game moved on.

"Ok" Angad began. "Now, its my turn… hmm.. my question is for.. Prithvi"

Everyone turned to Prithvi who was still text-messaging someone. They all groaned when they saw that he wasn't paying attention and trying to hide the cell phone.


"Who are you messaging?" Angad asked, annoyed.

Prithvi went red. "Um, er, uh, a friend"

"Ria" Aaliya piped up while Prithvi gave her a killer look.

"Ohhh, I remember, you guys are still dating?" Kripa asked.

"Yea" Prithvi replied.

"Why were you so nervous then, its just Ria?" Angad asked.

"Well, I, uh, I have to tell you guys something" said Prithvi.

"Go ahead bro" Mishty said curiously.

"Well, I, uh, proposed to Ria" he replied.

"And…" Ananya asked.

"And… uh.. she said yes!"

"Oh my god!" they all screamed.

"Congrats man" said Kripa.


Everyone started congratulating him and then Aaliya asked the question running through everyone's minds.


"So, why were you hiding this, and, when did it happen?"

"Well" Prithvi began. "I didn't really wanna make it public yet, and it happened a week ago at a dance, when I went to meet her, you guys are the first to know, I didn't tell anyone because…"

"Because you weren't sure if mom and dad would approve?" asked Josh.

Prithvi nodded, while everyone turned to Josh.

"Well, my parents didn't know about Ria and Prithvi dating, and they already have chosen a few guys for her, who she keeps on rejecting, and they really want her to get married to this other guy and Ria loves Prithvi but is scared to bring him up… "

"Ooh" they all muttered.

"Well, how about if my parents meet your parents with a marriage proposal"

"For?" Josh asked, confused.

Everyone gave Josh a look. "For Prithvi and Ria" they replied.

"Oohhh" Josh replied. "Yea.. cept who will talk to them?"


"I'll do it" Angad volunteered.

"Thanks man" Prithvi told him after they planned the conversation.

"No problem buddy" Angad told him.

"I owe you, maybe ill talk to your parents about your and Kripa's marriage" Prithvi replied with a wink.

"I don't think you'll have to do that" said Aaliya. "Everyone already knows"

Angad and Kripa went red as everyone laughed.

"Okay, on with the game" said Nikhil.

"All right, now, its… someone's turn to ask Kripa a question!" said Josh.

"Ok, I'll do the honors" said Prithvi. "Hmm.. …. Why…did you leave?"


And that was it. Prithvi had asked the question running though every single person's mind, but no one had asked it. it was out in the open now. Everyone looked at Kripa, who was just shocked. She knew it would come someday, the question. But it was too early. She stayed quiet. She couldn't lie. These were her friends. She looked at Angad. Would he still love her if he found out? Would he believe her? She would have to tell him someday, she thought while looking at his questioning look.

She turned to Prithvi. "Pass" she told him.


To be cont'd…sowwie.. i promise ill continue tommorow...CrySmile



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Comments (10)

amazing but dont let the truth be horrible poor guys just met

17 years ago

yaar... no pass!! i really wanna know why she left!!!! even if she doesnt tell all, plz do tel angad.. adn let us hear.. plzz... great part... fun game,, ill try it on my friends. continue sooonn

17 years ago

AWESUM!!!!!!! what is she hiding??? PLEASE continue, i REALLY wanna know!!!!!!

17 years ago

Amazing part! y is she not telling? i really wanna know...nyways continue!

17 years ago

omg u killin me here i wanna noe already lol awesome part cont soon

17 years ago

Awesome... even i really wanna know y she left... pls open solve this mystery soon... loll

17 years ago

great work as usual...luvd da truth game...wonder if it'll work wid my bro...drez loads i wanna get off him so i can blackmail himlater..

17 years ago

awww... sweet game lol i played this with my cousins once lol and made him slip out something boy he wished he never said! lol well rules r rules soo even thought io took him 4 hours to say one worrd lol "YES" i made him say it!!! hmm good times!!!!!!1!!! lol and ofcrouse awseom part!! and i'll be waiting for u to continue tommarow!!! luts of luv and sugar Hina

17 years ago

omg that was sooo awesome!! cant wait til tomorrow when this secret is revealed!!

17 years ago

i m looking for a GUN!! dead serious.. u left us hanging!! i wanna kno the truth.. wow.. ithought it was just that her and angad didnt work out.. whao didnt kno there was much more to it.. cant wait now.. the part was great! luv mansi

17 years ago
