Chapter 20

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@Dark Love

Part 19

     The days passed on and Kripa was starting to really miss Angad. She was used to meeting him every morning, sitting around with him during lunch, passing notes, etc. She did not know when he was coming. She was on her computer doing a report when she got an AIM:

Texas_jock: hey!!

Kripa smiled as she recognized the screen name.

ImNaChOgIrLfRiEnD: hey pritz!!!
Texas_jock- oh kripz stop calling me tht it sounds lik tht cracker company, Ritz

     Prithvi calling her Kripz reminded Kripa of the time when Angad kept on teasing her and telling her it was a cute nickname. She sighed, she missed him more, but she managed to chuckle at Prithvis little joke about the crackers.

ImNaChOgIrLfRiEnD: aww you dont like, it pritz?? Then of course ill use it ƒ :P
Texas_jock: same old kripz, im missing u
ImNaChOgIrLfRiEnD: aww me 2
Texas_jock- so sup?
ImNaChOgIrLfRiEnD: nm
Texas_jock: hmmm....howz skool?
ImNaChOgIrLfRiEnD: its k
Texas_jock: make ny friends?
ImNaChOgIrLfRiEnD: yea, a bunch
Texas_jock= I shuD've guessed

     Kripa was working on her report and chatting with prithvi simultaneously when she got a new AIM:

Bringin_sexy_back: hey Tongue

     Kripa recognized the screen name and her face instantly lit up. But then it turned into a frown. She ignored the message.

ImNaChOgIrLfRiEnD: Ria goes to the same hs as me!
Texas_jock: I noe

     She started to reply when she got another AIM:

Bringin_ sexy_back: Kripa?? I know u r there?!

     Kripa read the message but ignored it one again. She continued typing her report and a few minutes later got another message:

Bringin_sexy_back: im sorry Ouch

     Kripa paused as she read the message. Once again, ego got into the way and she blocked Angad from her instant messaging list. She was going to ask Prithvi something when she noticed that he had signed off. That is odd, she thought he never did that, he would always say bye. She felt that he had become distant all of a sudden. A rush of guilt took over. Prithvi was her best friend since a long time, and she hardly talked to him anymore. She was so wrapped up in school and other things that usually if he called their conversation would last only 10 minutes. She missed him, but the odd thing was that she missed Angad even more. Angad would come back in a few days, but she didn't know when she would get to meet Prithvi again. Angad was her friend, but Prithvi was her BFF. They shared everything with each other. Except, she had not really told him anything about Angad. Why, she wondered. Why didn't she tell Prithvi about Angad?? He was her friend, there was nothing to hide. She looked at her computer screen, then at her report. She sighed, saved her report and printed it. As she was putting it in her backpack, she noticed the date on her calendar. 

     OMG! she screamed. Anaya came running from her room.
Di, is everything allright??she worriedly asked.

Kripa- how can I be so stupid????/ how can I forget!!
Ananya= forget what, di, calm down, what happened??
Kripa- Ananya its Prithvi's birthday today!!! I was talking to him on AIM and I totally forgot, he I probably is really upset  I never forgot his birthday before!!

Ananya sighed- di, calm down its not the end of the world, we all are forgetful sometimes its allright, how about you call and apologize??
Kripa- no, I am not going to get over the guilt until I talk to him in person!

Ananya-  but that is impossible he is in texas right now!!
Kripa- i'll surprise him!
Ananya- you have got to be kidding me!! You are going all the way to texas, skipping school, for prithvi's birthday?!
Kirpa- he is my best friend, ananya, you have no idea how bad I feel!!
Anaya- but di..arrggghh.....and what about tommorow's surprise?
Kripa frowned, "crap!
Ananya- exactly!, you might want to think this over!
Sayign that she left the room, leaving a frustrated Kripa alone in her room.
Kripa flopped down on her bed, what am I gonna do??

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*******~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

     An hour later, we see Kripa leaving her hosue with a carry-on bag. She sits in the car, and tells the driver to take her to the airport. She had made her desicion. Prithvi was her best friend, and she was going to pay him a vist.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*****~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~'

     Kripa arrives at Dallas Forth-Worth Airport. She makes a phone call, and a car comes to pick her up. The driver drops her off at a hotel. She takes her keys and goes up to her room. After taking a nice shower, and changing into a comfortable outfit she takes a look at her watch. It was 6 in the eveing. She smiled and took her purse. Quickly, she left the room and got into her car. (A driver came to pick her up). She told the driver an address and he drove there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~********~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

     Soory, my parts are sort of short these days But the next parts will be interesting. ANd, oh, I am really sorry...there was no a-k in this part...again!! sorry to disappoint youOuch....thanx for ur wonderful comments Smile

Preview: Kripa's surprise....Khanna mansion decorated.....Angad arrives....Angad upset.


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Comments (19)


yup u guessed rite...
yey now tell me when r u conti pls soon

17 years ago

I am gonna try posting next part today! thanx for ur patience

17 years ago

thanx..ull find out why he is sad has to do with kripa , and i will try my best to write sweet a-k parts next...

17 years ago

yea, she is sweet , i wish i had a friend like that..ur the first one to guess...and ur does have to do with angad....

17 years ago

thanx...oooh nice idea...but i cant use it..its fiction..but not spiderman type..i wanna make it realistic..without any special effects...tho that wud be cool..

17 years ago

thanx saz...u'll find out why angad is upset really soon.

17 years ago

yup..u got it.....ill cont soon

17 years ago

nice part continue soon kanwer

17 years ago

Heyyyy!!! I jus read all of ur ff!!!! Its awesome Cnt wait for da nxt part!!!! con soon!!!

17 years ago

awsome part kripa is a really good frnd y is angad sad????? bcoz he can't find kripa or something else?????? plz write some a-k sweet parts cont soon

17 years ago
