Chapter 13

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@Dark Love

ConfusedPart 12

     Days passed by and finally it was 3 days until Halloween!!!!! Angad and Kripa were talking like friends, but not really for Kripa was still mad/upset about Angad reading her journal. So, its morning time at Northside High School on the 29th of October. We enter the first class and see it's full of students. Angad and Kripa are sitting up front, next to each other. The teacher comes in and starts passing out a quiz.

     He begins, "Today we are going to have a pop quiz, if you did your homework it should be easy, if you didn't, well, we'll see what happens." Angad looks at his quiz. "Darn!" he mutteredOuch. He looks over at Kripa who was going through the problems as if she had the answers memorized. LOL

     He looks at the teacher who was by now hunched over on his desk grading papers. He ripped a page out of his notebook and scribbled: Kripaaa!!!help!!!! He threw it on her desk, and her head jerked up after reading it. She looked at Angad who seemed perfectly fine, then she glanced at his paper and saw that it was blank, he hadn't written a single answer on there. Then she scribbled on the note, Angad, didn't you do your homework?? Confused

     She threw it at him and he jerked up. He had been trying to look at other people's papers! (LOLLOL). He opened the note, read it, and then wrote, No, I paid this nerd to do it!Embarrassed Kripa opened the note and read the message. She then shook her head and mouthed: You are hopeless!!!Angry She threw the note away and continued with her quiz.

     Angad watched as she threw the note away, then he grimaced and started guessing the answers.Ouch He had just put down 4 of them when the bell rang for the next class and the teacher started collecting the papers. He quickly guessed about 8 more, and then grabbed his books and ran after Kripa who had left already. He got to the hallway and looked around for Kripa. He saw her heading towards their next class, and quickly ran after her.

     They both sat together in all their classes and they had a few more pop quizzes in which, either Kripa let Angad copy off of her, or he failed!WinkLOL Finally the last class ended, and Angad and Kripa came out together. They got to the parking lot and started heading towards their cars, which were parked side-by-side. Kripa's cell rang and she picked it up.

Caller- Hey Kripa!!!!!!!!
Kripa started to smile but stopped---"Who is this?"Angry
Caller- Its me Prithvi, what, u forgot me already?
We can see the callers face its Prithvi Bose.(Amit Tandon of course!)

Kripa - oh, so I am the one who forgot you, you haven't called me once since i've got here! Angry
Angad was silently watching this, wondering who it could be.
Prithvi- I am sorry man I was really busy with a lot of important stuff Ouch
Kripa- oh so I am not important- she interrupted Angry
Prithvi- Of course you are, god, u girls, always looking for a fight. Ouch

Kripa- Don't blame us girlsAngry
Angad was chuckling softly watching Kripa's side of the conversation, but he was also getting curious about who it could be. Confused
Prithvi- I am sorry! You are not here so you can't see the puppy face I'm making, it always works. Wink
Kripa smiled at that.Smile
Kripa- Yeah, yeah whatever Embarrassed
Prithvi- I am really, really sorry and you could've called me too!

Kripa- Its allright, I guess and yeah I could've called but I decided to wait for you to call first.
Prithvi- Same old stubborn Kripa.
Kripa- Hey don't call me old! LOL
Prithvi- God, Kripa!!! Confused
Kripa laughed- just kidding, so what is up? Wink
Prithvi- nothing much, school's the same, missing you a lot. Embarrassed

Kripa- aww, I am missing you too.Embarrassed
Prithvi- Yeah, well, we can't really do anything about that, so what's up with you?
Kripa- me? Umm, well, the high school is pretty good, I've made a bunch of friends.
Prithvi- Well, of course, you are Kripa Sharma
By this time Kripa and Angad had gotten to their cars and Kripa was standing by her car, while Angad leaned against his car and watched her. He was starting to get jealous, he was pretty sure she was talking to that Prithvi guy she wrote about.

Kripa- Well, what are you going to do for Halloween?
Prithvi- Go, trick-or-treating, of courseBig smile
Kripa- what????!!! Confused
Prithvi- whats so wrong about that? He asked innocentlyWink
Kripa- grow up man!!
Prithvi- I don't want to! LOL
Kripa- Whatever, send me all your candy! Wink
Prithvi- lol, I was just kidding., so what are you doing for Halloween?
Kripa- me?? Uh,
Then she remembered about her and Angad's punishment. Angad! She quickly turned around and looked at a smiling Angad. SORRY, SHE MOUTHED.
Kripa- Hey I gotta go, ill talk to ya later, kay, luv ya!
Angad was burning with jealousyWink
Prithvi- Bye!

Kripa- I am soooo sorry Angad, I got carried away with the conversation!
Angad- its kay, who was it?
Kripa- oh it was Prithvi, my best friend in the whole world. Big smile
Angad felt relieved, he was just a friend!!! Embarrassed
Angad- oh, well, we need costumes
Kripa- oh yeah, um you wanna go now?
Angad- yeah, lets go.
They got into their cars, dropped Kripa's at her house, and then both headed to the mall in Angad's car.

Preview: Halloween Costume Shopping!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Part~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




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Comments (21)

ok so yea the thing i sent u was right...all u hav to do is copy and paste the Hotlink for forums (1)kneeduh200039018.0060185185

17 years ago

change of plans, how do i post pics, does anyone know??? i cant do it, so once i can i will be able to post the part, its all typed up, but i want the pics in there, so once i figure out how/ the part will be up

17 years ago

Next part in an hour! erier10139017.9521875

17 years ago

ill try me best to post it ASAP

17 years ago

angad becomes jealous easily

17 years ago

i thought it was lame because i was out of ideas, and ill make the halloween part real spooky

17 years ago

thnx!, i continue as soon as i can

17 years ago

i mite not post the punishment until maybe another 2-3 part, after hallowwen probably, i sorta forgot about that

17 years ago

glad u liked it...sorry but u will have to wait until the 31st

17 years ago

thnx!, who doesnt love angad's jealousy
Not me!erier10139017.8887384259

17 years ago
