Chapter 10

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@Dark Love

Part 9

Kripa was very nervous about her journal. It's not like she had written anything mean about anyone. As far as she remembered, that is. There was nothing to be afraid of. But still. It was her journal, and well, just private. She had written her feelings in there. All her crushes names were in there. She might have written a thing or to about Angad in there. Uh-oh she thought. She had written about her first meeting with Angad. If anyone at school found the diary and read it she was doomed. The whole school knew Angad Khanna, he was the hottest guy. The news would spread like fire. The whole night Kripa kept tossing and turning in bed. She wasn't going to get a sound sleep until she had her journal safely in her hands.
While Kripa was tossing and turning, Angad was having the time of his life. He was partying at a friend's house. It was a birthday party, and he was dancing away with his girlfriend, Sonia. It was getting a little boring, and Angad glanced at his watch. It was 2 AM. "Uh-oh," he thought, "Mom is so gonna kill me!" OuchHe quickly kissed his girlfriend good-bye and ran to his car.

20 minutes later he pulled up in front of the Khanna Mansion. The guard opened the gates as he led his car into the circular driveway. He peeked through a window and saw his mom sitting on the sofa. She was drinking coffee and occasionally glancing at the clock. Angad quickly went through the back of the house. He took out his keys and found the kitchen one. He went in through the kitchen door, and slowly tiptoed up the stairs. He finally got to his room. He breathed a sigh of relieve as he opened his door, went in, and quickly locked it.

Inside, he changed his clothes and jumped into bed. A little while later, Naina Khanna came into the room. Angad quickly pretended he was asleep and pulled the covers closer. We see her slowly shaking her head, "Angad Khanna, I know you are not sleeping, get up and tell me where you were at this hour of the night?" Angry

Angad groaned and got up. "Mom, I was trying to get some sleep, and anyways what would I be doing outside at," he glanced at the clock, "2:30 at night?"
Naina said, "Sweetheart only you would know where you were, and only you are the one who can tell me why you sneaked up to your room from the kitchen if you didn't have anything to hide." She gave him a glare. Angry
"How do you always know?" Angad asked. Ouch
"Well, because I am your mother, you can never hide anything from me, I know you inside out. Now, where were you?"

"I was" Angad quickly searched through his brain for an excuse. "Oh, mom, you know my friend George, he got hit by a car, and I took him to the hospital. I stayed with him to fill out forms and stuff."
Naina just shook her head She gave up. She wasn't about to remind him that he had been using that excuse for over a week. LOL

Once Naina left, Angad got his iPod out and started listening to music. He glanced around his room, and his eyes rested on Kripa's journal. He smirked the million-dollar smirk of his (lol!LOL) and got up. He went up and picked up the journal. Without giving another thought to it, he sat at his bed and opened up the second page.

Prithvi is such a sweetheart!!!! He gave me this journal for my birthday, and I am going to write in it everyday. It was such a considerate gift. He gave me a surprise birthday party!! It was awesome; he decorated the whole house and invited everyone from school!!! He got me a diamond pendant. It was such an expensive gift, especially looking at the crisis he is going through.

Angad skimmed through it. Kripa praised Prithvi throughout the whole entry. Angad was burning with jealousy for a reason unknown to him.Wink He skipped some pages. Then he decided to see what she had written about him, if she had written anything. He went to the recent entries, and aha, there it was:

Today I twisted my ankle!!! Its my first day in Chicago, and the first thing that happens is this. I can't walk until 2 weeks!!! What am I going to do????/Ananya and Aryan are gonna go to school, and nobody is here!!! I miss prithvi!! He hasn't called me in 2 days, and I am really angry at him. I wont talk to him if he calls. But I hope everything is ok. I wonder if I should call????? Oh god!! I am so confused…hmmm….i met a really hot guy today!!!! His name is Angad. When I stareinto his eys this weird thing happens and I just drown into those brown pools. When he touched me, I felt this electric current go through me. It was so weird….but ananya told me he was a playboy. He changes girlfriends like clothing. That is disgusting, but I keep on dreaming about him. So I have decided to stay away from him and have a plan.

When he read this entry, many emotions showed on Angad's face. For awhile, he felt disgustedDead of himself. Then, he felt curious of what Kripa's plan was. He decided to become friends with Kripa, and try to change himself a bit. As soon as he came up with this, he stopped. What the heck am I doing, he thought, changing myself for this girl. But deep in his heart he knew that it was right, and he just might do it. Wink
The next day, Kripa forgot all about her plan and just wore anything. She hardly ate her breakfast and pretty much raced her car to school. It was pretty shocking that she didn't get a ticket for driving so fast. In what it seemed like ages to Kripa, but was actually 20 minutes, she got to school. She went in, and then stopped. What was she expecting? Someone would just come and give it to her? Maybe nobody found it. Or worse, the person who found it wasn't coming to school today. The color drained from her face. Confused

"Oh great" she muttered. She looked at her watch and realized she was a little too early. So she went to Dunkin' Donuts and got some hot choclate and donuts for she was hungry. Time passed slowly, but finally she went back to school and was the first oen in her class. Slowly, students filed in, and like usual, Angad came in late. He got a scolding form the professor, and then a 300-word essay punishment. When the teacher told him to find a seat, he looked around the room, and smiled as he saw the only empty seat left was next to Kripa. He went and sat next to her. She looked up form her book, and upon seeing him her face turned into a scowl.

Though, deep down she was happy. Angad could see that she wasn't having a good day, and was pretty sure she was nervous about her missing journal. He passed a note to her: Everything allright? She read it and after a minute's hesitation wrote back: Yes, thanks for asking, now please don't pass notes I don't wanna get in trouble. Angad read it and ignoring her request, he wrote: The clock on your face shows 12:00 and there are dark circles under you eyes. I thought we were friends? He slipped it onto her desk. She read it and then angrily scribbled: I am fine, and please stop writing notes, let me concentrate.

Angad read this and then just threw the note away. Kripa was quite shocked because she thought he would write more. Oh well, she thought.

Class passed by pretty fast after that, with Angad and Kripa (once again!) stealing glances at each other. Finally the bell rang and the students ran out of the classroom. Angad caught up with Kripa and slipped her journal over her books, "I found this yesterday."

Kripa stopped dead in her tracks. "Did you read it" she asked. She silently prayed he hadn't, but little did she know. Wink

A -Of course I didn't, you are my friend, and a girl, I respect your privacy." (yea right!LOL)

Kripa was really happy and suddenly felt guilty for automatically juding him. He was a playboy, but nice from the inside.
He asked, "So, you want to have some coffee with me afterschool?"
Kripa- "Sure, where do you wanna go"
Angad- "Um, how about you meet me by the gym and then we can go to Starbucks in my car?
K- kay sure.
Angad smiled when she left, his plan for making her his girlfriend was working.

The day passed by and finally the time came for Angad and Kripa's little "date".
Kripa went to the gymnasium and saw Angad playing football. He was really good, and he was the quarterback. She watched him play for a long time. Finally, the game was over, and Angad came over to her.
K- You are pretty good.
A- thanks
K- we should play sometime
Angad raised an eyebrow, shocked- you play?
k- yeah why are you so shocked?
A- oh its just that, most girls here don't, they only care about fashion.
K-hmm I see, so shall we , um leave?
A-oh yeah lets go.
So they left in Angad's car.

Angad and Kripa ordered some drinks and had a nice chat.
A-so, what do u think about northside?
K- I like it
A- are you missing your friends.
K- a lot
Angad was about to ask if she was missing her boyfriend but caught himself just in time. They talked about some other things, and then:
A-well I think I shall drop you home now?
K-okay lets go
The car drive was pretty much silent.
K- hmm?
A-please talk, the silence is killing me.
Kripa laughed LOL
K- same here
A- Okay, so, um, do u have a boyfriend?
Kripa didn't like where this was going, "No"
A-oh I c.
He was confused.

They finally arrived at Sharma mansion.
K- bye, and thanx for the coffee. Embarrassed
A- no problem, and I also think you are really hot. Embarrassed
As soon as he said this Angad realized it and he quickly zoomed his car towards Khanna mansion.Ouch Meanwhile Kripa started blushing like a tomatoEmbarrassed, and then realization dawned upon her. She remembered what he had said.
"I think you are hot too."
K- Omg, Angad you get back here!!! Angry
Obviously he had read her journal! LOL

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of part.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

hope it was good enuff!!!tell me what u think, the credit for the end goes to by best friend, it was her idea!! Please comment!!Tongue


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Comments (15)

He gave himself with that one. She knows he lied. He has advantage for now.

4 months ago

omg.. u kiddin i luved the promo... who or w at did she seee continue sooooooooonn

17 years ago

PROMO Kripa angrily stomped into her house. She was going up the stairs when Ananya asked, "Hey di, where were you?". Kripa, without turning around says, "Having coffee, with that..that….son of a…sea jerkin!" Ananya was obviously confused. "Who?" she asked. Kripa turned around, she began "An-" she stopped in mid-sentence (mid-word?), shocked at what she saw. Why is Kripa shocked? Did she see someone or something? Stay tuned to read more! erier10139012.4465740741

17 years ago

Hey guys, i am really sorry, ill try to squeeze in a part today, but i have to catch up on my homework and i have to go to a b-day party, plus i just remembered i have to make a powerpoint presentation, so i am really sorry if i dont continue, but i'll try my very best to type up the nxt part and post it ASAP!
P.S.- Am glad you liked the part! Thanx to all the ppl who commented!erier10139012.4358912037

17 years ago

hEY!! So u finally joined?! Well guys this my best friend and she gave me the idea for part 9, so the credit goes to her, and ill update soon!

17 years ago

so angad finally goofed up about the journal. kripa is going 2 kill him or there is going 2 b a cat fight pretty soon. continue soon

17 years ago

hi just read the whole thing its beyond awsome do continue

17 years ago

angad is sooooooo dead.. i mean she decided not to go on wth her plan but now ........ CANT WAITT!!!! CONTINUE SOOOOOOOOOONN

17 years ago

nice part angad is so dead continue soon

17 years ago

OMG! dat woz sooo cute!... n funy xx Saz xx

17 years ago
