Chapter 8

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@Dark Love

SmileEmbarrassedPart 7

We see the guy's face and he is none other than Josh Kapoor.

"Josh?!" Kripa asked.
"Kripa?!" Josh asked at the same time.
"What are you doing here?" they asked simultaneously.

They both laughed. LOL

Kripa said: "Okay, now lets stop talking at the same time. So, what in the world are you doing in Chicago?"
Josh: "Well, I got into UIC (University of Illinois, Chicago), but as you know my grandma was sick, so I had to attend TSU (Texas Southern University) for awhile and now since everything was fine there, we moved. Now, what are you doing here?
Kripa: "Well, my dad's moving his business there and my siblings live here too, so here I am. But what are you doing here, at Northside?"

Josh: "Oh I had just dropped my sister off, and she had forgotten her cell phone so I was going to drop it off at the main office."
Kripa: "Oh Ria attends Northside! That's nice! Atleast I'll have someone to talk to.

Just then, a bell rang.
Kripa: "Oh my god, I better get going, I'll c u around, bye!
Saying that, Kripa ran off. Josh waved at her and then quickly went to his car. No one noticed that Kripa had dropped something from her books. It lay there on the wet road.

It looked like a journal, it was light blue with light green flowers. The title was: CoNfEsSiOnS Of kRiPa ShArMa.

A little while, later another car pulls up. This one gets all the attention of the girls. It's a dark blue sports car. Everyone knew whose that was.Wink The car halts, a guy comes out. He is wearing baggy/ripped jeans, and an Abercrombie & Fitch T-Shirt. He is too cool for a sweater.Wink The camera zooms up to his face, and we see it is none other than ANGAD! Smile

The guys stood there jealous, they were like that ever since Angad joined the high school. All girls drooled over him, though some were tired of trying to get his attention and were dating someone or another.

So Angad comes out of his car and starts walking, he suddenly hits something with his foot. He looks down and sees a journal. It is Kripa's journal! He picks it up.

"Confessions of Kripa Sharma, huh, interesting, very interesting." He smirks. Wink
Then he goes in to his first class. Like always he was late. He sneaks into his seat and takes out his book. "Mr. Khanna?" The teacher was calling out people's names for attendance. "Here" Angad replied.

The teacher looked up. She knew Angad had come in late, but she was sick of giving him punishments. She just shook her head and went on to the next person on the list.

While all this was happening, a head had turned around to look at Angad. The head, of course, belonged to Kripa.Tongue She had been sitting there reading and hadn't noticed him coming, or well sneaking in. She stared at him for a second, admiring him (lol!LOL) He looks so hot, she thought. She quickly shook her head as the teacher call her name.

     What am I thinking, this is Angad Khanna! The flirt, playboy, I vowed to stay away from him! She thought. ConfusedAngry

     She turned around to glare at him, but was instantly lost in those eyes. Angad had turned around at her name and now they both were staring at each other lost in each other brown pools. Embarrassed

     The teacher called on Kripa for an answer, which broke her out of the trance. EmbarrassedShe was really starting to fall for him, she had to stop herself she mentally kicked herself. Ouch

     Angad meanwhile was thinking about how he got lost in her eyes. He had never felt that way before.He had also noticed that her sweater was v-neck and a little too deep. (Hope u get what i mean Wink )

He had felt angry at her for dressing like that since all guys were staring at her but he had no idea why he was angry. He shrugged his thoughts off, and for once paid attention to the teacher.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Part~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kay Here it is...i knew no one wud think its not Angad... i dont like to make it real obvious Tongue But Angad has Kripa's journal Wink What will he do? Tongue Thanx for your wonderful commetns, i didn't think i wud get any replies when i started this f-f, but i guess its not that bad! Smile I hope its long enuff to make up for the days i didnt update Smile

Oh, and characters:

Josh Kapoor- 19- Mishti's boyfriend. His parents are also rich. He knows Angad's brother Karthik. Kripa knows him because she saw him at Prithvi's house a lot, he lived in houston, but he would visit.

Ria Kapoor- 18- Josh's sister- Prithvi's fgirlfriend-they haev been dating for 9 months, and mite be in love,Wink but they have no idea. Kripa's friend.


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Comments (22)

That was Josh, not Angad. But he got ammunition on her now with her journal in his hands.

4 months ago

Hey guys, i am typing up the net part , i got off of school early today, so the next part should be up in 15 minutes! thanx for your wonderful comments!

17 years ago

thanx..and our angad isn't that mean, is he?

17 years ago

thanx, i knew it wud be shocking if i didnt make the person angad. but dont worry i'll make sure kripa falls into angad's arms more than once. adn angad is becoming jealous, something is enkindling in his heart, wonder what it is?

17 years ago

thanx..i didnt want to maek kripa a total bore so i just made her like that, but i hope ppl know that ehr plan is in action adn her appearance has to do with it

17 years ago


thanx and sry about the eye!
[/QUOTE] its okay not like your a witch who put a spell to make me poke me eye [/QUOTE]

17 years ago

awsome parts i wonder wats in kripa's journal plzzzzzzzz cont soon

17 years ago

thanx!! yea only i know about all that private stuff kripa put in there

17 years ago

just read this ff its fantabulous fab part cont soon

17 years ago

kool part u made us all a fool by josh being the guy. anyways angad is becoing cutter & jelous by the day. continue soon

17 years ago
