Chapter 65

0o.Leah.o0 Thumbnail



Muskaan – Oh great! We are going camping! (With fake enthusiasm)


Riddima – I can't believe those puppy dog eyes worked on us!


Muskaan and Riddima groan.


Muskaan – I guess we better go and start packing.


Riddima sighs, and both of them walk away.


--Riddima and Muskaan's room—


A bag lay open on the bed. Muskaan and Riddima were dumping stuff into it.


While Riddima was busy dumping the clothes into the bag, Muskaan was busy dumping various random stuff.


Riddima( holding up two Track suits of Muskaan) – Which Track suit do you want me to dump in Muskaan? The red one or the blue one?


Muskaan – The blue one.


Muskaan then lazily picks up an odd looking instrument and drops it into the bag.


Riddima- What's that?


Muskaan – That's a very important thing. When you press the little red button on the side, it lets out a loud noise like a foghorn.


Riddima- What do you need it for?

Muskaan – DUH! For safety!

Riddima- Safety?

Muskaan – If I am attacked by a bear or something, this would be helpful to call somebody for help.


Riddima rolled her eyes.


Riddima – There are no bears in lonavala!

Muskaan – Tigers?

Riddima – No Tigers!


Muskaan – Crocodiles?

Riddima – Oh god Muskaan! Lonavala might be a jungle, but it's a SAFE jungle. There are no animals in there!

Muskaan – Oh! But I am still gonna keep this foghorn thingy, you might never know when a bear or a Tiger might have escaped from the nearby zoo.


Riddima rolls her eyes again. Muskaan was being so silly.


Suddenly the phone rings. Riddima puts the cal on loudspeaker.


Riddima – Hello?


Rahul – Heya Ridzi! Its me Rahul!

Riddima – Oh hey Rahul! Thank GOD you called!

Rahul – Why what happened?

Riddima – Muskaan is acting stupid! She packing all weird stuff. Just now she dropped in an instrument which makes a sound like the foghorn which she apparently wants to use if she attacked by a bear or tiger.


Rahul chuckles.


Riddima – Please knock some sense into her. The call is on loudspeker.


Rahul – What's this I hear Muskaan? You are afraid of being attacked by a bear?

Muskaan – Well…Yeah.


Rahul laughs.


Rahul – Don't worry Muskaan. There aren't any bears in Lonavala. Believe me.


Muskaan – What if there are bears? What if a bear escaped from a nearby zoo? What if a bear attacks me?


Riddima ( to herself) – Here we go again!


Rahul ( seriously) – Firstly, there are no bears in Lonavala…


Muskaan – But- -


Rahul (continuing) – and there is no zoo nearby…


Muskaan – But- -


Rahul (continuing) – And lastly. Even if you ridiculous imagination comes true and there is a bear in the forest, The bear would come near you only after its done through with me.


Muskaan cheeks flush to the darkest red. Riddima smiles.


Muskaan – Umm…Thank you , Rahul.


Riddima – Have you guys finished your packing yet?

Rahul – Yup. You guys?


Muskaan – No.


Rahul – That was expected. Girls take a long time to pack. Anyway, I got to go, See you both tomorrow.


Rahul puts the phone down. Muskaan sighs.


Muskaan – Tomorrow is gonna be the worst day of my life.


Riddima – Same here, Muskaan! Same here!



PS – lonavala is a jungle in my FF

Precap- Muskaan gets lost in the jungle and Rahul sets out to find her. ( Many cute RM scenes)

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Comments (2)

Thank You …Tht was fast !

15 years ago

I am typing the update now…If it dosnt come in 20 mins don't wait 4 it…
Thanx you 4 reading !!

15 years ago
