Chapter 56

0o.Leah.o0 Thumbnail




--Muskaan and Rehan in the pub—


Muskaan was feeling highly uncomfortable. She was sitting on a chair at the far corner of the pub.  Rehan was dancing away to glory with girls on the dance floor. Muskaan gritted her teeth.


Muskaan(thinking) – Stupid guy. First he asks me to come to the pub and then he totally ignores me. And its all because of him that Rahul is angry at e. Why the heck did I even come here!

Rehan on the other hand, was having a heck of a time. Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder.


Rehan – Oh hey Trishala! Sup girl?

Trishala(looking over at Muskaan) – I see that you have succeeded in bringing Muskaan to the pub.


Reham grinned.


Rehan – It was a piece of cake! I told her a few fake lies and she felt sorry for me.


Trishala giggled.


Trishala – I am impressed.


Rehan smiled.


Rehan – So what's the plan now?

Trishala -  Wait and watch , baby, Just wait and watch.


Meanwhile Armaan and Riddima enter the pub.


Riddima – Where is Muskaan?  I cant find her anywhere!

Armaan(pointing) – There she is!

Riddima turns o look where Armaan was pinting. She finds Muskaan at the far corner of the canteen.She was muttering something to herself.


Riddima – Lets go!

Meanwhile Trishala and her friend Tia had seen Riddima and Armaan enter the pub.


Trishala – Oh man! These two will surely take Muskaan away. I need to put my plan into action immediately before she leaves.


Tia grins, she was waiting for this moment from a long time.


Tia – Excellent ! I cant wait to see Rahul and Muskaan have a fight!


Trishala – Nor can I. So I am gonna call Rahul right away.


Trishala takes put her mobile from her bag and calls Rahul.


Rahul – Hello?


Trishala – Hey.Its me!

Rahul – Muskaan?

Trishala frowns.


Trishala – Ab tum mere awaaz bhi bhul gaye? Im Trishala.


It was Rahul's turn to frown now.


Rahul- What do you want Trishala?


Trishala -  I have some interesting news for you.


Rahul – And whats that?

Trishala – Your girfriend is ditching you.


Rahul – And what makes you think so?

Trishala – Because she is currently in the pub dancing away with Rehan.


Rahul – WHAT?? Stop fooling me Trish.


Trishala – I am not joking, That was what Rehan and Muskaan were disscussing today in the college. Rehan had asked Muskaan to come to he pub with him and Muskaan said yes.


Rahul – I don't believe you.


Trishala – Then I suggest you come to Xray and see it yourself. Afterall seeing is believing!

And saying so Trishala cuts the phone.


Trishala – The fun begins now!

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Comments (19)

anki hun u have the ryt to be angry infact all of us
hai nai

15 years ago

appy... if you dont update today... then... then... !!

15 years ago

Sorry guys !!!

Was a lil busy...

anywayz will update today for sure !

15 years ago

appy waitng for update :(
u suddenly stoped writing y ?? :(

15 years ago


15 years ago

Arggggggggg Trishala
plzzzz update sooonnnn

15 years ago

I was also wondering the same??????

15 years ago

Hey!!....really nice part...god i HATE Trishala and Rehan soo much!!!....but how did Trishala contact Rahul?....didn't he forget his cell at home?

15 years ago

WOW!! was all very well written....
n how Armaan kissed Ridhimma....aaaawwww....
but this Rehan n Trishala....wat mean people!!......hope Rahul n Muskaan dont have a huge fight...
n i thought it was very sweet how Armaan and Ridhimma r helping Muskaan out....
well pls continue soon!!....u have left us all hanging!!
...cant wait to read more!

15 years ago

omggg continueee!! loll u stopped at such a point! u have to continueee!

15 years ago
