Chapter 54

0o.Leah.o0 Thumbnail



Riddima sat on Muskaan's bed.


Riddima – He took me to this small tea shop at the end if the street. And it was in there he told me that I was the most wonderful person in his life and then he kissed me.


Muskaan giggled.


Muskaan – Awww! That's cute !

Riddima – So…what did you guys too?


It was now Muskaan's time to blush.Riddima chuckled.


Riddima – ooooh! How cute ! Looks like someone had a good time.Now tell me.


Muskaan tells her everything.


Riddima – Whoa ! That was so sweet of him.


Muskaan – I know.


Suddenly –


Muskaan – OH MY GOD !!


Riddima jumps.


Riddima – What? What happened?




Riddima chuckled to herself as Muskaan threw herself on her bed and covered herself with blankets.


Riddima – Goodnight.


And saying so , Riddima jumped on her bed too.


--The next day—


It was Ram sir's class.Muskaan was yawning.Rahul smiled.


Rahul – No sleep?


Muskaan – Not really. Stupid mosquitoes!

Rahul grinned.


Rahul – Better close your mouth with your hand while yawning….warna  mosquito guss jayegi.


Muskaan(sarcastically) – Oh haha! How funny.


The bell rings.


Muskaan(to the others) – You guys go ahead. I need to ttalk to the lecturer.


Rahul, Riddima and Armaan nod and head towards the canteen.


Muskaan moves towards the lecturer and pesters him with her doubts for twenty minutes. The lecturer escaped.


Muskaan then slowly made her way to the canteen. Suddenly-


Rehan – Hey!


Muskaan almost screamed.


Muskaan – You sacred me!


Rehan – Sorry.


Muskaan – No problem.


Rehan – Muskaan...I…ummm…was…wondering if you could…


Muskaan(prompting him to speak further) – If I could…?


Rehan – Come with me to a pub…


Muskaan gasps.


Muskaan – Me? And pub? Are you nuts?


Muskaan starts to walk away but Rehan gets hold of her arm.


Rehan – Muskaan please! It's a really good pub, and I want to go.


Muskaan – You want to go…The go…why taking me?

Rehan – Because it's a couple invite and I don't have anyone to go with…( makes a sad face)…noone wants to go with me.


Muskaan felt bad for him she couldn't notice that he was only pretending.


And taking advantage of the situation. Rehan continues—


Rehan – I really want to go Muskaan. I really do. But no one wants to go with me, and I thought, since you were my friend I would ask you…but you don't want to help me…


Muskaan felt really bad now and she wanted to help him.


Muskaan – Oh! I will help you Rehan, I will come along with you.


Rehan's face brightens at once.


Rehan – Really? Thank you Muskaan, you are so sweet! I will come and pick you up at 7. And please don't tell Rahul about this.


Muskaan – I cant tell him?

Rehan – Imagine what would happen if you tell him that you are going to a club with me, Muskaan.


Muskaan – Okay fine. I wont tell him.


Rehan –  So…partying tonight?

Muskaan smiles.


Muskaan – definitely.


Rehan beams at her and gives her a kiss on her cheek and then walks away.


Muskaan smiles to herself. Rehan was such a stupid guy sometimes. Then suddenly her smile disappears.


Rahul was standing at the other end with an angry expression on his face. He had obviously seen everything,


I-luv-Mayank2009-01-19 05:52:06

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Comments (6)

YES !!!!


I-luv-Mayank2009-01-19 08:08:03

15 years ago

hey nice part,,,and plzzz update soon yaaarr!!1 badly waiting to read wat happens next!

15 years ago

please update soon!!..please!!

15 years ago

oh no!!!..stupid Rehan!!!....she should tell Rahul everything!!...please update soon!! :D

15 years ago

omg rehan kissed muski
said yes for dance
where is rahul then

15 years ago

I am sorry guys. I don't know why but I really wasn't able to express what I wanted to in this part….Will do better next update!

15 years ago
