Chapter 46

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Armaan - What the---?


The boys see Riddima and Muskaan flirting outrageously with Atul and his friend Samrat.


Riddima - Ohh! You are so cute Atul.


Atul - And you are very sweet Riddima.


--One the other side --


Muskaan -  You are so good looking Samrat!


Samrat - You look good too babes-


Armaan and Rahul were really jealous.


Armaan - Stupid Atul, he needs a punch on his face!


Rahul - And Samrat needs a kick from me!


Armaan - Lets go from here!

Muskaan, Riddima, Samrat and Atul burst into laughter.


Muskaan - Thanks for playing along with us guys!


Atul- No problem, What are friends for?


Smarat - And besides, this is lots of fun!

Riddima - This was just the beginning, the real fun is about to come.


The rest of them laugh.


--In the Canteen--


Muskaan was feeding Samrat and Atul had his hand around Riddima's shoulders.


Rahul and Armaan were sulking away in at an another table.


And Trishala and Rehan were busy chuckling about it.


Armaan - Break Atul's hands, that's what I wanna do.


Rahul - Slap the pastry which Muskaan is feeding Samrat, That's what I wanna do.




Muskaan( whispering so that only Ridz, sam and Atul could hear) - Are they watching.


Samrat- You bet. And they seem really jealous too.


Riddima -Excellent. Keep it going like this and we will have get them crazy for sure.


Atul chuckled.


Rahul - I  cant take this anymore. I am gonna go and give samrat a piece of my mind.

I-luv-Mayank2009-01-14 04:48:20

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Comments (4)

Hey the parts were great and the last part was really funny.

15 years ago

haila rahul is jealouse now hey upadte soon plzzzz wondreing whta he is going to do

15 years ago

update soon!!!!, you have left us at such a cliffhanger...please update soon....what does Rahul do????

15 years ago

OOO is there like a fight coming ahead??Wow go Rahul!poor guy feel sorry for him!

15 years ago
