Chapter 28

0o.Leah.o0 Thumbnail



Muskaan – Yeah.I am here.


Rahul could here Riddima's laughter echoing in the phone.


Rahul - Why the heck did you scream?


Muskaan – Riddima crept up behind me and gave me a scare.


Rahul chuckled.


Rahul – You gave me a heart attack.


Muskaan – Sorry about that. I will see you tomorrow. See ya!


Rahul – Bye.


Muskaan puts the phone down. Rahul stares at the phone for few minutes. He then sighs and falls onto the bed. He had a long night ahead of him.


--Next Day in collage –


Anjali was waiting for Armaan and Rahul on the front steps of the collage. Finally she spots them.


She waves and they wave back.


Anjali – Why are you guys late again?


Armaan (looking at Rahul) – SOMEONE had a sleepy start today.


Anjali(looking at Rahul) – What's with you? You look bed ridden.

Rahul yawns.


Rahul – I couldn't sleep yesterday.


Anjali- Why?

Rahul – I…umm…er…I don't know.


Anjali grins.


Anjali – Oh look! Muskaan and Riddima!


Armaan and Rahul turn automatically to where Anjali was pointing.


Muskaan was yawning. And so was Riddima.


Armaan grins at both of them.


Armaan – No sleep?


Riddima(shooting an angry glace at Muskaan) – I WOULD have slept if Muskaan hadn't been pestering me the whole night. She didn't sleep herself and she did not let me sleep too. Idiot.


Muskaan stuck out her tongue at Riddima.


Rahul – Hey Muskaan!

Muskaan smiled shyly at Rahul.





More coming…

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Comments (3)

Divuuuuuuu.....Thank u sooo much for reading...

15 years ago

apppuuuuu thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo Much

im here and wating for

15 years ago

More updates coming up....

15 years ago
