Chapter 26

0o.Leah.o0 Thumbnail



It was 9 pm when Muskaan's extra classes ended. Rahul waited patiently for Muskaan to emerge from her classes.


Muskaan – Thanks for waiting for me Rahul.


Rahul just nods. Muskaan's smile fades. Rahul had clearly not forgiven her yet.


Muskaan – Rahul why are you so dull?


Rahul – Nothing.


Muskaan – Is it due to what I said?


Rahul just shrugs.Muskaan sighs.


Rahul and Muskaan get on the bike.Suddenly---


Muskaan – Stop the bike.


The bike comes to a screeching halt.


Rahul – What?


Muskaan – Come with me.


And saying so, she drags Rahul out of the bike.


Rahul – Where are we going?


Muskaan – You will see.


And finally they reach a small paani-puri shop.


Rahul – Muskaan? At this time?

Muskaan – There is no specific time to enjoy Paani-Puri Rahul.


A man emerges from behind the stand. His face lits up when he sees Muskaan.


The man- Ah! Muskaan beti!


Muskaan smiles at him.


Muskaan – Rahul, this man makes the most DELICIOUS paani-puri in the whole of Mumbai. He adds some kind of a magic to them.


The man served paani-puri to them. Rahul was in love with them. They were different and yummy,


Finally both of them HAD to stop or else their tummies would burst.


Rahul thanked the mad and paid him the money.


They got unto the bike and soon they reached Muskaan's hostel.


Muskaan got off the bike and turned to Rahul.


Muskaan – I am sorry Rahul. For what I said.


Rahul – It's okay. I overreacted.


Muskaan – I want to make it upto you.


Rahul opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a word. Muskaan pressed her lips to his. The kiss was gentle and fierce at the same time. Both closed their eyes in unison and enjoyed the moment.


Muskaan then slowly broke away.


Muskaan – Goodnight Rahul.


And saying so she smiled at Rahul and and left. Rahul was still in a trance. It took him five minutes to break out from it, he then smiled to himself and left the place.

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Comments (7)

Thanks to you for making us smile with ur cute FF

15 years ago

APPPYY u r alsos sweeeett more than ussss hum se bhi jeyada

15 years ago

Thankz Manhen and Divya...U guys are CHO sweet...Update in 1 min..!!

15 years ago

[QUOTE=I-luv-Mayank]Whoa !! I updated More than 20 tyms in three days !!!

Anywayz...IF any1 is reading....More updates coming in 5 mins...[/QUOTE]

update next toooooooooooo
im here waitng for

15 years ago

awww :-) how cute :D I love this FF

15 years ago

Whoa !! I updated More than 20 tyms in three days !!!

Anywayz...IF any1 is reading....More updates coming in 5 mins...

15 years ago


15 years ago
