Chapter 18

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Muskaan swung herself onto Rahul's bike. She laid her hands on his shoulders. Rahul smiled.


Rahul – Hold tighter Jaan. I don't want you to slip off.


Muskaan tightens her grip on his shoulder.


Rahul starts his bike and goes at a tremendously fast speed.


Muskaan (scared) – Is it necessary for you to drive at the speed of 110km/hour?


Rahul (chuckles) – What's wrong Muskaan?


Muskaan – I am scared.


Rahul decreases his speed to 40km/hour.


Rahul – Better?


Muskaan – Much better.


Soon they reach the stationary shop Muskaan wanted to visit.


Rahul waited with his bike while Muskaan went in to but the stuff he wanted.


Soon after five minutes.


Muskaan emerges from the stationary shop. She looked tensed and scared. Rahl smile vanished.


Rahul – What's wrong Muskaan?

Muskaan – Nothing. Please lets go.


Rahul lays his hand on her cheek. Muskaan looked worried.


Rahul – Muskaan. What happened? Are you okay?


Muskaan – I am okay. Let's g. Please!

And saying so Muskaan and Rahul leave the stationary shop..

More coming up...

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