Chapter 17

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Around noon Angad's hangover went away. He took a shower and got dressed in jeans and a blue shirt. He took out his journal and wrote about everything, he just wanted to let it out, he wrote until the ink in his pen was empty. Afterwards he was disgusted with himself. Hew went straight to Mr. Kurana's office.

Everyone was happy to see Angad again. A girl bumped into him as she was walking to her office. All her papers were scattered on the floor.

A- I'm sorry
Angad got a look at her face, it was no other then Mishty. Mishty also recognized him by his voice.
M-'s okay Angad

Angad helped her pick up her papers as they talked.
A- How've you been?
M- Good and you?
A- good too
M- What are you doing here?
They both got up and stood.
A- Just had to talk to Mr. Kurana
M- oh...okay....erm....Angad, can I tell you something
A- Yeah
M- I'm getting married next month, if you have come to my wedding
A- Wow! Congratulations, whose the lucky guy?
M- Raj Segal, we were going out for a little while and he proposed to me and I said yes
Angad gave her a friendly hug.
A- I'll definitely come to your wedding
M- Thanks, I sent you a card, but knowing you, you probably haven't checked your mail
A- ...yeah, sorry
M- Don't worry about it, well, see you later
A- sure, bye

Angad walked into Mr. Kurana's office. Angad could tell he was surprised to see him there.
A- hey boss
MK- Angad, you here?.....payday isn't until next---
A- I know... but I'm not here for that
MK- Then?
A- I can't do this anymore......I just can't
MK- Okay Angad, sit down

Angad sat down. He watched Mr. Kurana order two cups of coffee from his secretary.

MK- okay, now, talk to me
A- I don't want to be apart of this article anymore
MK- I was afraid of this
A- What?
MK- Angad, the first time you told me about this undercover idea of yours, I'll be honest I had my doubts, but last time you came down here to pick up your pay check, you seemed confident and determined, I thought you proved me wrong. As much as I know you, you've never trusted yourself, that's why you always tried to keep your distance from everyone, every time someone wanted to come close to you, you pushed that person away and---
A- Mr. Kurana, what are you trying to say?
MK- Angad, you have to make yourself strong again, you must finish this article. There's only two some weeks left before those kids' graduation, after that you won't need to see any of them again, you won't need to remember any of this, just finish this Angad.
A- I can't, I screwed up
MK- Why, did anyone find out you were undercover---
A- no, but.......Kripa, my girlfriend, I mean pretend girlfriend, I.....I think I'm in love with her
MK- you think?
A- I don't know, I really like her and I know she loves me, what now...
MK- Angad, your like a son to me, so I'm going to give you some advice.....tell her the truth
A- What! Are you mad? She's going to leave me, she'll never forgive me!
MK- It's better her knowing now then her knowing when "your high school story" prints in magazines all over India!
A- Then I won't let it print, I don't want to finish this article
MK- You think that'll fix everything?
A- Yes
MK- You can't base your relationship on a lie
A- It already is
MK- She'll find out one day
A- I won't let her
MK- You can lose your job
A- I don't care

Mr. Kurana sighed, Angad was obviously blinded by love and in this situation there wasn't much he could do, but support him. He got up and patted Angad on the back.

MK- Okay, don't turn in the article, after graduation come back to work, okay?
A- ....I guess, sorry for letting you down
MK- Don't worry about I wonder whatever happened to those coffees...

Later Angad went to his office. Life seemed so simple when he showed up for work everyday and sat in that seat sleeping or playing computer games. Angad set the journal on his desk. He instantly hated that journal. For some reason, he felt as if he should be somewhere else right then, he missed Kripa.

Kripa probably hated him right now. He didn't know if it was the right time to meet her or not, but he couldn't stop himself from going to her apartment. On the way he picked up some red roses for her, hopefully they would lighten the mood. When he got there, he rang the doorbell and waited for her to open the door politely.

He heard footsteps coming towards the door. He nervousness grew with each step. Finally she opened the door. He saw a face of shock take over her. Angad smiled trying to make her change it.

So here it was, I'm working on the next part. Do comment and make predictions and all!


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Comments (14)

wow... plz continue sooon...

17 years ago

yay angads gonna say sorry to her pls continue soon, its really one of my favourite

17 years ago

Finally the fool (angad ) figured out that he luvs her!!!! I hope he tells her now n tells her the truth coz otherwise, shell find out l8r n h8 him even more!!! Neways cont soon, itz goin gr8!!!

17 years ago

omg noooo angad dont tellll her it ruin everything......aww u pooor soul..... fab part cont soooon

17 years ago

wow.....nice..........kripa's mad at angad......i feel.......bad too...............i hope things really get light now..........continue soon!!!

17 years ago

wow....interesting prt hun...cont sooon

17 years ago

lol hope angad is gonna tell the WHOLE truth this time! cont soonhimani

17 years ago

great part Angad just tell her the truth can't wait for the next part

17 years ago

Finally you post the next part Just joking... Fabulous part, continue when u get time i wonder whats kripa's reaction

17 years ago

great part!! i agree with hina..i think that if angad tells kripa the truth she will be angry..and things will get seriosuly screwed up...its better if he just stays quiet about it...cont soon

17 years ago
