Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Angad turned the key and opened the door to his apartment. He lived alone in Bombay, he had no one to call his own, but he never let it bother him. His parents disowned him when he refused to carry the tradition on of joining the family business like his father and brothers. He was separated from wealth and family, it was then Angad learned it was every man for himself in this world. He never bothered calling them and nor did he hear from them again.

Angad stepped in and plopped on his coach. According to him it was the comfiest coach a man could have. Angad's apartment was pretty messy just like his office. Even when he cleaned (stuffed everything into the closet) it would be a mess again the next morning, so he saved himself time and didn't bother to clean at all.

Angad took his laptop out and looked for high schools throughout Bombay. After a couple of minutes, Angad decided to enroll into the most popular high school, Vandani High School. Angad enrolled on-line as a senior, who moved here from America. Angad thought lying was easier then ever these days.

Afterwards he opened a cold can of Coke from the refrigerator and took a gulp out of it. Along with that he grabbed a bag of Cheetos. He heard the door open, he saw Mishty enter the room.

A- How'd you get in?
M- From the spare key you gave me baby
A- I didn't give you the spare key to help yourself in, I gave it for emergences only
M- Angad, if I would ring the door bell, then I would have to wait forever for you to open the door, if you even bother getting up that is.
A- Okay whatever, so what brings you by?
M- I'm your girlfriend, I can't just casually drop by to see you?
A- ............sure I guess
Mishty leaned in and kissed Angad.

M- Angad, I'm not hearing any no's from you today, please go with me to the movies!
A- But I'm busy----
M- Angad, your drinking coke and eating chips, you call this busy?
A- yeah! ....fine, lets go
M- Awww I love you!

Misty was used to Angad's behavior. He wasn't an open kind of guy. She was also used to him never telling her he loves her back. Though, she didn't want to force him, she knew one day or another he would realize he loves her and that day would be the happiest day in her life.

Angad put his coat on and grabbed his keys. While he was driving Mishty's phone rang.
M- Hey Sana!.....omg really? .............that jerk!.........don't worry hun I'm coming right now.......okay, hang in there!

M- Angad, honey, I hate to do this to you, but Sana's boyfriend just broke up with her.
A-(Sarcastically)- Sana's boyfriend broke up with her, Bummer!
M- That poor thing, can you pick her up and drop us off at her therapist's office?
A- Are you serious?
M- Please baby!
A-.....fine, but why do you need a therapist?
M- I don't, but Sana does, she's really devastated.
A- okay......

Angad dropped them off at the therapist's office. Angad was relieved he wouldn't have to go and watch a chick flick with Mishty now. If he ever met Sana's boyfriend he would definitely thank him. When he was about to drive away, he noticed Mishty left her cell phone. Angad sighed and parked the car again.

As Angad walked inside he noticed it was crammed with woman in there. Angad went to the receptionist.
A- Hey, my girlfriend and her friend just went inside to talk to some therapist, she forgot her phone, can you give it to her---------
Receptionist- One minute sir
The lady got on the phone.
Rec- We have one available for the 2nd, 2-7, no.....okay the 3rd, 3-5. no....okay----
A- Lady, I have to----
The lady pointed for Angad to be quiet as she was on the phone.
Angad gave up and headed for the stairs. There were probably a million therapists here. Angad stopped a woman to ask for help.
A- Excuse Me, I need to find someone, Mishty Saxena and some Sana,-----
Lady- Oh I know Sana, she comes here often.
Angad watched as the lady had a confused face on.
A- What happened?
Lady- They're in the restroom or something right now, but I think it's the room to your right...umm left.......yes left.
A- Are you sure
Lady- Umm no go to the right, yes right, but just stay there to make sure, I really have to go now, okay bye
A- thanks

Angad went to the room on his right. No one was in there, so he sat down. Angad got bored, and went to the therapist's chair. It was big and comfy. For fun, Angad put the therapist's glasses on. He could barely see through them. Angad span in the chair and was getting dizzy. He had to admit it was pretty fun. Angad heard a voice of a girl, but he saw two figures. He quickly stopped, and waited for his dizziness to go away.
A- huh?
Girl- Hello, this is my friend Kripa Sharma and I'm Alliya Chopra, I made an appointment with you remember?
Angad was memorized by Kripa's beauty. She had a skirt with a pink top. Her hair was bright brown and fell over her shoulders. Her gorgeous brown eyes had nothing but innocence in them.
Alliya- Can we come in Mr. Himesh?
A- huh, uhgg.....but----
Before he knew it they both sat down.
He watched Kripa nudge Alliya and whisper in her ear, Alliya whispered something back which caused Kripa to roll her eyes.
Alliya- Okay I'll start, this isn't some huge problem or anything, but----
K- Alliya, this is stupid, come on lets go----
Alliya- Kripa, shhhh! Anyways sorry, Kripa has this boyfriend Prithvi Bose, he's the ideal guy and everything, but a really big jerk-----
K- Okay not that big of a jerk
Al- Anyways I think Kripa should dump him and move onto different guys, but she won't believe me. She's been dating Prithvi for like what, two years now and she thinks they're "serious"
A- I...uhgg understand. Miss. Kripa, has anyone told you, you have gorgeous eyes?
K- Excuse Me?!
A- I mean, I mean umm how do you feel about what's his face, Patty----
K- Prithvi, his name is Prithvi, Alliya I told you these therapists just want to make money, look at this one he's not even listening---
Al- Fine, sorry Mr. Himesh, we should go----
A- Wait! I was just kidding, you know trying to lighten the mood, okay how do you feel about Prithvi?
Al- I hate him---
A- Not you, Kripa
K- He's a good guy, just has temper tantrums sometimes and explodes, other then that he's cool
A- Does he explode on you?
K- well..............sometimes, but all guys have mood swings
A- I don't, I'm calm and cool
K- Mr. Himesh this isn't about you, it's about my points of views and stuff, okay?!
Al- Sorry, she's just really mad right now, her and Prithvi just had another fight----
A- Fight! Who won?!
K- Don't you think you should be asking what happened, how I feel about it?
A- umm okay, what happened and how do you feel about it?
K- Well, Prithvi and I were both talking and---
A- What were you talking about?
Kripa looked at Alliya and back at Angad, she thought the guy in front of her was pretty weird! Although, he was the hottest guy she'd ever seen. She wondered why he wasn't a model or better yet an actor. She could stare in his eyes all day and night, but just then someone snapped their fingers in front of her, it was Mr. Himesh.
K- sorry
A- I know I'm cute, but darling don't stare
Kripa blushed then she quickly put a stern face on.
A- So what were you talking about?
K- I don't remember
A- And why not?
K- Because.....I just don't------
A- Will you remember our conversation?
K- Most likely, why?
A- Well looks like to me your giving more importance to Prithvi than needed. I mean you don't even remember what you talked to him about post your fight, but you remember the fight............I don't know I'm making sense to you right now, but I think you and Prithvi aren't in a serious relationship
K- Yes we are!
A- Okay, if you are then........when was the first time he asked you out?
K- umm....that's easy it was for the homecoming dance in tenth grade!
Al- But Kripa, Jason asked you out for the homecoming dance, remember?
K- ......really.....oh yeah
A- Point proven, you think your serious about your boyfriend, but your not! So babe do my and yourself a favor and move on! God I'm good at this!
Alliya- Thanks Mr. Himesh, see Kripa I told you a third point of view would lead us in the right direction!
K- I guess your right, all we do is fight anyways.......

Right then from the creek of the door Angad saw Mishty. He quickly went for the door to return her cell.
K- Mr. Himesh are you okay?
A- uhgg umm yeah, I'll be back! gotta go!

Angad closed the door and went to Mishty.
M- Baby what are you doing here?
A- You forgot your phone
M- Oh yeah, thanks
A- No problem
Mishty kissed Angad's cheek and walked off with Sana.

Meanwhile in the office.
Alliya- He's so cute!
K- I know!
All- Kripa, you like him?!
K- I mean, he's cute but ......not my type
Kripa and alliya heard a cell phone go off, but it wasn't either of theirs. Kripa saw it was Mr. Himesh's she picked it up.

K- Alliya this says Angad
Al- It could be some of Mr. Himesh's patients or something, pick it up
K- But that'll be rude
Al- Come on, we'll doing him a favor, it could be important, if you don't I will
K- fine

Kripa picked it up.
K- Hello
   - ...Can I speak to Mr. Angad Kapoor?
K- He's not here, can I take a message
- Sure this is the Principal of Vandani High School, Mr. Roy, could you please tell Mr. Angad his enrollment has been done, he could pick up his senior schedule in the office when he stars.
K- umm okay, thanks
Mr. Roy- No Problem

Kripa put the phone down.
Al- Who was it?
K- Our principal, Mr. Roy!
Al- what!
K- Whoever this Angad is, he's a senior, he's going to go to our school, Mr. Roy just told him to pick his schedule up at the office....
Al- We'll just tell Mr. Himesh and he'll give it back to Angad
K- okay

A man walked into the room and sat in the chair.
- Sorry I'm late, my other appointment with someone took longer then I thought it would-
Al- Who are you?
- I'm Mr. Himesh, who else?
K- Your Mr. Himesh?
- Hence the name tag
Kripa and Alliya saw the man's name tag which read Mr. Himesh.
K- But then who was that---
Al- Angad?
K- Angad!
Mr. Himesh- Are you two girls feeling okay?
K- uhgg lets go Ali!
Al- ....okay

Kripa and Alliya left and went home. Kripa was enraged with anger. Some guy had just made a fool out of her! She felt like killing him.

Angad had watched through the door Alliya and Kripa finding out about him. Crap he thought! Oh well, it's not like he would ever be meeting them again.

End of Chapter 2

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Comments (10)

can't wait till they meet again nice part continue soon

17 years ago

haha!! Awesome partt... Angad is too goood.. Post the next part asap.

17 years ago

WOW its awesome i think kripa is going to ragg(ragging) angad and take revenge for what he did to her

17 years ago

awsome fic i just read it today and like always it is the best.honestly speaking i was waiting for ur new fic after u ended was one of my fav fics. cont soon ALL THE BEST!!!

17 years ago

fab part!!!!!! lol very funnnnyyyyy....cnt wait 4 angad 2 start college continue soon

17 years ago

angad u messed up again cant wait when angad goes to school

17 years ago

nice part good u have convinced kripa 2 break up with prithvi. continue soon

17 years ago

great part haha when angad starts school i bet i would be funny

17 years ago

lolz.. thats wat u think!! o u'll see each other.. and soooooonn!!!!! continue soooooooooonnnn

17 years ago

lmao!!! awesome part!!!! bechara angad! watch when he starts "school"

17 years ago
