Chapter 48

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Mehvish Khan



Armaan take Jassi to his home and Armaan's family give jassi blessing and gift

Jassi look so happy in her new life that she forget her parents for little time

After everybody left this two new couple alone they both start talking to each other and saied that they both can't belive that they are married now

Armaan say Jassi where you wanna go to honeymoon

Jassi:anywhere you like to take me
Armaan:sure my dear wife
Jassi:can i call my parents now

Jassi call her parents and told them that she is so happy with Armaan

Billu,Amrit & Baba they say we are glad to hear that and wish you both live happily after


Then jassi hang up and starting to cry and Armaan told her not to cry

We will go to your parents home tomorrow and spend some time with them and next we will leave from here for honeymoon

Jassi:you make me so happy
Armaan:thank's God that i see your smileing face
Jassi:ok now i will never cry again
Armaan:that good

To be continue....

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