Chapter 38

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Mehvish Khan



Billu:CJ where you are staying?

CJ:Uncle I stay in hotel

Billu:Why you stay in hotel?

CJ:because I just come from London and I'm looking for Apt for myself and as soon as I find a Apt I will move In

Billu:That good

Later Nandu enter in Walia home and Saw his best friend and he didn't believe that he really come back

CJ saw him and hug him and say buddy I really miss you.I was just asking Jassi about you.

Nandu:Nice to have you back


Nandu:What you doing here in India?

CJ:I made my new company

Nandu:That Great

CJ:Ok I have to go now

CJ:I have meeting with someone and I will meet you guys later

To be continue....


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