Chapter 31

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Mehvish Khan



Next day Armaan's Parents went to Walia House

Billu:Hi Mr&Mrs.Suri

Billu:I'm surprise to see you both here

Billu:please come in

Mr.Suri:Thank's Mr.Walia

Billu:what can i do for you?

Mrs.Suri:we like your daughter Jassi and we want her to make our daugther in law

Amrit:what you just say?

Mrs.suri:Mrs.Walia you heard me right


Mr.Suri:yes,why you don't belive us

Billu:we can't belive what we are listening to

Mr.Suri:what you say about this?

Billu:First i have to speak to Jassi


Mr.Suri:Talk to Jassi today and then call us tomorrow



Bebe:that so good and now our Jassi going to get marry soon

Mrs.Suri:who is she?

Billu:that my mother and Jassi call her Bebe(Jassi's grandmother)

Mrs.Suri:oh i see so she is Jassi grandmother

Amrit:that true Mrs.Suri

Mrs.Suri:Nice meeting you Bebe

Bebe:Nice meeting you too

Then they left and Armaan waiting for his parents at home

Armaan:mom and dad what they say

Mrs.Suri:they agree to your marriage with Jassi

Armaan:Wow mom that Cool

Mrs.Suri:we will fix your engment(spelling) next week

Mrs.Suri:but first we have to wait for Jassi relpy then we can fix the wedding date

Armaan:I can wait for this wedding happened


To be continue....

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