Chapter 17

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Mehvish Khan



Raj:Armaan what's wrong with you

Armaan:I have call this man and he saied your car is fix so come tomorrow

Armaan:then i went next he say i'm sorry sir it's not fix yet

Raj:then what happened next

Armaan:he doing same thing again and again

Raj:Armaan plz cool down

Armaan:how i cool down

Armaan:he is saying this for about 2 week

Armaan:I need my car back


Raj:i will speak to him tomorrow

Jassi saw this all and get upset about this and come to Armaan and Raj

They are suprise to see her there

To be continue....

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Comments (2)

Workshope owner is Jassi older brother and Armaan and Raj didn't know about this

19 years ago

Nice to read pls continus.. I m curious to no whats Jassi doing in Wrokshop

19 years ago
