Chapter 7

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Mehvish Khan



Mr & Mrs.Suri,Armaan,Aryan,Raj,Maddy & Malika they are waiting in board meeting for jassi to come

Mrs.Suri:Who we are waiting for?

Mr.Suri:We are waiting for new girl to come and jion us in board meeting


Mr.Suri:That my mistake that i didn't told her that today is board meeting

Mrs.Suri:That ok

Jassi:I'm sorry for being late

Jassi:Some one just told me that today is board meeting

Mrs.Suri:That ok

Mrs.suri:What is your name?

Jassi:I'm Jassi

Mrs.Suri:That a nice name

Mr.Suri:Jassi plz have a seat so we can start meeting

Jassi:Sure sir

In the meeting they talk about what we have to do

Jassi:Mr.Suri May I Speak

Mr.Suri:Sure Jassi

Mr.Suri:Jassi you have any idea then you are most welcome to speak

Jassi:I have a idea

Mr.suri:What is it?

Jassi:How about we do fashion show?

Mrs.Suri:Wow That a great idea

Mrs.suri:I really like it

Mr.Suri:I agree with jassi


Mr.Suri:What about rest of you guys?

Armaan:That great idea


Aryan:oh no

Aryan:why I didn't think about this first?

Aryan:Jassi you are too good

Jassi:Thank's for liking my idea

Aryan:Your Welcome


Maddy:Now we have get ready to work hard here

Mr.suri:That right

Mr.suri:Everyone get to work and we have alot's things to work on

Mr.suri:meeting is over

To be continue.............

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