Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Abhi couldn't stop thinking about Nikki and he kept telling himself that it was strictly for professional reasons, he admired anyone who was sincere like her, and more importantly, it was because of her interest in his project that he felt connected with her. That's what he told himself and with those jumbled-up thoughts, he fell asleep for the night. 

With those very thoughts, he woke up the next day and hurriedly got ready for the last day of the conference. A plan was forming in his mind but he knew he have to act quickly.

He caught up with Dr. Shashank Gupta during breakfast and shared his interest to bring Nikki to Sanjeevani, surprisingly he didn't need much convincing as he too was impressed with Dr. Nikita's experience and reputation but he also shared his concern that due to those very same reasons her current hospital might not approve of it. 

So, Abhi's next task was to find Dr. Rustam Agarwal who was Abhi's professor in medical college but currently, Nikki worked under him and Abhi knew if he could convince Dr. Agarwal he will be a step closer to making his plan successful. Thus before the conference started Abhi approached Dr. Agarwal and asked if he had time to talk about an important matter. Looking at Abhi's serious expression he excused himself from others and they went to the private lounge of the hotel to talk. 

Abhimanyu explained his points putting emphasis on how the shift might be good for Nikita as well, and Dr. Agarwal listened to him with attention.

"I am sorry doctor I am taking your time away from the conference but I believe it is a matter of urgency, and before I approached Dr. Nikita I wanted to discuss this with you." Abhi concluded.

The older doctor was thoughtful "Abhimanyu as far as I remember, you are not the one to take decisions hastily, but I would still advise you to be very sure about this. On the other hand, I know how capable she is, so I have to admit she will be good for this project however you have to understand I also don't want my hospital to lose such a talented doctor." 

Abhi was about to counter him but Dr. Agarwal put up his hand to indicate he wasn't finished yet, his wrinkles deepened as he became more serious, "Despite that, I am going to keep the hospital's perspective aside as I have soft corners for both you and Nikita, so it eventually comes down to what she thinks about this. If she agrees I will give her the permission to switch." he stopped but Abhi knew Dr. Agarwal wasn't finished yet, he looked hesitant but continued "I also want to let you know, I know Nikita in a personal capacity as well through... uuhh family connection. I am concerned for her as I would be for my own daughter, if she decides to shift it will not only be the hospital but she will have to shift the city as well. Personally, I don't want her to go through this turmoil again but if she decides to do it, I will support her fully." with that both the doctors stood up and shook hands.

As they were leaving the lounge Dr. Agarwal stopped, "One last thing Abhimanyu, if the shift happens we will naturally have to handover all of Nikkita's documents, and you will get her medical results, her experience and recommendation letters, and whatever else you will need, but her personal information is confidential. Even before she joined Apollo she requested me not to disclose it to anyone and I am sure she will ask the same if she joins Sanjeevani, so I am clearing it up beforehand. Even documents related to her basic personal information will not be transferred. I hope you can respect that and approach her with the proposal keeping this in mind."

Abhimanyu was surprised to hear that as it was a very unusual request, actually it wasn't even a request and Abhi could see how serious Dr. Agarwal was, it was a non-negotiable deal. Keeping his surprise aside he nodded to show he acknowledged it, and they both went to attend the conference.


They had a lunch break after the first part of the conference was done, and that is when Abhimanyu approached Nikita.

"Good afternoon Abhimanyu." Nikki greeted him with a smile.

"Good afternoon Nikita. I uuhhh actually wanted to talk to you about something....Woh uhh..." Abhi didn't know how to approach her. 'Why am I so nervous? Abhimanyu, you talked with the senior doctors, the most difficult part is done and now you are getting nervous? Get a grip on yourself.' he scolded himself.

"Is anything wrong?" 

"Woh... will it be okay if we have lunch together?" 

"Uhh sure.. My friends are waiting at that table. I am sure they won't mind if you join." Nikki pointed to a table at the other end of the banquet hall and was about to take a step in that direction.

"No!" Abhi hurriedly stopped her. "I wanted to discuss something important so it's better if we can have lunch in private. Uuhh maybe at the restaurant? My treat." 

Nikki was a bit thrown off by the request, but she was curious as well so with a small smile she agreed.


Abhi and Nikki went to the hotel's poolside restaurant and took a table at the far end and quickly placed their lunch orders. The restaurant had a beautiful view of the surroundings, and the fresh air felt good, it also made Nikki's free hair fly which she tried to tame by tucking it behind her ear.

'Wow she looks beautiful... wait where did this come from?' Abhi was confused with his chain of thoughts. Trying to refocus his attention, Abhi started to talk about the conference.

This is the first time Nikki looked at him closely and let her eyes wander over his face. He had sharp features which made him look strict but also handsome, especially if you looked into his dark chocolate eyes. Nikki could see wrinkles on his forehead but that wasn't due to age, as she guessed it was for frowning continuously like he was doing now. Nikki bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from smiling as she got the urge to take her hand and rub it on his forehead to straighten that frown. He was quite good-looking and carried himself well with confidence, Nikki observed, but not now as he looked a bit anxious and is talking non-stop. 'Why do you seem so nervous, Dr. Abhimanyu?' Nikki thought

'Why the hell are you so nervous Abhimanyu?' Abhi also thought as he kept blabbering.

Nikki leaned forward and slightly touched his right hand that was on the table to get his attention "Abhima..." but got interrupted by the waiter who brought their food. 

They started to eat and Abhi didn't know how to continue the conversation, and weirdly he had a tingling sensation on his hand where Nikki touched. 'What is going on with me?' he thought in frustration.

Seeing Abhimanyu being hesitant Nikkita thought to take the lead. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you then, but you said you wanted to talk about something important and I am sure it's not about the conference right? Honestly, I don't do well with suspense so if you just told me what's going on I will be very relieved." 

Abhi smiled at her, grateful that she stirred the conversation so gracefully. "Firstly, I would like to ask you something, did you really mean it when you said you wished you could work on the New Sanjeevani Project with me?"

"Wow, you really are obsessed with this project." Nikki laughed "But I don't blame you, it is a big deal. And to answer your question, yes I really meant it when I said that. But it seems like you prefer to work alone." she said that remembering last night's conversation when he said he doesn't have a team.

"About that... It's not that I prefer to work alone but I haven't found the right people who will be able to work with me. Until I met you because you seem to have some great ideas regarding this."

Nikki was visibly surprised by the frank admiration "Uhh... Thanks for such a huge compliment. I would be happy to help anytime regarding the project."

"I don't need just your help, Nikita. I...uuhhh I... I want you to work with me on this project fully." 

"But... that won't be possible right?" Nikki couldn't understand where this conversation was going.

"Well, it will be if you joined.... Sanjeevani." Abhi nervously said.

"What?" Nikki was baffled. Now, she understood why Abhimanyu was being so anxious, this is such an absurd topic to even think about.

"I know this might sound crazy..." Abhi tried to explain

'Might? Might? It IS crazy.' Nikki thought, still unable to conceal her startled look.

Abhi continued " will have to switch hospitals in between your internship, and not only that you will have to move to Mumbai leaving behind your co-workers and friends. It seems like I am asking you a lot from you...."

'That's because you ARE asking a lot.' Nikki replied in her head and she could feel her temperature rising and her cheeks getting red due to anxiety 'Will someone notice if I jump in the pool?'  she contemplated that looking at the blue water.

"Nikita? Nikki..." 

"Huh? Uummm...Sorry... you took me by surprise." her voice shook slightly.

Abhi felt guilty looking at the doe-eyed girl "No, I am sorry for dropping this bomb. I want to make it clear that this is just a proposal and you can say no. But please let me explain, I have already talked with Dr. Shashank and he agreed with me that you will be a great addition to our hospital. There are 2 other senior doctors with whom I will have to talk but I will manage them and everything else from our end, you don't have to worry about that. I also took the liberty to talk with Dr. Rustam and even though reluctant he still agreed with the transfer as well only if you are okay with it. We will also help you with accommodations if you need them and on top of that if you have any other requests, I will try my best to keep them, as you will be doing me a big favor." 

Nikki calmed down a bit seeing so much sincerity in Abhi's eyes "You really thought this through, huh?"

"I did. Still, the final decision lies with you. You can say no now, you can think about this and get back to us later. Take as much time as you want, there is no pressure. In case you do join Sanjeevai, I want you to join willingly." Abhi smiled trying to give her some strength. 

Nikki took a sip of water and thought for a while "I will need some time to think." she finally replied.

Abhi let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. 'At least she didn't say no' and that was enough to give him hope.


They went back to the conference but Abhi didn't talk with her for the rest of the conference. Nikki even skipped dinner that night. Even though Abhi was trying to stay positive but he couldn't stop worrying. 

'Bol to diya take as much time as you need lekin yaha to mera time ruk gaya.' Abhi thought as he tossed and turned on his bed, trying to get some sleep.

Lucky for him Nikki didn't make him wait much longer than that night. On the next morning, Nikki met Abhi in the lobby "Abhimanyu" she called him "So glad I could catch you before leaving."

"Leaving already?"

Nikki noticed he looked very tired and sleep deprived but chose not to make a comment on that "Yes. I got an emergency call from the hospital so will have to report there ASAP. But before going I wanted to let you know my decision." 

"Are you sure? You can take more time to think... There is no hurry." Abhi insisted, already guessing her answer is going to be no.

Nikki's eyes sparkled "Well I was going to say...yes. But if you want me to reconsider...." she teased.

"Wait! Really?" Abhi was amazed that she actually accepted the proposal.

Nikki couldn't help but laugh "Yes really. But you will have to talk with my seniors about how to proceed with the transfer. You will know about that better."

"Yes of course don't worry about that." he still couldn't believe she agreed within such a short time "And Nikita..thank you. Thanks a lot." Abhi grinned.

'Oh God! He looks so good when he smiles. Hayeee those cute dimples' Nikki thought "You are most welcome Abhimanyu." is what she said and gave a dazzling smile herself.


Author's Note ~

1) I can see the views increasing gradually but I would love it if you leave a comment sharing your feedback. It will mean so much to me and encourage me to continuesmiley31 

2) What do you think Nikki's mysterious personal life is about? Why do you think Nikki agreed so easily? Is Abhi making a good decision by taking her on the team without knowing about her? Do share your thoughts smiley2smiley36

Thanks and lots of love smiley27

ZA_Ray2023-01-31 20:11:21

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Comments (2)

OMGGGGG a new AN story!!! I'd given up hope after our FC fizzled out. Thank you for revitalizing my favorite couple :)

1 years ago

Good to see the story here too.

1 years ago