Chapter 18

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He readily acknowledged that he wasn't a praying man, but as he sat  in the car  eyes closed; his fingers on the bridge of his nose, his mantra was simple and sincere, "Patience," He thought repetitively; vehemently hoping for his plea to be favored by a higher power. He heard the car doors open, and waited to give his passengers the opportunity to get in and buckle their seatbelts, and waited still.


Hearing his name, a soft plea from Rachna, he finally opened his eyes, and looked towards the passenger to his side. Whatever she had intended to say wilted on her lips under his scowl, and in response he looked away from her and turned the ignition. 

Kabir couldn't pinpoint at what he was more angry at; the fact that Rachna thought he wasn't aware that something was wrong; the realization of whom she had met with, or worse of all her apparent lack of faith in him that she had displayed today. Looking in the rearview mirror, he caught Gunjan and Naomi glancing at each other uneasily. He knew his anger was palpable, but in this moment, he didn't give a damn.    

He had gone to bed last night, obvious to the fact that something had occurred prior to Rachna and Naomi arriving to the studio. That they were late hadn't been the giveaway, but definitely their behavior thereafter had indicated that something was awry.  The fittings had gone well, and while Rachna was fully engrossed in her task, he could see that she was worried over something. Naomi on the other hand seemed over excitable, chatting incessantly as if to make up for Rachna' somberness, but she too was unable to hide the bothered looks she would periodically throw her friend. He had asked Rachna if everything was okay, only to be given the response that she was just tired, and decided to leave well enough alone... for now. Confirming their times and schedule for next day, they had parted ways for the evening. 

The next day, when he had spotted Naomi and Gunjan on his return from his meetings, he immediately noticed Rachna's absence.

"Hi KT, I know I'm a few minutes late, I'll be there in a second," Naomi had called to him as he approached.

"Naomi, Gunjan. Is Rachna okay today?"

Naomi had laughed at that, "Well I expect you would know better than us. Has she gone directly to the studio to get started?"

Not understanding what was being said, Kabir responded, "Naomi, I haven't seen Rachna today; in fact I've been in meetings for most of the morning. Is she not at home?"

"But you were meeting her for coffee weren't you; I mean you talked about it last night when you telephoned!"

"I didn't call last night, what are you talking about?"

Looking anxiously at Gunjan, Naomi asked if she had seen Rachna since mid-morning.

"Yes, she was getting ready to leave the house; I had offered to share a rickshaw with her, since I was heading to the market, but she told me that she couldn't wait for me; that she was making time. Oh God, where has she gone?"

"And who is she meeting?" Naomi asked frantically. "KT, I swear she never gave any indication that it was anyone but you who was calling, honestly!"

"Ok hold on, Naomi did she indicate where she was going?"

Biting her lip, Naomi thought about it before finally coming up with the name of the cafe Rachna had mentioned. A location now known, Kabir headed back towards his car, the two young women in tow, having insisted that they accompanied him in his search. 

Walking towards the cafe, the trio immediately caught sight of Rachna, and was headed her way when suddenly Naomi gasped. "Oh my God, that's one of the guys from yesterday!" Coming to a sudden halt, Kabir turned to face Naomi.

"And exactly what happened yesterday, Naomi?"

Hesitantly Naomi explained the spot of bother they had experienced with the two guys at the college gates, "But KT, this one knew her name; he called her by her name! She said that she didn't know him, and couldn't have been lying, she was that shocked!"

Kabir looked over at the couple, "And yet today she's meeting him for lunch?"

Gunan eyes widened as she finally recognized the man, "Oh no, that's Shekhar, I'm sure of it!"

"Shekhar...and he is?"

"Uh KT, um Shekhar is, well he's the guy her alliance had been fixed with."

Glaring at the couple, seemingly at ease with each other, Kabir started towards the cafe.  He felt Gunjan pulling on his arm, "But seriously KT I don't think she knew him before today, I only recognized him because I had looked at the photo that was sent to us. She absolutely refused to, she didn't even want to know of him."

"But today she can meet him in secret." He continued on his way, oblivious as to whether the two young women followed him or not. 

 "Will you at least consider it, Rachna?"

"I guess it all depends on what she has to consider, don't you think?"

"KT how...?"

"How indeed, Rachna?" he answered his eyebrows raised in question. 

Their destination finally reached, Kabir pulled the car to a stop, and smiled wryly at how quickly Gunjan and Naomi got out of the car. Sensing the movement beside him, he moved quickly to hold Rachna's hand effectively preventing her from exiting the vehicle. He lowered his window and called out to Naomi to take the afternoon off, before turning back to his sole passenger. 

"Let's take a drive, why don't we?" he said drolly.

crtkelly2014-08-17 18:33:52

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