Chapter 33

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Hii friends.

Today I am posting the last chapter of this FF. Yes, it has finally came to its end. It was a beautiful journey which I took with all of you. I planned it as SS but because of this amazing response and support it got from you all I turned it into FF. Thanks to all the silent readers and a very special thanks to all those who took trouble to post likes and comments. Your comments always motivated me.

:Cure me with your Love:

Part  33

Because of the pregnancy Mini had developed a habit of going to bathroom atleast two times in night. Despite her protest Neil also used to wake up whenever she woke up and walked her to the bathroom. Tonight Mini was not expecting him to wake up for her as she fought with him in the evening. He seemed very upset about it. Mini sat on the bed and tried to stand when she felt Neil held her hand.“What happened….do you want to go to bathroom?” he asked as he yawned sleepily. Mini looked at him. At first she couldn’t understand why he was talking to her. did he forget they had a fight. She thought he was upset with her. When Mini didn’t answer him Neil stood up and quietly helped her. He made her lie on the bed again and himself also came on the bed to sleep again. Mini was confused over his behavior she kept looking at him for some time. He noticed it, “What happened…you want anything else?” he asked. “No….I was…wondering…I…”Mini started but couldn’t find the right words. She knew she took their fight a little far away than needed and said all sorts of things which she didn’t mean. She wanted to apologize also but her ego came in between. He seemed so upset with her but in such condition also he is taking care of her this melted her heart and made her realize how stupid she behaved with him earlier. “Neil, what I said in the evening….I didn’t mean it. I am sorry for that.” Mini apologized.“Its ok, you sleep now” answered Neil. His answer made her more conscious about her stupidity. “Its ok…just like that….you forgave me?” asked Mini not believing her ears. “Yes, I forgave you. Now please sleep.” Answered Neil as he tried to put her to sleep by caressing her hair. Mini knew he just said that to make her happy and he didn’t mean it. he still sounded upset and she wanted to talk to him more but she couldn’t as sleep took over her senses. She couldn’t be awake for more than few minutes whenever he caressed her hair.


Next morning Mini woke up experiencing morning sickness again. She saw Neil was already getting ready for the restaurant. He came out of the bathroom just wrapping a towel around his waist. Mini looked at him and suddenly her morning sickness vanished and she felt aroused at the sight in front of him. She kept ogling at his bare upper body and the towel which was so sexily hung around his waist. She wanted to remove the hindrance of this towel also so that she can admire his manly beauty fully. The fact that he was upset with her made him look sexier. She wanted to pounce on him right now. “Stop lusting over your own husband you stupid girl. He is mad at you” Mini slapped herself mentally as she came out of her trance. She saw Neil was fully dressed now. “What do you want for breakfast?” Neil asked her. “Are you still mad at me? I said sorry last night.”Mini questioned him back. “I am not angry Mini and I remember you said sorry last night and I forgave you. That’s it. Now I don’t want to talk about it.”said Neil with finality. Mini sighed, She knew he forgave her and again trying to behave with her normally but she could sense that something was troubling him. She could still see sadness in his eyes. But she decided to not push him further on this and let it go for now.

Neil returned in the afternoon during the lunch time and gave Mini a packet. “What is this?” asked Mini. “It’s the unedited version of that Michelin guide program. I thought you would like to see it.” said Neil. Mini remembered his interview and she became angry again thinking how ungrateful and rude he was .And he thinks I would like to watch it again…huh. But she kept the recording as she didn’t want to start the fight again. She tried to pass her time but since she had nothing else to do she decided to watch that program again. Neil said it was unedited version may be it has some more details and scenes about our restaurant, she thought. She watched it and interview segment came. She decided to fast forward it but then she saw Neil’s face and how happy he looked so she let it play and in the end came the question which had made her upset earlier. “What is the motivation factor behind your success and to whom you give the credit.”  To which Neil replied, “that it all starts with being passionate about his work and loving what he does is the reason for his success.” Mini was about to turn it off when she heard Neil talking again,“And definitely I would like to give credit to my wife. She is the sole reason due to which I have come this far.” Mini played that part again and couldn’t believe her ears. She cursed herself mentally for thinking wrong about Neil as she finally came to figure out that he had thanked her in his interview but the makers edited a lots of things due to time constraints. Now she was really feeling guilty for her overreaction. And on the top of it there was Arya who was not talking to her since yesterday. She couldn’t come up with any idea on how to make her understand.

All these things made Mini cranky and she was frustrated mentally and sexually. They have not been physically close since the doctor confirmed her pregnancy. It was close to three months now and she was losing her calm. Neil came home at night. Mini looked at him. He looked all sweaty and worked up and he has tied his hair up in ponytail which was adding to his sexual appeal. Mini gulped down and sighed. After the fight in which she turned out to be guilty she didn’t want to reach out to him first begging for sex. No way her pride would allow to do it.But then these pregnancy hormones were making her go crazy and horny. She has to do something. “Yes, She should seduce him in such a way that it would look like he wants sex and she is just obliging him” Mini thought. As Neil was busy in changing she went to the bathroom and changed her regular sleep wear. She put on a sexy black color nighty and applied some perfume. She made her hair wet and left them open. “You will go crazy after seeing me like this Neil Oberoi” She thought and came out of the bathroom.

Neil looked at her in shock. He kept looking at her with open mouth. Mini saw his reaction from the corner of her eyes and controlled her smile. She walked sexily towards the bedside table and poured some water in glass. She then started drinking the water in such a way that she deliberately let some of it flow from the side of glass to her throat. Neil was looking at her as his eyes traced that water droplet flowing from her mouth to throat then down to her cleavage. He was aroused by it was only an understatement. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to claim her and make rough love to her all night long. He walked towards her in trance. Mini saw it from the corner of her eyes but acted to ignore him. Neil came close to her and took the glass of water from her hands. He then checked her out from top to bottom marveling at her beauty. It was then his eyes stopped at her stomach. Its been almost three months so she has started to show up a little. He immediately came out of his trance as he remembered she was pregnant and doctor has advised not to indulge in physical relation atleast for first trimester. Then he again looked at her and wondered did she not remember doctor’s advice and she fought with him why  is she behaving like sexy siren all of a sudden. Then it dawned upon him, she was trying to seduce him. He read somewhere that some women experience more sexual desire during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in their body. So she wants sex and because she fought with him she is too proud to ask for it herself hence decided to seduce him into it.His wife was a clever fox, he thought.

But he is no less, he thought and smirked, “So wifey wants to get close huh….why seducing me? You could have just asked.” He whispered in her ears and let out a small laugh. Mini became red in embarrassment at being caught at her game. She pushed him away. “Yes, its your baby who is making me horny so its your duty to fulfill my every desire.” Said Mini finally giving up the pretense. Neil laughed at her which made her even more angry. “Shut up, Its all your fault and now get on the bed and get down to business.” Mini ordered. “No way, don’t you remember doctor has advised no physical intimacy during the first trimester.”Replied Neil getting serious. “To hell with her. She is neither  frustrated sexually nor she is getting cranky by mood swings.” Said Mini raising her hands up in frustration. “I don’t know about her but I know about my wife and we should follow doctor’s advice because it is in best interest of both my wife and the baby.” Neil explained. “Huh! All excuses…I know you are still mad at me because of the fight that’s why you are saying all this.” complained Mini. “I am not angry at you. You said sorry last night and I forgave you remember.”Asked Neil. “Ya, but you didn’t mean it…I mean you still look lost and upset.”Replied Mini looking at his eyes. Neil sighed, “That’s because I am a little disappointed with you” he said the truth.

“But I am sorry…I watched your interview again and I am feeling so stupid to doubt on you….I am really sorry.” Said Mini pouting like a child. “You should have just asked me why I didn't take your name if you felt bad at that time only.”Said Neil looking down. “And its not only about the interview….that way you talked to me and how you blamed me for Arya’s insecurity and this pregnancy. I Knew you said all this in anger but then also…. Actually I am just disappointed. The fact that you keep blaming me everytime it hurts me. It is like…you are asking to prove my love again and again …I feel tired of it.” Neil finally said what was troubling him. Mini felt worse after this. She realized she has no control on her tongue in anger. “Neil…I am really sorry. I was so frustrated. All day I sit idle in this house. All the work I did for photography summit is waste now. I couldn’t find any more assignments. You all are behaving as if I am made of glass and will break down any moment. This too much care is suffocating me and then Arya’s outburst…..All this made me cranky and I vent it out on you. I regretted it immediately but then I didn’t want to talk at that time…so…” Mini told him about her feelings. “Its ok Love, it happens. Just like you cant control it I also lose my cool sometimes.I can understand how difficult this pregnancy is for you that’s why I asked you to think over it and then decide anything. But now we are in it together and we will support each other and make this journey of parenthood beautiful.” Neil promised as he hugged her.

Mini hugged him back, “Thank you for coming into my life.” Said Mini as she kissed him on his cheeks. Neil smiled and pulled her more into his arms, “As far as Arya is concerned I think we should talk to her together and I have also arranged a session with child psychologist tomorrow. I requested him to come to restaurant so that Arya wont feel awkward visiting him in his clinic.” Said Neil. “That’s a very good idea. I think I should also call Montu’s and Neha’s parents there. After all they also feel insecure about their siblings and they put this idea into Arya's head.” Replied Mini. “Ya, that’s a good idea. See if we talk out all things nothing seems difficult.” Said Neil as he caressed her hair. “Hmm….”Mini closed her eyes enjoying his touch. But suddenly she stopped him, “I know what you are trying to do. You are trying to put me to sleep so that you wont have to make love.” Complaint Mini. “Love, you know we cant .Doctor strictly advised against it.” Neil tried to make her understand as he laughed at her antics. “I know you are making excuses. Truth is you don’t find me attractive anymore because I have become fat.” Mini complaint pouting like a little kid. Neil smiled at her cuteness, “You have no idea how desirable you look these days. This pregnancy has made you more attractive than ever. You have put on weight at all the right places.” He said last line in a sexy drawl looking at her cleavage. Mini blushed at his compliment. “Ok, if you are craving for it that much then lets see what we can do” said Neil looking at her. Mini became all excited and hugged him tightly. “Hey, don’t get your hopes high….still no sex for you.” Neil made it clear. “Then” asked Mini again like a stubborn child. Neil thought for sometime and gave her his most sexy smile, “What about body massage? Its good for your health and relax your nerves plus you will get to enjoy my touch.”suggested Neil. Mini blushed and nodded in yes.

Next day as per their plan Mini and Neil brought lots of gifts for Arya and went to her room. Arya looked all excited to see gifts but then turned towards other side angrily. “Little darling look what your genie brought.” Said Neil.“Whatever it is I Know its not for me. Its for the new baby.” Arya complained.“No, chhutanki, everything is for you.” Said Mini as she tried to persuade Arya to look at the gifts. “I don’t want any gifts from you. I know you and genie don’t love me anymore because you are going to have your own baby.” Arya complained again. “What do you mean by your own baby?” asked Mini hurt by her words. “I mean that you are only my sister and now you are bringing your own baby who will call you mom so from now on you will love the baby more.” Arya said on the verge of tears. “Hey, Little darling. Look at me. Did you forget what I said to you on our reception party? I said to everyone that from that day you are Neil and Mini’s daughter and no one can point out their finger on this fact. Remember I asked you whenever anyone will question about your importance in our life you will say with pride that you are our first child.”Said Neil as he looked into Arya’s eyes. Arya also looked into his eyes. What he was saying is right but she was not liking the fact that their love and attention will be divided now between her and the baby. “But now you will love me less.” Arya put forward her doubts. “Who said that? You and your Veer Balika are the daughter of same mother. Now would you say that your mother loved you more than Veer Balika or vice versa.” Asked Neil in a hope to make her understand.

Arya kept thinking for some time then nodded her head in no. “See, its that simple.For us you are of first and foremost importance. We will have this baby and we will also love him but that doesn’t mean that we will stop loving you.”Explained Mini as she cupped her face lovingly. “But then why everyone keeps bringing gifts for the baby and so excited about him all the time.” Asked Arya pouting. “Because baby doesn’t have any single thing. So we have to buy everything for him from the starting and since babies are so small they need extra care so everyone will give a little more attention to him. And with baby’s arrival not only we are becoming parents but you are also becoming elder sister. Will you feel insecure from your little sister or brother?" said Neil as he made her sit in his lap.  “Hmm you are right genie. I was being stupid. Veer Balika and you are so caring and loving towards me and I will be the same for this baby.” Finally Arya understood what they were trying to say. All three of them then went to the restaurant where child psychologist and Montu and Neha along with their parents were waiting for them. First the child psychologist talked to the adults and made them understand the insecurities and rivalry among siblings are normal thing but they should be careful in displaying their affection towards any  one. Other one should not feel left out. Then he interacted with children through games and puzzles and made them understand and accept their role as elder sibling. At the end all of them sighed in relief as the matter was finally sorted out.

Mini finally made her peace with her career being at stalled temporarily because of pregnancy. She decided to pursue online skill upgradation course to understand all the latest development in this field and spent her time in reading articles and watching reviews of different photography events. Mini also started talking to her papaji and gave him the news about her pregnancy. He was very happy about it and asked her permission if he could visit her sometimes to which she agreed. Everything was back on track for them except her mood swings. She was becoming increasingly cranky and choosy day by day and Neil was at the receiving end of all this. No matter how much patience he kept but Mini made him pull his own hair in frustration with her tantrums. Her demands were increasing day by day and they all were whimsical and weird. Sometimes she wanted to eat ice cream at 1.00 am at night or sometimes she asked him to make something but when he use to brought it she refused to eat it and demanded another food item. Mini’s taste buds were going wild and so is Neil’s mood. At the beginning of third trimester he was literally counting days when this baby will come out. He was so irritated with her tantrums but then couldn’t even say anything to her. She looked so cute with that baby bump that all he wanted to do is to kiss her and baby bump all day. He had taken off from the restaurant when Mini was in last month. Both of them spent all the time together fighting over baby’s gender and names. Finally the day came when Mini went into labour.

Since doctor said it is going to be normal delivery she asked Neil to join the labour room to support Mini. He took a deep breath and entered the room as if entering into the battle field. But all his confidence vanished when he heard Mini screaming at the top of her voice. He nervously stood by her side holding her hand as he looked at the whole procedure horrified. “Love relax….relax….calm down it will all be over soon” he said in between more to himself than to Mini.“You try giving birth next time then I will ask you to calm down and relax” Mini shouted at him. “Next time….I don’t think there will be a next time” said Neil dreading the possibility. He definitely not going through all her tantrums and this delivery trauma again. He thought in his mind. He was lost in his thoughts when he heard baby’s scream. Both of them looked at their little bundle of joy. Both of them were having happy tears in their eyes. Doctor congratulated them as she handed their daughter to them. Neil took her in his arms for the first time. He couldn’t believe how small she was. He brought her towards Mini. “Looks like you won Neil Oberoi. It’s a daughter….our ‘Aayat’ has come to our world.” Said Mini as she smiled between her tears. Soon Mini was shifted into the room and everyone joined her there. A nurse brought their daughter after sometime and handed her over to Mini. Neil sat beside Mini on the bed admiring her little munchkin and Arya joined from the other side to see her little sister. Dadu, Biji, Naeem bi, Ashok Khurana and all their friends congratulated them. Preet asked all four of them to pose for a picture and captured the happy family, mother- father and their two daughters, in one frame.

The End.

Precap- Epilogue to follow.

Bechain_Bulbul2021-05-15 07:04:10

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