Chapter 1

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Testing Her Boundaries Part I

Original Prompt: "Raavi gets into an accident and fractures her hand and Shiva has to help her with everything from eating to dressing" by @Honey272

Notes: As much as I enjoy the idea of the prompt above, I couldn't help but add my own twist to up the romance factor a little bit. Hope you don't mind the slight change in prompt @Honey272... and I also don't know what you were expecting in terms of romance... Hope you enjoy either way!

Summary: Alone in the house, and unwilling to do her wifely duties for Shiva, Raavi pretends to get hurt to get out of doing chores. Shiva catches on to her trick pretty quickly and decides to test each and every one of Raavi's boundaries to get her to admit the truth.

Second Note: So any of you who have read my works before... this is very different from my usual writing. I gave a try at writing romance (touchy romance) for the first time so do let me know how you like/hate it. I'm very choppy with romance writing... so any words of improvement would be much appreciated! Also, this is not what I would categorize an M (18+) story, but it probably is definitely a 16+ story, so do be cautioned with what you will end up reading!


Part II - Page 2

Part III - Page 5


"Add a spoon of masala."

He couldn't help but roll his eyes. The chudail was at it again. With her nagging behavior. Do this. Do that! What did one less spoon of masala do to a dish? She should be happy he took the initiative to even cook for her. If she hadn't been so naggy and needy, he would've just ordered food for them both.

He took out a heaping spoon, and Raavi immediately straightened, "I said a spoon of masala, Shiva. Not five spoons of masala."

He slammed the masala container onto the countertop. This was getting really ridiculous. Four hours ago, when he learned of her injury, he put aside all his hate for her. Yes, they both hated and despised each other. But she was hurt. And he wasn't going to bully a hurt puppy.

But she was making it very difficult for him. In four hours, she demanded he give her sharbat, make her nimbu pani, and get her some Little Hearts cookies. As if that wasn't enough, she then demanded he make her gobhi paratha.

He glared at her stomach. The chipkali definitely was a mix of some horror concoction. No way was she human with that sort of hunger.

"Good. And now namak," Raavi announced as she leaned closer to the vessel. She took in a deep breath and grinned, "Arey wah! It's smells so good!"

Of course it smells good! Why wouldn't it smell good when you've essentially caused me to shed blood, tears, and sweat for this!

He glared at the stuffing in the vessel. This was the third time he was cooking this. The first time, he accidentally burned the onions. Raavi told him to throw out the dish since she didn't fancy getting 'cancer' from those burnt onions. The second time, he accidently dumped too much salt because Raavi was distracting. And once she realized the dish became salty, she told him to throw away the stuffing. And now... he was just waiting for her to open up her vampire mouth to tell him to throw away his hard work again.

It was why he was more cautious this time. Too much masala... too much salt, and the chudail would cause him to start all over again.

"The namak container is near you. You put whatever amount you want," he stirred the stuffing to prevent any burning.

Raavi's lips curled upwards into a smug smile, "Did you forget, Shiva?" she raised her right arm, showing off the newly placed white cast. "I can't open the container."

His eyes narrowed. She really was annoying him to the core with that one dialogue. What didn't make any sense to him was how the chipkali hurt herself. As far as he knew, there was no reason for her to fracture her arm. There were no hazards in the house, either. His bhabi made sure of that.

He took the namak box from her and uncapped it. You just fractured one arm. Your other arm is still functioning. He scoffed as he put an entire spoon of namak into the vessel. He couldn't wait until his family returned. It was just another 24 hours... and then he could push this 'problem' onto someone else.

"It's done!" Raavi announced as she stared at the stuffing with eager eyes.

Shiva let out a sigh of relief. He genuinely thought he had to repeat the stuffing again. "Great," he muttered. "So we can finally eat."

"Arey buddhu," Raavi used her good-functioning hand to gently tap his head, "This is just the stuffing. You still need to roll out the parathas."

He stared at the vessel with horror. More work?

Raavi hid her grin as she jumped off the counter with excitement. This will show her awful husband. She glanced around and smiled when she saw the small recipe book Dhara maintained, "I'll... uh, be right back, but you," she pushed the book into his hands, "Get started on page 23."

Before Shiva could even ask her where she was running off to, Raavi sprinted towards the room with glee. Her husband had really been annoying her over the past several days. Playing a game of cat and mouse. Making fun of her at every moment for being oblivious or innocent. And well... now she had the upper hand. 'Mastermind' Shiva couldn't even tell her lies.

She let out a giggle as she thought back to her husband's hurt face when he found out he still had to roll out the parathas, "The bhoothnath turned into a kitten," she held her stomach as she remembered the scene.

When Dhara and Gaumbi announced the entire family, sans Shiva and Raavi (as Shiva elected to stay at home to look after the store), would be gone to attend a distant cousin's wedding, Raavi was positively horrified. It was hard enough to deal with her husband when the rest of the family was present... but just the two of them over the weekend? He would murder her. 

"You're an absolute genius, Raavi!" she couldn't help but pat herself on the shoulder for her little trick. She never thought her fake injury would cause the bhoothnath to become tame. He'd been listening to her every word. Bringing her whatever it was she wanted, cooking (which is something he never does) for her, and even holding in his anger whenever she purposely told him to start over.

"If I knew Shiva would be this nice, I would've faked my injury long ago!" Raavi fell down onto the bed with a smirk forming onto her face. Rubbing both her hands excitedly, she hummed, "Let's see... what else can I do to trouble Shiva before the rest of the family comes back."

As she was plotting for Shiva's demise, she missed the fact that Shiva was outside the door, hearing her every word. He gripped onto the spatula even tighter. When he received the call about Raavi hurting herself somehow, he dropped everything to come and attend to her, even closing the store, just to see if she was doing well.

While the Pandya Store was losing thousands, this chipkali was living the dream of making his family go bankrupt.

I knew this Maami Ki Behen Ki Beti was bad news.

So, just as she was plotting his demise, he was plotting her demise. He would do whatever it took to get her to admit she was lying about her injury. 

His lips curved upwards into a smirk. Let the games begin, chipkali. He wasn't the family's best prankster for nothing.


Task I: Help the Injured Eat by Personally Hand Feeding Them

Surprisingly, Shiva was fairly good at rolling out the parathas. They came out in perfect circles, something Raavi continued to struggle with, every single time. And as such, she couldn't trouble him there. She decided she would trouble him in some other way... perhaps after dinner... or perhaps I'll get him to feed me, and when he does, I'll make sure to bite off his hand.

Meanwhile, Shiva already had the perfect plan in his head. 

"Let me feed you." "Feed me, Shiva." They both said at the same time. Raavi blinked, unbelieving that Shiva would make a request, while Shiva secretly enjoyed his luck of the chipkali being so accommodating. It would make carrying out his plan that much better. 

Shiva nodded his head as he put a few parathas on the plate. Along with the parathas were curd and mango pickle. Raavi's favorite combination, and a combination that would only promote her absolute undoing.

He ripped a piece of the paratha and dipped it both into the curd and pickle. Raavi, innocent little Raavi, opened her mouth with a smile. Shiva inched closer to her, "Open wide," he muttered. He purposely missed the angle so curd smeared over her soft lips.

Raavi frowned as she leaned back. With a glare, she licked her lips clean, but luckily, there were still patches of curd and pickle left in places where her tongue couldn't reach. Shiva smirked as he continued to feed her, purposely missing so the curd was smeared across her lower face. Regardless of how much she tried to wipe, the curd didn't come off her face. Not when her left arm was covered in it. And as much as she wanted to use her dupatta, she had no desire to ruin her clothing.

"Shiva!" she groaned frustrated as he missed her mouth again. Now the curd was pretty much dripping from her chin. "Are you blind?" she stared at her arm with a sigh.

Shiva observed her with keen eyes, hoping she would become frustrated enough to use her right arm. But the chipkali came planned. Her right arm was fixed to her side, not moving an inch. No matter... I'll just have to up the annoyance factor. "Do you want me to help you clean off?" an idea burst into his head, and as embarrassing as it would be for him to carry it out, he knew he had to. It would most certainly prompt Raavi to confess her lies.

Raavi turned to him, still not realize what it is that he will do, and frowned, "Are you sure you'll clean me up?"

"Most certainly," Shiva smirked.

"Fine," Raavi rolled her eyes as she relaxed into her seat. But when she noticed Shiva approaching her, she couldn't help but tense up. "W-what are you doing?" He was close enough that their noses were nearly brushing. No method she could think of required him to be this close.

"Cleaning you up," his breath tickled her ear. If the butterflies in her stomach wasn't bad enough... the feeling she had to experience next was worse. Much, much, much worse.

She felt Shiva's tongue against her lower jaw. Far enough from her lips... but it didn't matter. Whatever he did... it made the emotions and feelings in her stomach become worse. She felt a tingling buzz shoot through her skin, and when she saw Shiva lean back and lick his lips, the buzz clouded all judgement she had.

W-what was that?

His hooded eyes glanced over at her and he leaned back in. She closed her eyes. As much as she wanted to slap him away for using such a method, she couldn't help but... want it. He brushed his tongue closer to her lips, this time just grazing her lower lip. A shiver ran through her as she swallowed. When he leaned back again, she couldn't help but reach out to grab his shirt.

She couldn't let him have the upper hand. He was teasing her, and probably having the time of his life seeing her reactions. She needed him to do it one more time. To get back at him for making her feel tingly all over.

"If you're going to clean me up, then at least do it right," she glared. "Don't leave the task half unfinished."

Shiva stared at her with annoyance. The first time he licked her, he thought he elicited enough of a reaction. Her right arm twitched, and he was convinced she would slap him. But, when she didn't, he went in again, this time, even closer to her lips. And now this chipkali was provoking him?

He leaned closer to her, licking over her lips, but just when he was about to retreat, she pounced on him by biting his lower lip. This caught him by enough surprise that the plate he was holding tumbled down, causing both of them to move away from each other. The cup of curd turned, and he felt the cool cream slither down his face and land on his arm.

Unfortunately, Raavi's situation was much worse. The curd dripped down her face... and landed on her chest. He watched as the curd dribbled beneath her clothes, into an area he couldn't see.

Raavi's eyes widened as she felt the curd drip down her body. If she had been all alone, it wouldn't have mattered. But the mere fact of having Shiva's dark eyes trained on her chest... she wanted to both hug her chest and disappear... but a little part of her also wanted him to take care of the problem he started.

Shiva... what are you doing to me?

Notes: Second part should be up soon!

milkcakejamun2021-05-18 12:30:28

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