Chapter 15

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Atisha Khan


Chapter 10 :


3.00 am, afternoon, ETF conference room.

All were sitting in their respective places, including Sonali. Arjun was busy with his pen.

Arjun : We have a problem... no actually there's two.

Chotu : But there's only one solution. (to Rathod ) Sir let's drop this case.

But nobody bothered to heed Chotu...(Actually all ignored him )

Arjun : First problem, to find the threat caller, Shree?

Shree : Landline no, sir. From Mehra mansion.

Rathod : So problem solved was...him.

Aisha : Who?

Chotu : Ghost, warewolf,vampire...( Rathod remained silent as if he agreed with him)

Saakshi : they don't use technology.

Sonali : Oye, this is the advanced world, if we can move on ,why don't they? Didn't you watch Twilight?

Rathod : Stop it, guys. But I must say, whomever called, his voice wasn't felt human to me.

Arjun : Right, Rathod. Only we know that we went there a day before, we didn't tell anybody except...( looked at Sonali)

Sonali : I'm zipped.

Arjun: then no other people know about that.

Chotu : But ghosts are not restricted to know it.

Arjun : Right.( he agreed unwillingly)... But I'll definitely find out if this mansion is haunted or not. We have to know every detail about Yatin, if any ghosts exist in the castle, it must be him.

Rathod : Woh to hum karege, now the 2nd problem?

Arjun : to find out somebody who was very close to Yatin & won't hide anything from us.

Sonali : Just a minute... I gave a flash drive that contains every detail that Vadera uncle collected about Yatin & the mansion; besides, It have been a long time, I don't think we can find any other close person except Maya.

Arjun : It's not so long, Sonali. If we search, we can find some of his friends, co-actors, agents,or any other close person. Besides, he lived a luxurious life, there must be his servents, and we have to find some of them.

Rathod : yeah, maybe we can find someone. So let's do it. Chotu find someone worked in that mansion or for Mehra's. Saakshi & Aisha, check the co-workers of Yatin, actors, directors, producers, studio-employes, anyone. & Sonali, Maya is quite comfortable with you, so you will talk with Maya & her maid, Bibha. Find out what are they hiding.

Sonali : OK, but I need Yatin's diary & letters, I promised her to return those things.

Arjun : Shree've copied those. You may take them.

Rathod : Have you find something new in those stuffs, Rawte?

Arjun : Well, it was interesting, he cursed his mansion in his suicide note. He wrote, he'll posses his sweet home even after his death, he'll never left his home... & also wrote something strange...

Sonali : that he'll not left Maya alone & he'll be back for her, in another form...

Rathod : B-grade filmy dialogue. Shree, what about the call detail?

Shree : Maya is clean, sir. I didn't find anything suspisous about her. She calls her sons twice in a day, & makes some regular calls, that's it.

Arjun : & NC ?

Shree : Well, I think I need a little more time to make any conclusion about him, he makes so many calls, & I also trying to go through his bank statements & business details. May be I can find something interesting.

Rathod : Good. Chotu, you went to the property dealers, progress?

Chotu passed a file.

Arjun : OK then, we're going to the crime scene.

Rathod : Now, but why? It'll be evening when we'll reach there... Did you forget what happened last time?

Arjun : No, I don't, but we have to confirm some doubts.

Rathod : Now what do you want to confirm? For how long we can survive inside that mansion, huh? You may have the hobby to suicide, but sorry, I'm not interested. & by the way, we cannot find any clue in darkness, so better we'll go tomorrow morning.

Arjun : No Rathod, we'll go now.

Rathod : But...

Arjun : We'll just confirm how long it takes to convert the anxiety to that apprehension ... & how strong the apprehension is ...

Rathod :  (shouting) How strong, last time heart attack anewala tha, bhul gaye ?

Arjun : then take Shree with you this time... & I'll go with Saakshi. Let's check if he also go through the same or not. Another thing...we have to know for how long we remain in that state, I mean, we have to measure the distance from the mansion where that feeling disappears.

Rathod : Last time, it was 40 miles, when I got into my bed.

Arjun : Then confirm it, if it is really 40 miles or not. Don't rush like last time, have a strategic retreat, take slow steps backward, get out of the mansion, stop in driveway, look around, try to understand the intensity. We'll stop in between our way outside to understand if that feeling disappears or not.

Rathod :  (smiling weakly) we'll stop & try to between...great!!!

Arjun : Maybe this time we'll feel nothing, because it's our 2nd time. Come on, lets go...

Shree : 1 minute, sir, If I come with you who will operate the recording console?

Arjun : Aisha & Chotu can handle that thing. Come.

Sonali : I'm coming with you...

Rathod : Haan... chalo, Rawte to marwake rahega... iss baar koi to hona chahiye hamari dead bodies count karne ke liye.


In ETF Parking area

All were waiting for their bosses.Aisha dragged Saakshi in a corner.

Aisha  : what about your friend? Is she OK?

Saakshi : Better. Why?

Aisha : Yesterday she was crying so badly...

Saakshi : & she continued it whole night...I've mixed some sleeping pills in her coffee in the morning...

Aisha : & now?

Saakshi : I don't know, maybe she's pretending to be normal or maybe trying to remain calm.I really don't know what she's upto.

Aisha : Don't worry, She'll be fine.

Arjun called Saakshi.

Arjun : Saakshi, chalo.

Arjun took a SUV with Saakshi & Sonali, while Rathod took another with remaining three.


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