Chapter 22

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Thank you so much for all your comments and likes... Trying to be creative and add few more chapters here... 

Enjoy and keep commenting... Love you all...

You all are   for encouraging me with my first ever attempt in story writing...

Chapter 22 - Old enemy strikes again!

Sheetal was in Mumbai initially but she managed to get a job in another company and came back to Delhi in couple of months.

She was lying low and wanted for the right opportunity to attack.

One the business parties, she went recently when she got to know that Arnav was supposed to attend. It was during Khushi's exam days and Sheetal had guessed Arnav might come alone.

To her luck, Arnav went alone for that party and attended it for barely an hour to meet all his clients and went back. Sheetal attended meeting after Arnav went back.

But she manipulated old picture of hers with Arnav to get it published on Page 3 next day! Some of the cheap newspapers always needed gossips and they published the news...

"ASR hooking up with old flame while his wife stays at home!" article was blown out of proportion with fabricated love story and indicating ASR having a kid with Sheetal and what not.

Arnav got call from Aman first thing early morning and message from various magazines and news-papers asking him to confirm the news.

Aranv was beyond rage but Khushi calmed him down. Timing also was worst. Here he was planning to surprise Khushi with a clothing line under her name for young, college going girls and introduce Khushi to the world by getting her inaugurate the fashion show!!

He immediately called a meeting to avoid further damage control but still he was hopping mad! Khushi was adamant on letting the news die on its own than giving it importance.

Arnav did not want Khushi to go to college but she insisted and went anyways. Khushi's mood was off and Ks were trying to cheer her up. She could not be upset in front of Arnav else he would get even mad and do something hastily... But Ks could see how upset she was!!

"Hey Khushi, can we for a coffee today?" As usual Rakesh stepped into her way.

"How many times I have to tell you that I am not interested" Khushi was angry now and shouted at Rakesh.

"And why is that? I am the most popular and handsome guy in the college and a topper. What is your problem, Khushi? Acting pricy, are we?" Rakesh asked back mocking at Khushi.

"Because I am happily married and you also know this. Now is that good enough reason for you?" Khushi could not help but give away. It was not that she wanted to purposely hide. Most of her friends knew she was married and she always had small sindoor in her forehead clearly indicating she was married...

Rakesh was beyond shocked and felt betrayed. He had heard the rumor about Khushi being married but never seen her with anyone and he assumed it might not be true. Or his heart did not want to believe the news or mostly he was lured by betting even though Rajiv had clearly told him about Khushi being married when they had initially talked about Khushi...

But the damage was done and he was very angry.

"Is it a joke, Khushi? I have asked you million times for a date and you are telling me now that you are married?" Rakesh was screaming at Khushi creating a scene.

"And exactly million times, I had said NO to you. Didn't you get the clear message Mr. Rakesh" Khushi replied calmly.

"Why your marriage is a secret? Had your husband left you or he does not like you or he has affair and he does not need you? I still like you Khushi and I can entertain you..." Rakesh was now mocking Khushi and saying nasty things.

Khushi was already vulnerable due to Sheetal incident was shocked to hear it. And already huge crowd had gathered around them and everyone gasped hearing Rakesh.

Khushi's eyes were teary and she was thinking what to do and obviously she was going to give Rakesh clear advice to stay within his limits... But then she heard a loud slap and Rakesh almost fell down but his friends held him.

Arnav just did not feel good about Khushi attending college today. Even though Khushi had put up a brave face in front him, he knew how hurt she was and old wounds were open again. Arnav regretted it even today and blamed himself completely for the Sheetal fiasco. Only he could wish he could go back in time and undo so many things!!

Arnav had decided to pick up Khushi from college and happened to walk into the ruckus Rakesh had created. The crowd gasped and shocked seeing Arnav Singh Raizada in their campus and that too giving Rakesh a tight slap and now holding Khushi's hand.

"Her husband Arnav Singh Raizada loves her to death!" Declared Arnav with a loud and proud voice holding Khushi even closer now...

Everyone was shocked, was an understatement. Everyone obviously had seen Khushi using expensive cars and clothes every now and then. Her dresses and style was up to date and trendy but still no one had bothered to dig deep into asking Khushi who is her husband. Khushi also had kept low profile and focused on her education but never knew one day she will be questioned like this and judged by others in public!

"Oh Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada is Khushi's husband! What a News!" Rakesh started laughing out loud. Both Khushi and Aranv were surprised at his reaction. They were not sure what to expect next. But they both guess it would not be something nice for sure...

"So Khushi while the great Mr. ASR is busy with his ex-girlfriend Sheetal, you should not have any issues going with me for a coffee? Right ASR?" Rakesh mocked them both.

All the gathered students started gossiping and talking. Some of them were even recording by now. Arnav thought best way was to step back without further damaging the situation in college, go home and let his lawyers, PR team handle the situation and give out a statement on their behalf.

But Khushi was beyond rage when Rakesh insulted Arnav. Khushi stepped further and slapped Rakesh with all her energy and he fell down.

"Watch your filthy mouth Rakesh" Khushi roared "Just like some boys like you who do NOT understand the word NO, there are some women as well, who do NOT understand the word NO and run after married and rich men. Sheetal is one of those women and do NOT dare say a single word against my husband" Khushi warned Rakesh with no nonsense attitude.

"And due to the revenge attitude, such people go to any extent to malign other's image. Exactly that's what Sheetal is trying to do and you too. No matter what, the fact remains the same and truth always wins. Ask yourself, did I ever give you a single hope ever or even looked at you to make you feel I am interested but due to your big fat ego and bet, you were getting bold day by day and could not digest a NO" Khushi did not want to stop now.

"Whole world knows what type of a woman Sheetal Kapoor is, big time gold digger and all the time running after married men. Especially rich married men pretending to be mother of their child when they were friends in college or at work before... And she would adopt a child from orphanage and can go to any low level to mint money from rich guys... I don't need to justify my husband for her crap. She is not worth it" Khushi concluded with another tight slap to Rakesh.

Arnav had to hold her back now that she was getting out of control. He hugged her tight...

"Khushi baby, calm down... Let's go home... Are you ok sweetheart? Honey, look at me" Arnav kept consoling her and murmuring sweet nothings to soothe her...

By them Principal had come and Rakesh was ashamed of his own behavior knowing that Khushi had always refused to even talk to him and she was so right!

Arnav was beyond surprised seeing Khushi handle the situation so well and making them both stand tall in front of all her college mates.

Principal took them both to his office and discussed the matter at hand. He promised Arnav to take actions against Rakesh.

By then most of the college students have recorded the video of the incident happened in college and it was already floating all over the what's app and even you tube. What else can anyone expect in fast paced media world?

By the time they reached home, all TV channels were showing new video of Khushi and Arnav from her college campus and media giving thumbs up to Mrs. Raizada. There were loud applauds on how Mrs. Raizada handled vile woman and allegations on her husband!! By then news channels also had dug more information on Sheetal and her bad deeds as mentioned by Khushi and there was a complete listing of all her frauds... Sheetal sure dug a deep hole for herself this last time...

Sheetal was fuming with rage that her so well planned attempt was foiled by Khushi easily and she lost it again. But she did not realize, there was no second chance this time. Last time Arnav had quickly kicked her away from his life to avoid hurting Khushi. But this time he had no excuse.

His hired private detectives, they clearly identified the pictures were photo shopped. Arnav held a press conference and declared law suit was filed against the newspaper as well as Sheetal.

He also had opened all fraud cases against Sheetal and she was arrested immediately. She had taken too many fraudulent loans and money to escape this time. He even informed London police where she had done frauds and vanished.

Sheetal had no friends who could bail her out and take open enmity against Arnav!! Plus Sheetal was wrong and she had duped many of her friends as well. So any attempts for her to come out of jail would land up in prosecuted for her frauds in London!!

Sheetal was gone permanently this time from Arnav and Khushi's life this time around!!

Arnav made sure of that.

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