Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - A Wake up Call

Arnav came down for breakfast as usual. He could see lot of rush and running around the kitchen.

"Khushi has to go to Institute and she has taken the whole house on her head while getting ready. Nothing unusual though. She always does that" Payal explained him sheepishly.

"I know. She can be over hyper sometimes" Arnav tried to cover up as if he knew she was going to Institute to further enquire on courses.

Arnav did not like the fact that again he was not aware Khushi was going to Institute early morning to enquire for her courses.

"HPji, I have already made naniji's favorite breakfast. Make sure to serve her after her Pooja. Also make sure she takes her medicines" Khushi ordered HP while walking out of the kitchen.

Arnav was shocked to see Khushi. She was wearing light blue tight jeans with a beautiful red embroidery top with short sleeves. She looked gorgeous was an understatement.

She also had a trendy bag in her hand and was wearing a trendy moderate heel sandals. She looked so refreshing and perfect college going girl.

"What?" Khushi asked Arnav after she realized he was checking her out. But Arnav fell short of complimenting her.

"Nothing, never seen you wearing jeans before" He casually mentioned.

"Kriti and Kamya helped her pick few clothes at the mall last week, doesn't she look so amazing" Payal said.

"Khushi, what's so special? You are looking so beautiful" Akash complimented her. Even Di agreed.

"Thank god Khushi, you listened and decided to wear the jeans for college and thank you naniji for allowing Khushi to wear her age clothes for college. Get going Khushi, else you will be late and here is your lunch" Payal commented and handed her lunch box.

Khushi quickly had her breakfast and headed towards the door.

"Wait Khushi," Arnav barely made up his mind to call her but she was gone.

"All the time Sheetal keep asking him for the ride or never misses chance to go with him. Why can't Khushi ask him once?" Arnav was angry in his mind.

"Why she has to ask you fool? She is your wife. You could have simply taken her with you and you could have got the chance to see what courses she is interested in and you could have guided her" His heart chided him. But he and his big fat ego could not just move from the dining table. How can he even run after her and take her with him?

Driver Mohan was ready waiting for her.

"Thank you Mohanji, pick me up at 4 pm" Khushi let the driver go.

Khushi was exhausted by 4 pm. Luckily she had carried lunch box since Payal forced her. So at least she could eat lunch but it was a busy day at the Institute and she has to learn so many processes for her part time job.

It was heavy traffic time and would take at least 45 minutes to get home. Khushi's mind was already overworking thinking about house c****s and yet she never knew when she slept off in the car.

Suddenly there was jerk and she bumped her head on the front seat. A car behind theirs had dashed into their car and Khushi got up with pain in her head. It was a very minor accident and she got a small bump on her forehead.

Driver Mohan stopped the car and went out of the car and checked the vehicle. The Insurance numbers were exchanged. He took photos of both the cars and called Insurance Company to report the accident.

Khushi was holding her head and Mohan tried to call Arnav to inform him. But Arnav did not pick up his phone, maybe he was busy in a meeting.

Since it was just 5, 10 minutes they had started from the Institute and due to traffic, they had hardly moved so Khushi called Karan immediately and he reached within 5 minutes.

Karan took Khushi home with him while Mohan took the car to mechanic for repair.

Naniji prayed and thanked Devi Mayya that Khushi was OK and she just had slight headache. She asked her to take some rest. Anjali Di gave her tea and headache medicine and Khushi slept off.

Arnav saw missed call from his Di and called her back. He started for home and ran towards his car after hearing Khushi had an accident even though DI had said Khushi was ok.

He checked his calls, he could see couple of missed calls from Mohan but not a single call directly from Khushi. He was really worried for her now and getting worked up.

He got into his room running and saw Khushi sitting leaning on the headboard with a minor bump on her head. He was relieved to see her OK but then started getting angry realizing she did not bother to call him and inform.

"Why the hell you did not call me, Khushi?" He raised his voice.

"Arnavji, Mohanji tried to call you but you did not pick up the phone so we thought you might be busy in a meeting" Khushi whispered. She still had headache.

"Are you kidding me Khushi? You had an accident and what do you mean I might be busy? You could have left message with my PA, called Akash or tried my phone again and again until you reach me?" Arnav was still hopping mad.

"It was a very minor accident and we were very close to the Institute when accident happened, so Karan came just in time and got me home" Khushi replied trying to calm him down.  

"Are you purposely doing this Khushi? Are you trying to ignore me?" Arnav asked with no nonsense attitude. He was so done with all this tension going on between him and Khushi.

Today was the height. His wife was involved in an accident and he got to know about it last.

"No, Arnavji. First of all it was a very minor accident and no one is really hurt. I slept off due to headache medicine and in the meantime Di informed you" Khushi tried to explain.

Arnav did not know how to convince her now. He should be the first person to know anything and everything happens in her life.

He really did not want to discuss it further right now and stress her. He was more worried about her health but he realized it was high time he talk to her. He went close to her, pecked on her forehead and asked her to rest.

Just then Kritika, Karan and Kamya walked in. Payal brought Khushi some soup and Kritika took the responsibility of feeding her soup and then Kamya gave her nice head massage while Karan and Kritika entertained her with some silly jokes.

Khushi was enjoying the attention she was getting over such a small accident.

"Khushi, this is not the first time. You know why you do these things. Just to get our attention, we know it for sure. You are still the same old attention monger, Khushi" Kamya teased her.

"Oh Hello, I used to fall while riding cycle back then in Lucknow but this was car accident that too someone else hit our car. How is it my fault?" Khushi sulked.

"We just love to tease you but we love to pamper you more" Kritika hugged Khushi.

Arnav so much wanted to talk to her and get some privacy but felt left out. First time he still showed some patience and quietly listened to all of them.

"It's late guys. Let Khushi have some rest" Arnav reminded them politely and gave Khushi her medicines. Ks had left. Khushi dozed off in few minutes.

Arnav knew she did not mean not to call him after today's accident. Yet it hurted him so much not to receive call from her. Their talks yesterday and today's accident had made him completely restless. He was desperate to talk to Khushi now.

He barely ate dinner sent by Di in his room. He just kept watching Khushi...

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