Chapter 2

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Yes I am swatideep on hinditvadda... 
Oops I am a newbee here and have been a big fan of stories posted on hinditv and india forums... 

"A Learning Curve" is my first attempt to write and many more chapters are available on hinditvadda

I guess I will need senior members help to change my id from srb132 to swatideep but email id on both places is same... 

I will try and figure out on how to post the story with links here... After my office hours that is...

Chapter 2 - Old Times with Ks

Khushi still standing at the door lost in her own thoughts, when someone hugged her tight from behind, closed her eyes and asked her to guess who it was?? Khushi's heart immediately recognized one of her best friend's voice but how can Kritika be here?? Still she screamed - Kriti is that you?? And turned around to see Kritika standing in front of her...

Khushi felt so overwhelmed after seeing her bestie after almost more than a year and hugged her tight. Happy tears rolled from both their eyes and both said together - Missed you so much yaar!! Khushi simply could not help but ask where the rest of the K's were. She couldn't believe her life got so busy with a roller coaster ride in last one year that she forgot her 5K gang - Khushi, Kritika, Kamya, Karan and Kavi. Though Khushi was 2 years younger and Payal was 2 years older to all remaining Ks, they all stayed in the same area of Gomati Sadan in Lucknow, grew up together and were besties until Khushi and Gupta family moved to Delhi.

Kritika took a deep breath and was about to start when buaji came up with her patent dialogue "Sanaka Devi do you plan to stand at the door or go to your room with Kritika while Amma will send you both tea and snacks!!"

Kritika looked at her watch and it was 2 pm. She was hungry too and declared she will have lunch with Khushi and cannot miss Garima auntie's delicacies anymore. She also declared to take Khushi with her to meet remaining K gang in the mall at 4 pm. Khushi was shocked hearing Kriti!! Her K gang was here in Delhi?? Khushi dragged Kriti to her room while Amma was making lunch ready. Kriti told her how Karan, Kamya and she were in Delhi working in an educational institute part time while finishing their masters. Kavi had gone for higher education to USA.

Khushi's face fell realizing how much she missed out and how much she wished she could finish her bachelor degree and she could also be doing something she always wanted to do - Related to event management or food technology.

Karan was managing the Institute gaining management experience while doing his masters in Event Management. Kamya was doing her masters in arts and so was Kritika. Khushi felt bad again realizing even Payal would have loved to join masters in arts or specialize in her painting, sculpture hobbies. Her heart pained remembering her jiji always busy in the kitchen and housework trying to please Raizada family who was never going to be happy with her jiji or her!!

Khushi just wished she could do something different and not feel the pain from her current life!!

Khushi and Kritika hopped into an auto to get to the mall. Khushi promptly informed Anjali Di that she was visiting her parents and will come home late, she knew no one bothered or cared but she did not want another argument over such trivial matters.

Karan and Kamya were waiting in the food court and were wonderfully surprised to see Khushi with Kritika. They both jumped towards Khushi for a group hug. Lots of eyes were on the friends when they screamed in happiness after meeting each other. They got the table, their coffee and snacks and started discussing their personal lives and what they all did in last one+ year.

Kamya, Kritika and Karan were shocked yet happy to hear that Khushi and Payal were both married in best possible family of Raizada and especially Khushi being married to the greatest Arnav Singh Raizada... Still all 3Ks felt something was amiss looking at Khushi!! Khushi's face looked marred with worries, her smile not reaching her eyes, her usual spunk and chirpiness was gone and she suddenly looked too mature or trying to act mature than her age and behaved way too serious.

They all enquired about Payal and their family and looked at each other while Khushi was still finishing her snacks!! They could easily guess even Payal's life was not all that happy or blessed. Something was wrong maybe it's their financial status gap, educational gap or culture / family lifestyle gap - Something was a big time miss... Who had not heard Arnav Singh Raizada's tall list of achievements in the business and fashion world yet it came along with lots of Page 3 stories of his affairs, arrogance etc.

What was more surprising was Khushi did not behave or look like Asia's richest business man's wife from any angle!! Not only she still wore similar dresses that she wore back in Lucknow, she did not have much money in her wallet or a standard cell phone... Her friends were super happy she still was down to earth person but something was definitely wrong... She still was completely Khushi Kumari Gupta with no positive glimpse of marrying the great Arnav Sign Raizada.

They did not dare ask her details about her marriage or Payal's. Decided to leave it for some other time. But then Khushi suddenly dropped bomb and cemented their doubts when she requested Karan for a job part time or full time!! All Ks were always known for their very high self-respect but still Khushi looking for a job was beyond their common sense.

They all could easily guess how much Khushi wishes she and Payal could complete their education, earn the degree and do something in life!! Why was she so insecure or suddenly turned timid, they had no clue... But did she not just now mention that hers was a love marriage and the great Arnav Sign Raizada married her twice and that they were recently married again!! Then how can Khushi be so lost??

Karan just took Khushi's hand in his hands and promised her to help without asking any other questions. They all wanted to wait until she opens up and shares the details. But Karan suggested and asked her if she wanted to complete her graduation (her last semester and exam) by correspondence course and achieve her degree!!

Khushi could not believe what she heard from Karan's mouth and third time today she was super excited!! In fact she felt happy after a long long time almost after a month since Sheetal had moved in their house... She felt Devi Maiya has heard her prayers today - First she was happy with her bauji's treatment and progress news, then meeting her K gang and now the biggest news of her being able to complete graduation. Just thought of studying further and completing her education and may be earn a master degree made Khushi so excited, her eyes sparkled and her friends could see glimpse of their old Khushi.

Suddenly a thought came in Khushi's mind - Arnavji is so highly educated, worked so hard towards getting his degrees from the best university in the world, why he never suggested her for further education or asked if she wanted to study further? And there, the sadness in her eyes was back!!

They never realized it was already 9.00 pm and they decided to drop Khushi at RM which was very close from the mall. Again they stopped feeling surprised that Khushi insisted on going alone and that too in an auto.

Khushi was reluctant yet could not help take Kamya, Kriti and Karan to RM to meet Payal. Now a days she was not sure of anything when it comes to her family especially Arnav. As soon as she opened the door, she heard everyone in living room still talking about basketball game, how much they enjoyed the game and their dinner outside. As usual Sheetal and Aarav were the center of attention and her jiji was serving everyone water or tea...

Khushi first time felt suffocated to return to RM and to her husband Arnav... So Arnav never missed her after the game or does he even need her anymore!! Everyone by then felt their presence and turned around.

They could see Khushi returning back home with 3 other new faces. They could clearly see she knew them well from their expressions! They looked like her friends and they were not wrong! Khushi smiled and introduced her friends one by one... All the three greeted and said hello but were looking for missing person. Just then Payal came out from the kitchen and was shocked to see Kamya, Karan and Kritika standing right in front of her eye!! Oh boy, how much she missed her old buddies... Before she could think more, she was crushed in a group hug!!

Akash, Arnav and Raizada family were stunned was an understatement. Suddenly the Raizada living room was a chaos, loud screams, group hugs among long lost friends! Arnav and Akash felt out of place first time in RM. Mamiji just made face, muttered her patent "Hello Hi Bye Bye" and left... Mamaji followed her. Naniji was happy to see Khushi and Payal smiling after a long time, blessed them all and left.

Sheetal was fuming mad looking at the current scenario and because the center of attention had moved away from her. She left with Aarav to her room. How can Anjali stay back when Aarav was going to bed? Left were Arnav and Akash. Common sense prevailed and they both decided to stay back and listen.

Arnav as usual started feeling jealous seeing Khushi so comfortable with her friends especially Karan. They were all still happily chit chatting when realized the presence of Akash and Arnav. Also they realized it was getting late. Karan side hugged Khushi and Payal and promised them to meet up next morning.

What is going on here? Yes, that was the first though in both Raizada brother's mind!!  
Srb1322016-11-05 13:49:41

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