Chapter 33

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last chapter guys!! Thanks for everything for all comments and love .. its a messy chapter as i wrote this on phone . Grammar is all over the place sorry. And dont hate me for the endingsmiley27

Chap 34- Love and just love

Imlie woke up at late night, she saw Aryan sleeping out in balcony on chair. His head was facing toward the sky. Imlie got up slowly, she could feel her pain med wear off. She could feel the tinge in her stomach area. But she wanted to get up . She slowly walked taking baby steps to Aru. Poor baby he been through a lot at once . She felt she has to be with him to stand strong behind him. She slowly brushed his hair she wanted to kiss his forhead but the pain and stitches she couldnt bend much. She kissed her hand and caressed him lightly not wanting to wake him up. There was another chair but before that she went in again slowly and got blanket. After settling herself on chair next to him, she tucked him in blanket. She didnt want blanket she was feeling hot anyways. She sat and stared at him with awe. He has been a pillar for her, with running around serving his country to being a doting husband to being an amazing son. He breaks down rarely but in a jiffy he gets up again. The courage, strength and the will of this man commendable. She smiled with her eyes glistened.  “Mera Aru” she whispered with adoration. He is not going to be happy that she got up by herself. She also knows once this is healed her chemotherapy will start again. Its going to get tougher from here. She remembered how cranky, depressing she had became last time during thr therapy. She used to be so moody she doesnt know how Aru will handle her. She thought she will try her best not to burden him much. He is already doing so much, but the affect of drugs take the person to another level. She knows it that time she was alone but this time Aru is there hope she doesnt lose control . She sighed and blew him kiss while he sleeps . Her pain increased, she needed to take medicine. She got up again slowly, it was a pain to get up nevertheless she did it. There was no water in room, she didnt want to wake him up he needed rest. She decided to go downstairs it was around 2 am. She took medicine with her.  It took her 15 minutes just to get downstairs. She went to kitchen and finally had her medicine . She was already tired she had no energy to go back upstairs. She went to sofa in living room and half sat and half sleeping position she settled there. She went to sleep finally. 

Aryan woke up all of sudden and found Imlie missing. “Imlie, Imlie” he raised his voice. He saw blanket on him knew that woman has gotten up now not in room anymore.  She will never listen to me , he whispered to himself.

 He went downstairs and found her sleeping on sofa. He picked her up, she muttered in sleep something.  They finally slept together on bed, Aryan being careful not cuddle her. 

After two months, Imlie shifted her case to Mumbai doctor. They recommended to start the therapy as soon as possible. Aryan meanwhile was away for his work. He will be back once her therapy starts even though Imlie insisted that she will be fine and she wont give up this time. 

After two days, her first chemo started and with that affect of it. Rounds of chemo begun and Imlie body started to change again, she would be nauseous half of time, she would vomit, lost her appetite . Aryan was back after couple rounds of chemo. He would be with her in hospital. One day, Imlie was irritated, agitated anxious and depressed she felt everything that day.  When Aryan came near her scolding her for being a child, she threw the pillow at him and started crying . “Please go from here mujhe akela chodo please !” She yelled at him. “Am not in right state mein kuch bhi karlungi” she was throwing tantrums like a child. So Aryan decided to act like a parent. He still went to her took her hands , scolded her “ chup bilkul chup, lafa milega ek. Marna hai to maro i totally understand babes. But am not leaving you. You will do this while am here. “ she was breathing hard  but she calmed down and almost laughed at his face when he scolded her. 

It was after 1 month, Imlie ‘s health deteriorated. The therapy wasnt working as well. Imlie had talk with doctor “Imlie your body is not responding to treatment as we thought. The spread has gone beyond” she said solemnly. 

“The reports we did couple days ago are out. And i am sorry to say Imlie it doesnt look good”

Imlie nodded and understood the reality. She was not worried about this she was worried about Aru. She doesnt how will she tell him.

“Doctor, how many months”

“Months no , days not sure how many Imlie”

“Please doctor discharge me today itself i want to die in my home . And please dont tell Aryan, i will break the news to him” she said with tears in her eyes afraid Aryan reaction.

She was discharged and Aryan wasnt given much information just that to continue treatment from home.

Aryan took care of her like a child. 

Two days later, Imlie had a lot of pain and her breathing pattern had changed as well.

At this point she couldnt even get up from bed, Aryan was tensed instead of getting better his wife was changing again but in bad way. 

At night, Imlie told him to sleep sideways and cuddle her. “Aru, listen to me please dont interrupt me at all. “


“Aru, promise me you will not drag the past with you. I want to you be successful and happy. I want you to move on. “

“You started again? Negativity?”

“Aru, this is the truth, report are not good. I have few days not even sure how may i may go tomorrow. “ she could feel aryan shaking head in disbelief. Suddenly the warmth she felt was gone, he had gotten up and staring at her. 

“You are lying again”

“Aru please baby, i know this is hard i gave my best my everything but my body didnt support me it has spread” she extended her arm for a hug. She wanted to feel him in her last days. “Please” Aryan stood there frozen. 

“No you cannot leave “

“Aru, we have done everything please Aru come here”

He left the room, Imlie heard things breaking in next room and after few minutes a scream of agony. It shook her.  She tried getting up but failed to do so. He didnt come back until one hour , Imlie tried again and this time she finally got up to check on him.

He was lying on floor with broken pieces of vase, glasses. Some blood on his hand, Imlie went to him ,” Aru bus, you cannot behave like this,utho, chalo mere saath, Aru get up” Aryan just laid there, “baby please if you dont then i will go out of this house and die somewhere alone. “ she scolded him. That got him moving. He got up and clunged to her. “ mat jao please” he cried. “Why Imlie i have lost my only loved ones, please dont i dont know what i will do” he cupped her cheeks and kissed her on face not leaving space. “I cannot”

“Aru! You are an officer, you cannot behave like this you have to move on. Who knows maybe you will find a beautiful woman who would love you and take care of you and you will do same. “ she brushed his hair strands from his face.

“Never. I cannot and will not love anyone. Mat jao Imlie “ Aryan begged her as if it was in her hands. They both sat there helpless. Aryan picked her up and they went to their bedroom. 

They talked all night, however Aru would kiss her everywhere every  half hour. She caressed his hair and his face finally he went to sleep.

She got up and wrote a letter one last time. A short one. 


I wished the life had gone different. We adopting kids , travelling world and so many other dreams. But i am glad i got to spend last moments with you. I may not wake up tomorrow Aru but always remember this : you are man of steel and you made me one too - not to give up in life, to fight for what you love, to be brave and have courage. Thank you thank you for coming in my life and accepting me the way i was even with my scars and disease. I have a wish…”

She wrote her last wish and kept the note on the table. She went to sleep.

“Imlie wake up its 11 we will go out.”

“Imlie” he tried to wake her up but she didnt. He panicked, checked her pulse. He picked her and hugged her. “Wake up “ he kept whispering knowing very well. He sat there with her body for one hour. Finally he got up , his body shaking and dressed her . He sat again and hugged her. 

“I love you and always will” kissed her. He will not survive either. He doesnt have will to live

After all the rituals over, he went to his room touched her clothes and hugged it. He saw a note on table. He went and read it. He cried after reading and muttered , “ you knew very well i will do something to myself and by putting this last wish you put me in dilemma. You are one crazy woman and i love you” 

Imlie last wish was for Aryan to adopt a baby girl and give all the love he has for her. 


“Imlie!” Aryan shouted “you never listen to your baba” 

A small girl came running from room looking angry “kya hai dadda”

“I told you right to finish up your homework and then play”he scolded her showing her his scary eyes. Imlie rolled her eyes. “Ab you are rolling eyes on dad? “ she reminded him of Imlie ,same attitude  even though she wasnt from her womb  she had almost all qualities of Imlie. Of course, thats how he nurtured her too. Always told her stories about Imlie and her personality and she started picking up those things. 

“Bye dadda , i dont have time for this”and she ran back to her room.

Aryan was shocked at her attitude. This girl will be death of him just like her mother. Aryan now worked off the field, he solely wanted to focus on his daugther , his love last wish.  The small baby took him out of depression, Imlie knew her husband so well that only way to get him out of this would be their child. He remembered for days he would be in their room just crying and missing. One day he read that note again, and he decided that he needs to fullfil her last wish. He still feels her around him he just silently feels  the presence and smile. Their secret.

blackfaree2022-01-24 12:48:32

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Comments (9)

Story is amazing But I cry every time I read this chapter.. Why are you ended up story like this.. I started reading fanfiction from this story..

2 years ago

Dammm what emotional ride , way tooo good

2 years ago

This story made me cry.... Please write another Arylie Fanfiction

2 years ago
