Chapter 13

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chap 13-Pure love

It was couple months, things were same except that annoying kukur (dog ) Ved. Yes you heard that right, his new name.

He is too chipku for Imlie's liking. She tries to avoid him as much she could. In evenings, she would look at the trip photos on her phone,

she missed him. She missed him alot, she knows she was in trouble when she realized her love was too deep. She didn't even feel this when she got married to

Aditya-babusaheb. She feels different with Aru. He was her friend first but he couldn't even maintain the friendship.

She was being mean he had said sorry so many times that too from a man who is rigid, unexpressive, well guarded human.

She had changes him when they used to meet, he had started to express more , talk more but now she has pushed him back to that old Cold Aru.

She found out from Aahana one evening when they had met for coffee. She told him how Aryan stays angry all the time, aggressive for no reason, quieter-infact

he had stopped talking to Anya-which made Imlie happy from inside. After relecting over almost a year of the incident, she decided its time to let go.

She had been too stubborn but she wasn't wrong enough people had hurt her in life. The perfect chance came when Aryan texted, "Throwing birthday party for Raja please come if you can" with a smily emoji

She replied with "K".  She was ready to forgive but not this easy...she will take her tiny revenge. Even though she did not want to she will take Ved to the party just to tick Aryan off.

Or to confirm he was actually jealous that in the cafe.

The day of the party, Imlie wore beautiful netted sari with halter blouse, pair of earrings, and ring and simple touch of makeup.

She did not want to ride with Ved so she told him to meet downstairs at Aryan's apartment. Rich people place, when she arrived at the address she got from Ahana.

She didnt message Aryan for it. It was about sixty floor building. "Gala akad javat, lambi building"she huffed.

Ved arrived few minutes later, they were late ofcourse on purpose. She linked her hands with Ved and off they went.

Aryan was happy when she saw Imlie had accepted the invitation but he was annoyed to see her with Ved.

He went to her about to hug her when she stopped him with her hands "ye kya jungli bartaav hai tumhara, jab dekho bhag ke gala laga deto ho some people will think we are

couple'" she taunted. He looked hurt, he frowned.

"I hardly hug anybody else, you the only person i do this too" he replied with hard tone.

"Exactly , what will people think Aru."

When she said Aru, Aryan knew that she had forgiven him , he know his Imlie that much. Today, he was not going to let anyone come between them. Today he will finally express what she means to him.

He was quiet rest of the party , his eyes were only on Imlie and ofcourse that idiot Ved with her.

Suddenly he saw that Ved was inappropriately touching her, which pissed him and he just barged and punched him on the nose.

"Aru!! Jungli hogaye ho tum" Imlie yelled at him. She was picking Ved up who was trying to hold his nose.

"I did right"he was angry at Imlie 

"I can handle myself , i was going to slap him myself. Jab dekho saandh giri"

"Huh what you called me" shocked at her accusation

"Shut up, I have to take him back since i was the one invited him"

"No you are not going with him, I will send someone" he was still aggressive in his tone.

"Oh no mr. Let me take him bus aur ek aur shabd nai" ordered Imlie

"Why should i listen to you everytime. You always bossing me around" Looking at her as if he was going to murder her.

"Because" is all she said and started to move towards the door.

"Aur haan i will be back" she added which changed Aryan's mood. Fine, he thought to himself, he will wait knowing Ved won't do any more

moves on her sure after that punch.

By the time she came, everybody had left and Aryan wanted just that. When she entered she looked around , her body language suddenly changed. They were alone.

"oh god" she muttered. Again this time he came and just hugged her taking advantage of the situation.

"you have no idea i am so happy Imi"

"IMI!! what in ridiculous world that came from"

"My heart"

"Hutto, yours hugs are killing no need for gun" She joked

"I dont care, its been months" not letting go of her.

After sometime she sighed and said "I forgive you" He broke the embrace, he eyes were twinkiling which didnt go unnoticed by Imlie.

"i am really sorry , i will do anything you tell me ok?"

"anything?" she asked evily

"Anything promise"

"Ok, will tell on time aur ha" he sushed her. 

"Today only i will speak and you  will hear. Bohut bol lia tumne bus . Hear me out otherwise aaj nai to kabhi nai hoga mujhse"

He went down on both of his knees like child in school who has been punished. He hold his ears and said sorry again.

"bus yar you are embarassing me" imlie said softly

"SShssh"he sushed her again

"In these couple months, infact before the trip i had realized my feelings for you.But i was in denial so much so during trip i avoided you on purpose .

And that was biggest mistake in my life Imlie. You went far from me, yes i was a jerk am sorry again for that but i fell in love with you.

My work is everything for me , i don't want weakness in my life thats another reason. I am out of town and country for long periods Imlie,

commitments i was sure i can't handle it. But you being in my life, i wanted to try. I wanted to give chance, but i was coward.

Before i say anything, just nod yes or no- can you handle the life that comes with me as ATS officer" Imlie has never seen this side of Aru. So vulnerable.

She nodded. "Marry me" he said in a whisper

Imlie went on her knees took his hand, "I want to be your strength, as long as i can handle you" She blurted all of sudden she was shy with the proximity.

She took pause,"yes" And she hugged him she didnt want him to see her blushing.

"let me see you"


"look who is chipku now"


"Are chodo Imlie, meri izat ka lihaj karo"

"what the " She broke the embrace. Aryan looked at her with so much love. They got up hand in hand. Aryan wanted to kiss her, but seeing Imlie so nervous he put that notion aside.smiley27

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