Chapter 1

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Hi guys, 

Some of you insisted that i write another fanfic regarding Arylie after my first one - love and angst.

Please do let me know if this take on story you guys would like me to continue.

Its a small chapter as i didnt know if you guys will like it.Please tag if interested thank you

My first fanfic link:love and angst fanfic

Index for this fanfic:

Part1 and part 2-


Part 1- The Eyes

Imlie was excited , well ecstatic that she got an opportunity to visit one of the most controversial place in the country. Kashmir. She had an simple assignment there. Take an interview of the authorities and their life. That was huge opportunity .The boss of the Bhaskar Times - Mr Anil Rathore  has soft corner for Imlie infact her dad is friend of Anil. They had met long back when imlie was small girl and he was visiting Pagdandiya to interview on his revolutionary life. They had become friends after that.  When Imlie moved to Mumbai, Mr Rathore took care of her as he would if had daugther. He had a son but their relationship was little bitter as his son never wanted to get into Business.Imlie made him atleast feel like a father.

Just because Imlie was family, she didnt get the job easily. She worked her way through. She went to college, learned and conqueres her way through. She went through interview prcoess just like other candidates.  Her achievements, her confidence, her kindess  - these qualities MrAnil couldnt neglect thats how she landed this job. After one year, she got this opportunity and she didnt want to let go. She lived in rented apartment by herself standing on her feet. When she had come here as married yes married woman, she was clueless. Aditya Tripathi already had a wife. All that turmoil and drama she did not want to remember. They are out of her life now. She has moved on. 

This was her first time flying in the plane. A man sat next to her. She did not pay much attention at first but when the plane was about to take off without realizing she had grabbed the guys hand. “Excuse me” rather annoyed voice called out. 

“Jai sita maya ki”she ignored him she had her eyes closed she was a nervous wreck.

“I said excuse me, you are hurting my hands” with a force he was able untangle his arm from her hold.

 When finally they were in air, she looked sideways at the man. He was well built, trimmed but perfectly shaped beard while she was looking he suddenly turned his face towards her. Imlie nervously,” Sorry for earlier” thats all she could get out. She wanted to give it back to him but when he faced her she went blank. His eyes, gorgeous dark brown eyes it wasnt the color but the coldness in his eyes , emotionless although his face looked so intimidating Imlie couldnt say anything except sorry. The whole journey, she didnt glance back and made sure she didnt touch him even mistakenly. 

She gave sigh of relief when they finally landed in Jammu. Finally, she is here. Have a heard lot of things about this beautiful state and she coulnt wait to explore it time and curfew permits.

blackfaree2022-01-12 16:25:23

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