Ek Jashn

2 years ago

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Iss Podcast Ko Kya Naam Doon?


Shantivan had seen great days of plomp and galore. Crowds of elite had flocked about, with permission the paparazzis got their rare chance to capture the elusive ASR and his even more elusive smiles and above all, there were several who claimed Shantivan couldn’t see a better day than the heights of AR.

Oh they were so wrong, and wonderfully so! In the many years since Khushi and Payal’s blessed entry - though records state it was rather dramatic - Shantivan had finally become something Devyani had yearned for years. It was finally home. 

“And if you ask me, Mom - I mean Amma - is the reason why this family found it’s eternal happiness. Shouldn’t be a surprise because she is Khushi.” Om Prakash burst into snotty tears as Aarav completed his speech.  

“OP kaka! You’re supposed to help me-” Aarav groaned and handed a tissue to Om Prakash. He grimaced, much like his father, as OP noisily blew his nose. 

“Aarav baba, this is so sentimental! You’re right - this house’s happiness lies with Khushi bhabhi and-” Om Prakash continued crying into his tissue. 

Sigh, perhaps Aarav will not find anyone in this house who could review his speech without bursting into tears. Papa was right, people were oddly too emotional about things that weren’t even that emotional. Holding the older sobbing man in his arms, Aarav decided to change his strategy for his parents’ ninth wedding anniversary. He’ll save the speech for later - it was probably time to do something his favorite chachu would be proud of. 

— — —

“Absolutely not!” Arnav refused his son - who at 17 nearly touched his height. Aarav raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. Someone needed to teach this boy manners for rolling his eyes at his father. Although at the corner of his eyes Arnav saw Khushi rolling her eyes at him. 

It clearly said - Arnav ji, don’t be a grump and let’s give an interview! 

Arnav glared back - Khushi, it’s weird to talk about us to our son. Actually scratch that, it’s weird for me to talk for more than three minutes anywhere. 

Arnav. You know this is a sweet idea - Nanhe ji is a genius in coming up with great gifts. It’s a great thing he told Aarav to host this interview. 

Yes, only your Nanhe knows that for my anniversary I’d like to talk - at length.

Arnav! Kitna mazaa ayega. 

Yeh mazaa nahi, sazaa hoga.

You do remember that Nanhe ji has helped you with the most important things in life? My birthday - which you didn’t know, your proposal - for which he found the song, and of course - the New Year.

But having me in your bed was your fantasy and doing Miss. Gupta. 


“Papa!” Aarav snapped Arnav out of his mental argument, “Papa, you won’t do this for your son?” Arnav narrowed his eyes at his son’s blatant manipulation and sighed in defeat. Khushi clapped.

“Aarav, what should I wear for the interview? Saree or salwar? Red or black? Or maybe green?” Khushi asked Aarav on her way out. 

— — — 

“Love is said to be visible for all except the ones in love - to test this theory and celebrate my parents’ anniversary, we first have Badi Nani on screen - woo!”

Devyani, dressed in her favourite pastel green chikankari saree, aged as finely as wine, pondered over Aarav’s question. 

When did you realise that something was between them? 

“I always wanted someone like Khushi bitiya for Chotte. But apart from my wishes I was truly surprised at how easily Khushi bitiya affected him. Now now, that doesn’t mean the effect is love - but if you ask me I knew the energy Khushi bitiya and Chotte shared was different the day she stormed in to hand over her resignation.” 

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Arnav was shocked into silence at her rage. Every word, every accusation Khushi levied against him slapped him on his face. Arnav gripped the resignation letter in his hands, and kept staring at the door long after it shut. Her words echoed in the empty walls of Shantivan. She wanted nothing to do with him. He didn’t care if she died. The contract was not worth her life.

“Everything Khushi bitiya said was true. But the minute she said that Chotte purposely had put her in harm’s way - you should have seen his face. Something broke. And of course it was their journey to figure out what it was - but I found all my answers during Akash bitwa and Payal bitiya’s wedding! Anjali bitiya thought she was sharing some new news to me - par hum bhi Nani hai - I knew these two fools finally saw what I had seen ages ago!” Devyani chuckled. 

Aarav switched off the recording and clapped, helping Nani back to her room. 

Toh Badi Nani, why didn’t you tell Papa to open his eyes and get his love! Or the same to Amma?” Devyani chuckled at his naive question. 

Beta, there was a high chance both of your parents would have my head for breakfast if I said that,” Aarav laughed, “but on a serious note. I learned the hard way to not interfere between things because I saw it better. I’ve made this mistake once - I wouldn’t ever do it again.” Devyani sighed. But time had proven to be better - Arnav had matured, Lavanya found an excellent partner herself and above all, Arnav and Khushi found each other when it was intended.  

“So who’s next?” Devyani asked. 


“Hello Hi Bye Bye, why was Sasumaa phirst?” Manorama sniffled, careful to not wipe away her makeup under her invisible tears. Mahinder sighed and patted her arm,

“See Mannu, Aarav bitwa is conducting this interview based on age. Now you might have a few grey hairs but that doesn’t mean you’re older than her right?” Aarav nearly dropped his camera off his tripod as Manorama gasped, touching her freshly dyed hair.

Aap toh shutupiya karo! I know I still look like Vaijanthi Mala!” Manorama checked her hairline on her mirror. 

“Of course I know, who else gives this compliment to you every morning?” Manorama blushed, muttering a shyer ‘aap toh shutupiya karo’ to Mahinder. He chuckled, shooting Aarav a grin for Manorama’s tagline. 

“So Dadu, when did you know that something was there between Amma and Dad?” 

“I think it was-” 

Aap toh shutupiya karo,” Manorama interjected, “You didn’t know when your own son fell in love, our quiet Arnav bitwa is kidney jaisan-” “Sydney Dadi” “-yes yes, Sydney jaisan door ki baat. Ask me, I know everything. Phati S-” Mahinder coughed, “-Khusi bitiya and Arnav bitwa ke betweens main something cooking. It happened during my Akash bitwa and Bahuriya’s  sangeet!” 


The crowds were stunned as Arnav appeared on stage, all black, next to an ethereal Khushi in a green saree. They watched him whisper a few words to her and like a shadow and its soul, they danced in tandem. The intimacy spoke of startling familiarity, and they danced like no one was watching. This was not for competition, it was a confession. To them, to all, it was a love story between a boy and a girl, that simply couldn’t be told in two words. 

“Since then I knew it was an offer - badi ke saath chotti phree!” Mahinder coughed again, “I mean we got blessed with an offer!” Manorama corrected

Sangeet is very late Mannu. I knew something was up on the day both your parents chose to… let’s say there was a time when both your parents made a decision that drove them away from each other. And pain can be a sign of love. For Arnav it was too uncharacteristic, for Khushi bitiya her decision followed Arnav’s too quickly.” Mahinder said, alluding to when Khushi and Arnav were engaged to someone else. 


Back then Mahinder felt something was off. For a woman like Khushi, her engagement would’ve followed a lot of plomp and announcements, and Arnav would’ve had a long conversation before solidifying a commitment. Yet it was his nephew's quick agreement, followed by a faster engagement once Khushi’s was around - that left him with his quiet opinions. Something was there that no one knew. 

“But Aarav bitwa was asking when we definitely knew they knew when something was shared between them!” Manorama argued. 

Arrey Mannu he asked when we knew something was there - them knowing is a whole different story,” Mahinder turned to Aarav, “to be honest bitwa I have no idea when they knew!”

Oohey! Your observations are phail! They couldn’t have anything then. I think-” Aarav crept out of their room with his tripod and camera and tiptoed to the kitchen. 


Now he wished he went back to Dadi and Dadu’s room considering he was not prepared for the sobbing Prakashes. They were so happy that Khushi bhabi and Arnav bhaiya got together, that they chose to express it through tears. 

“I know! I felt something between them when she was playing hide and seek and accidentally ended up catching Arnav bhaiya!” Om Prakash recounted. 


Om Prakash had started the Mritunjay Jaap the minute Khushi Didi had caught Arnav’s hand, and God Forbid, his cheek. However, without removing her blindfolds she stepped back - as if burned, gasping - as if aware who it was without seeing. Arnav was curious, watching her with a keen eye as she steadied herself and saw the man before her. With a quiet question, confused glance and a disapproving nod he walked away, a small smile playing on his lips and muttering  something like  ‘paagal’. Khushi was a terrible liar and Arnav was excellent at catching lies, so for a long time Om Prakash wondered why Khushi remained flustered and Arnav hadn’t pulled out the truth from her mouth. 

“No… it was during Barsi. Arnav bhaiya was frantic, searching for her everywhere.” Jai Prakash corrected.


Arnav spent half of the day searching for Khushi, and when he did see her he was standing in guilt, unable to do anything. Khushi was unaware that she was being watched, her red eyes and smudged kohl spoke of a recent sob. 

“Please, everyone, it was when the whole family danced to Ooh La La for Khushi bhabhi. I witnessed a moment alright!” Hari Prakash said, proud of his observations. 


After having recovered from the trauma of the Raizada women cheering up for Khushi by dancing to Ooh La La, he watched Arnav bhaiya drop his phone and stare in shock. He sympathised with Arnav bhaiya until he saw him smiling at the scene. Perhaps this was the day for Hari Prakash to faint in shock? Except he saw Arnav bhaiya’s smile fade and stare at someone, his eyes in deep pain and grief. And the same pain was mirrored in Khushi’s eyes. Oh… when had this happened? 


Akash smiled hearing all the stories recounted by the dear Prakashes. Payal had a matching smile on her face. They beamed at each other as their favourite nephew asked them a question they truly had the answer for. 

“Payal, you go first.” Akash said, her hand causally in his. 

Nahi, aap.”



Aarav waited in the chair as the couple played the classic Lucknowi game of ‘pehle aap’. 

Maasi! You’re first - please, for the love of God, say when you knew something was there!” The couple blushed at being caught and Payal cleared her throat. 

“When she made sugar free sweets for Diwali.”


With all the chaos in the house, and in her own life, Payal realised she had neglected Khushi’s aspect of life for a long time. So on Diwali she chose to be by her side, help her pack her things for the Raizada house. She kept the barfis carefully - for they were Akash’s favorite - but was surprised as Khushi treasured a differently packed box and kept it right on top. Khushi hesitated, flushed and admitted that it was sugar free for Arnav. And Payal had seen it right then, the first bloom of love in Khushi’s eyes. Oh Khushi! 


It was only when Arnav returned her wallet, speaking more to Khushi with his eyes than with the rest, that Payal feared something more had happened. Something that neither was ready to share. 

“Okay… I think I know when it happened from Bhai’s end, but it’s probably not appropriate given the whole circumstance.” Akash grinned at Payal’s surprise. 

Chote Papa please, I am dying for the juicy details. Bui and Phupa haven’t arrived yet, neither have Nanhe Chachu and La Chachi. So I’m really depending on you for the details!” Aarav begged. 

Akash laughed, “Di would speak of NK's arrival but by the time NK was around we all knew because thanks to him your father was burning in jealousy. But your Aman Phupa and I might have the same day in mind to be honest. I just arrived in the office and Aman filled me in with the information that Khushi was shooting for the calendar - I was surprised! I didn’t know she was a model. Turned out she wasn’t, so I went downstairs and I found her looking stunning in this excellent AR red saree. And trust me, I wasn’t the only one surprised.”


Arnav had stopped dead in his tracks, his hand in mid air as Khushi stepped into the center amidst the lights and fans. He had little faith in fate, but if there was he knew this moment had been conspired by the fates. She was breathtaking in red, and they both knew they were damned by the fates. They didn’t know they had an audience, watching this suspended moment with a sharp eye. For they only had eyes for each other. 


“So that is the legend of the red saree.” Aarav teased his parents. Khushi, wearing a similar red saree glared at her son while Arnav coughed and looked away. 

“Yes, she looked like someone with whom I could fall for in a heartbeat.” Khushi was surprised at his candid confession and touched his shoulder with equal parts of love and gentility. 

“But you know Aarav there’s a world of difference between knowing and accepting you’re in love versus the sparks. I honestly can’t give a date for that.” Arnav admitted. 

“But I can!” Khushi quipped, “yes, as your father said the sparks - I don’t know when it started - but when I did start feeling things, things beyond my control I asked for Devi Maiyya’s signals. I believe love happens when you feel flowers raining on you, see him everywhere and you can listen to your heartbeats.” Khushi explained. Arnav was surprised, she had never told him this. 


Khushi needed a signal from her Devi Maiyya, despite knowing in her heart what it was. And it happened, like clockwork she saw him in everyone, the flowers and stars rained on him and the world shut except for him and her heartbeats. 

Arnav softened as her eyes glowed when she described her falling in love and the magic around it. 

“All this happened to you?” He asked, his voice laced with a tinge of regret. If he only knew back then! 

“We all experience love differently, Arnav ji, we experience it the way we define love in the first place.” Khushi whispered back, her cheeks rosy from her narration. Arnav nodded and looked at his son, there were so many stories to tell, so many ways to define how and when he fell in love with her. 

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“There is no time and moment for me because for a period of time I kept falling in love with your mother - again and again - until it broke every single barrier I built. Di knew when I was ready - she literally told me to go and confess to Khushi, but even before then when she described love - I only saw Khushi, her tears, her exclamation of going to Lucknow forever. When I thought she was in an accident-”


“He held my face, yelled for me in the middle of the streets but couldn’t complete his farak padta hai,” Khushi cheekily added. Arnav grinned.

“It’s a sentence your mother also had difficulty completing but the funny thing is, it’s less about when we fell in love and more about when we could say that we have. And trust me, despite everything there are moments when I realise that I’m still falling in love with her.” Arnav completed, looking at her eyes in wonderment that in a strange way he did end up with her despite everything in between.  He looked at a quiet Khushi, surprised by her little sniffles. 

“Khushi? Won’t you say- hey are you crying?” Arnav gently wiped her tears with his handkerchief as she aggressively refused her sobs. Aarav left his camera and went to his mother, wrapping her in the warmest hugs. 

“Amma, do you have to cry at everything?” Aarav teased. Khushi and Arnav burst into laughter, the son and father taking great care in wiping her tears. 

— — —

The family came in, giving the couple their hugs and wishes for their anniversary. With a few teases, heartfelt wishes and whistles, Arnav and Khushi celebrated their ninth anniversary. 

“Happy Anniversary Miss. Gupta,” Arnav whispered, pressing a quick kiss amidst all the hoots. Khushi, grinned, eating a large piece of the cake as Aarav dragged them to the living room. He switched on the projector and played the video. They laughed at the family’s admissions and of course - Manorama and Mahinder’s argument of when Arnav and Khushi fell in love.

Waise aren’t you glad we did the interview! It’s so sweet!” Khushi whispered. 

“I know. You were right.” Arnav said.

“I am always right.” Khushi pointed out.

“Excuse me, I don’t think you can prove that.” Arnav scoffed.

“Oh I can.” Khushi smiled, pulling his cheek. 


“You see, I was absolutely right in picking my life partner.” Khushi grinned. Arnav raised an eyebrow. 

“Miss. Gupta, you are… unbelievable.” Khushi laughed and leaned on his shoulder, surprised at how the nine years passed by.

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Comments (4)

This is adorable! I am glad to see the Mama-Mami bits since they seemed to have done away with them for some reason. Along with Mamaji, Akash's sensibility also seemed to have vanished. And I loved the recollection of the Prakash brothers' whose faces seemed to have changed every other episode. I can imagine that reaction from them since they seem to be fond of their Khushi Bhabhi. I am sure every person working in the Raizada home/company would be enamored by Khushi. This was the truest Jashn that we all wanted to see. And NK-Lavanya and Aman-Anjali, would loved to have heard their thoughts as well.

11 months ago

Aarav won my heart ..
He must be in Jashn ... n u not only included him but also give him the amazing role to collect everyone's opinion about Arshi's love story ...
Keep writing ,Jalebi..
Bohat achha likhti ho

1 years ago

Lovely plot . Read Farak just now ... loved the plot & narration. This is the second story after discovering the gifted author. Cheers !

1 years ago

this is my fav so far honestly!!! Aarav was so wholesome!

2 years ago
