Chapter 1

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I felt her stirring as if she urged me to wake up. 


I had never even imagined getting along with her at all. But eventually, both of us realised that we were not that different after all! 

There was once a time when I avoided her as much as possible. But now; even a day without her, for me, is indeed a day wasted. 

Sluggishly, as I snuggled further into the duvet. She rolled over again. 

Instinctively, I woke up to grab her, but all I could grab was thin air. It took me a minute to process. 

She was missing. 

Getting out of bed, I lifted my T-shirt from the ground and swung it onto myself. I call her name while simultaneously rubbing my eyes; I call again, this time a louder; but to no avail.

I had to narrow my eyelids against the bright rays of the morning sun pouring through the tall window from across the room. 

That's when I hear the sound of running water. I suddenly felt drawn towards the bathroom door. 

Walking groggily, I finally reach the bathroom door and the sight in front of my eyes began bewitching me. 

In front of the sink mirror, I see her. Priya stood there brushing her teeth unaware of my presence.

The only clothing she has on is my white shirt. The one I remember switching for the T-shirt I just wore last night. 

She looked ethereal! I stand there for a few minutes admiring my wife; yes! My wife! This beautiful woman is mine!! 

In that very moment , rinsing her mouth, from the corner of her eye she catches a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.

 Smiling, she mouths the words "good morning".

As if in a trance, my feet on their own accord start walking towards her. Wrapping my hands around her waist; smiling, I look at our reflection in the mirror.

"Meri mornings tumhare saath hamesha acchi hoti hai. No. They are the best!" Saying so I nuzzled her neck with my beard and she breaks out in giggles.


Hi guys! So this is my first ever fanfic.. Please leave your views down here <3

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