Chapter 3

2 years ago

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Hello everyone!

Part 3 is very long just to warn everyone.  I got a little too caught up in the writing to get it to where I needed everything to be smiley9  

Lucid Dream Part 3

Akshara sat in the passenger seat of the SUV nervously clutching her hands.  She looked to her side studying Abhimanyu’s profile, his chiseled jaw taunt exhibiting extreme anxiousness.  The traffic had been horrible and they were sitting at a red light waiting for it to change.  She wasn’t sure how he managed to leave the hospital but he did.  When she met him a block away from her house she had expected he would be on his motorcycle but instead he was driving the SUV.  They debated if she should schedule an appointment with the doctor but they feared despite patient doctor privilege it was too risky going to the family practitioner.  They were old friends of the Goenkas and her being unmarried would just complicate matters.  They opted for the quickest way and that was to get an over the counter pregnancy test.  But as to where to take it was another problem.  She couldn’t take it at home where someone could find it, she couldn’t take it at work where employees could gossip, she couldn’t take it at Abhimanyu’s house, and they didn’t feel comfortable checking into a hotel for a few hours.  The only option available to them was the Birla’s summer farmhouse.  It was a short drive away from the city but it would be empty.

“Abhi…” She started but then stopped, not sure how to continue.  She felt his hand gently reach across and clasp her’s.  “Everything is going to be okay, Akshu,” he warmly assured.  “I’m here. Whatever happens I’m here.”  She smiled and placed her hand on top of his in response giving it an affectionate squeeze.


“Okay, I think that is the last of it,” Neil said as he closed the trunk of the Honda City.  He dusted his hands and went to the passenger side to sit.  “I thought Ma had already ordered all of this stuff from the store to be delivered.”

“She did but they missed a box and the servants had already been sent to go pick up the fruit from the vendor for the prayer,” Parth explained as he slowly backed the car out and headed onto the roadway.

“Oh not again,” Neil sighed as heard his phone notification go off. 

“What’s the problem?”  

“Something keeps tripping the alarm at the farmhouse.  I can’t figure out if its squirrels, birds, or stupid lizards. This happened last week too. Bhaiya, can we swing by the house?  We aren’t that far from it,” Neil requested as he made a call to the security company.  “Hello, this is Neil Birla.  Yes, there is no emergency.  Please turn the alarm off.  It’s a false alarm.  I need to schedule someone to come over to check on the system.  This is the second false alarm we had in two weeks.  Next Monday?  Okay, at 10am?  I’ll be there. Thank you.”

“I can drive us over there but tell me why are you watching the alarm at the farmhouse?” Parth asked when he was sure Neil had ended his call.

“You forgot?  This was around the time Nishtha had exams.  You were helping her study. Ma doesn’t understand this stuff and Harsh Uncle and the others were busy at the hospital.  So they sent me there to watch the workers install the new alarm system.  I downloaded the app and I’ve been watching it.”   

“Oh you’re right.  I forgot.  Let’s call Chachi to let her know where we are so she won’t get worried.”

“Good idea,” Neil replied and started to dial his mother’s number.


Abhimanyu slowly pulled to the side of the road and parked. “We have a flat tire.”

“That pop back there did sound awful,” Akshara replied.


“The house is just up this road.  It’s not that long of a walk.  I’ll come back later to switch the flat with the spare.” As Akshara undid her seat belt she heard Abhimanyu order, “Just wait a minute.” She watched with some confusion as he quickly walked in front of the car to the passenger side and opened the door.  “Watch your step, the ground is uneven here.”

“Abhi, I’ll be okay,” she replied trying to suppress her smile realizing what he was doing.  When he came to pick her up he had done the exact same thing.  “Did you switch from your motorcycle?”  She looked into his eyes and saw the flex of acknowledgement.  “We aren’t even sure yet.”

“It’s better to be prepared,” he stated and then held her hand as they walked towards the farmhouse.

When they reached the iron gate Abhimanyu opened the padlock and pushed the gate to the side.  Akshara looked further down the way and saw a large white house.  As they got closer she saw the front door was made up of two large polished wood grain doors that had been painted a dark blue. The tops of the doors had four medium sized square glass cutouts to allow light to pass through.  It gave the rustic farmhouse a modern touch.  When they entered, Abhimanyu immediately walked to the right to turn off the security alarm on the wall.  “That’s strange.”  

“Is there a problem?” Akshara inquired as she closed the door behind her.  Despite the lights being off there were enough windows in the house that natural daylight was pouring through.  The living room had two large white couches sitting on opposite’s sides of each other.  They were both covered with lush throws and fluffy cushions.  In the middle was a large coffee table that appeared to have been a singular slab cut from a tree.  The whole vibe was rustic chic like something seen in an architectural magazine.

“It’s not on. Stay here.  Let me take a look around the house,” Abhimanyu stated. “Maybe there is a problem with the system.  We do not come here often.”

Akshara tightened the grip around her water bottle as she sat down on one of the couches and watched Abhimanyu disappear into the kitchen.  She could hear his leather shoes thudding against the hard wooden floors patrolling the area.  He appeared again only to gesture that he was going to the other side of the house to review the rooms there.  While she was waiting for him to come back she placed her water to the side and opened her purse taking out a rectangular box, the pregnancy test.  She took a deep breath and started to read the instructions to make sure she understood what she needed to do later.  So deep was her concentration that she jumped when she heard Abhimanyu’s voice coming from behind, “Everything is clear downstairs.”  Noticing her reaction he apologized, “I did not mean to scare you.”  He knelt down beside her, placing his hand on hers. “Tell me.”

“I’m fine Abhi,” she simply replied.  He knew there was more behind those words but decided not to press. When she was ready to speak her mind he knew she would.  That was something he had started to understand about her.  He had always said what was on his mind the minute it came to him but her communication was different.  She spoke when she was ready to after much thought particularly when it came to important life decisions. 

“I’m going upstairs to check and then we’ll do the test?” Akshara nodded at his words.  Abhimanyu stood up and walked to the back towards the left and up the stairs.

Akshara opened her water bottle which was half full and took a long drink finishing it in one go. She was starting to worry after a few minutes had passed.  Suddenly she heard the sound of something crashing to the ground.  Alarmed, she called out, “Abhi?”  When she did not hear a reply she decided to head up the staircase.  “Abhi?”  She looked about her seeing if there was anything on the second floor landing that she could use as a weapon to protect herself if needed.  The only thing she found was a single iron candlestick holder.  She picked it up from a side table and walked into the first room holding it in front of her waving it about.  The guest room was decorated with a neutral beige and gray color scheme and it was empty. No one was there.  She walked back out to inspect the next room which was a bathroom.  She sighed and continued her search wondering where Abhimanyu had wandered off too.  “Abhi?  Where are you? Is everything okay?” she called as she made her way to the 5th bedroom.  When she opened the door she heard some rumbling coming from the walk in closet.  “Abhi?”

There was a muffled reply, “The closet door is jammed. I can’t get it to open.  The shelf in here collapsed and everything fell down.  Someone put a heavy load of books in a box on this top shelf.”

“Let me see if I can open the door from my side,” Akshara replied with concern.  She jigged the door knob pushing it as hard as she could but the door would not budge.  The door knob however shifted around loosely.

“Akshara stand back.  I’m going to just break the door knob,” Abhimanyu replied.  She made sure to move to the far side of the room and placed the candlestick on the bedside table. She heard a few hard slams as if Abhimanyu was using something to break the knob.  Within a few minutes one side of the door knob fell to the floor and Abhimanyu emerged holding a metal case wrapped in a shirt.  He tossed it to the side with a sigh and looked back at the door he had just destroyed. 

“Abhi, your arm!” Akshara shouted with concern as she rushed forward.  He looked down to see a deep gash on his forearm not realizing when he had received it.  “Is there a first aid kit somewhere?” Abhimanyu met her concerned gaze. “I didn’t see any jamun leaves outside.  We need to get this cleaned.”  

“I’m fine Akshu,” he replied calmly trying to hide his grin.

“How can you say you are fine?  The cut looks deep and there is so much blood.”

“Doesn’t look like I will need stitches,” flexing his hand as he rotated his forearm.  A sliver of blood emerged from his wound bubbling upward.  Being a doctor he was used to seeing such things and knew the difference between something serious and something mild.

“Abhi, don’t do that!” Akshara panicked.  She had spent enough time at the hospital and had seen her share of bloody accidents.  Of course not to the degree that the medical staff had to deal with; her primary job was to provide therapy to patients after their procedures.  But she couldn’t stand seeing Abhimanyu hurt.  It bothered her too much.   

Relenting as he didn’t want to stress her even more, “The first aid kit should be in the bathroom.”


Parth gently moved the steering wheel to the right to make the turn onto the road that led to the farmhouse.  His eyes widened at the sight before him.  “The gate is open.”

Neil strained to look past the gate to see if he could spot anything and furrowed his eyebrows, “I don’t see any cars.”

Parth quickly parked the car and the cousins got out to inspect the surroundings.  “It doesn’t look like anyone forced their way in,” Parth stated as he checked the front door.  He carefully opened it and signaled Neil to be quiet.  They stood in the foyer in silence straining to hear anything unusual.

“Bhai, I don’t think anyone is here,” Neil whispered.  “Maybe the gate is broken?”

“Let’s just check around the house,” Parth replied, talking softly.  They both gestured to the left and headed towards the downstairs study room.



Abhimanyu stared at the woman in front of him silently admiring the amount of concentration she was taking to address his wound.  Her head lowered hair on the left tucked behind her ear, one hand holding a bottle of rubbing alcohol and the other holding a large cotton pad. He inhaled sharply as he felt the sting of alcohol penetrate his open skin.  “I’m fine.  It’s okay.  It’s supposed to do that,” he replied, meeting her worried gaze.  He reached out with this left hand and tenderly tucked her hair behind her right ear.  He let his thumb linger against her cheek and moved forward wanting to close the distance.  “Only you would try and romance at a time like this.” His brown eyes widened seeing the scowl on Akshara’s face.  “Let me take care of this,” she ordered.  Abhimanyu frowned, pouting at her words but let her finish applying the antiseptic cream and gauze wrap around his right forearm.

“Finished?” he softly inquired before he took her hands into his.  “I’m just as nervous as you are.  I told you I’m here.” But before Akshara could reply they heard another crashing sound coming from the open closet door. She immediately stood up and peaked inside, “It’s a mess in here.”


Neil had just walked out of one of the master bedroom’s bathroom and paused thinking he had just heard a low rumble coming from upstairs.  “Bhai, I’m heading upstairs.  I thought I heard something. But everything is clear down here.”

“Okay,” Parth replied as he entered the room.  “The guest bedroom is fine.  I’ll meet you upstairs.  Need to use the toilet.”

“Sure thing.”  Neil said and started to make his way up the stairs.  


Abhimanyu walked towards the closet and pulled Akshara into a hug trying his best to ease the anxiety that he knew she was feeling.  He knew there wouldn’t be any societal aspersions being casted against him but for Akshara she would bear the brunt of it.  It would be impossible for her to hide the growing life in her womb.  He looked down feeling her fingers clutching at his blue and white checkered shirt.  “I’m scared Abhi,” she murmured against his chest.  He placed his hand on the back of her head trying to sooth her.  “We agreed to tell everyone about us but Bade Papa, AG, Mimi are away.  We just needed to wait two weeks but now.  We can’t wait can we?”

“If it’s positive then we’ll get married today,” Abhimanyu stated firmly.  Akshara pulled back looking at him with wide eyes.  “If we are married then no one can say anything.  We’ll get registered and then get married at the mandir. We can then tell our families about us.  If they say anything I will say I forced you into the marriage because I couldn’t wait and I made the---“

“No Abhi,” cutting him off.  “I’m not going to allow them to think that you forced the marriage or forced anything on me.  What happened that night was mutual.”

“Fine.  We’ll say we got married and what happened after that is between husband and wife.”  He cupped her face with his left hand while he tenderly placed his right hand on her stomach. “I love you and I promise I will always be here for you and our child.”  Akshara felt tears welling up and leaned into him for another warm embrace. The loving moment was soon interrupted by the sudden opening of the bedroom door.  They both looked up in surprise and uttered, “Neil?”

 “You guys are together?!” he exclaimed.  “This is great news!” 

Abhimanyu and Akshara shared a glance and then looked back at Neil confused as to why he was there and at his hyper behavior. But before either of them could question him Parth came running in shouting, “Neil?  Neil? What’s going on?”  He paused and almost did a double take, unable to believe his eyes.  “Abhi…Akshara?  What are you doing here?”

“Ha-hah…it worked…days…I spent days…and you guys are finally together…” Neil blabbered and then turned towards Parth, “See, everything worked out like I told you…that night at the convention.  Plan was solid.  I don’t know how many times I had to keep chipkali…I mean Arohi, sorry Akshara…” folding his hands and then returning to his happy rant, “Away.  I picked her up from the house then dropped her off at the hospital, picked her up from the hospital and dropped her back home again, took her to NGO clinics on the weekends, took her to the library…did everything I could to keep her engaged … I even ate lunch with her…speaking of which she owes me money for the last time…I need to talk to her about that later…I’m suppose to meet her at this café…”

“It sounds like you are dating her,” Parth interjected. 

“Wha?” Neil replied and then gave a terrified doomed smile, “No, it’s not like that,” he put his hand on the left side of his chest and grabbed it as if the accusation had hurt him.  “Chipkali? Are you paagal?”

“Everything you are saying seems to indicate that,” Parth explained, annoyed his cousin was this clueless.

“Neil, what plan?” The youngest Birla sibling straightened and turned towards his older brother.  He understood the tone in his voice and knew things were about to get uncomfortable.

“What plan?” Neil answered, trying to play innocent.

“I heard plan, convention, and night.  What did you do?” Abhimanyu ordered.

“Nothing,” shaking his head.

“Tell me now or we do this the hard way.”

 “I came here to fix the security system so I’ll go do that now,” Neil quickly answered and then ran down the stairs with Abhimanyu chasing after him.

Parth sighed as he rubbed the temples of his forehead.  “It’s like we’re kids again. Summer vacation at the Birla farmhouse.”  Akshara remained silent and followed him out the door.  “Abhi!  Neil!  Stop running!”


“Stop running Neil,” Abhimanyu implored as he chased him around the living room.

“Bro, you’re angry.”

“I’M NOT.”

“Then why are you throwing pillows at me?” Neil asked as he dodged to the left. A white cushion whizzed by hitting the wall where a large picture frame hung.  

“Because You Won’t Stand Still,” Abhimanyu replied as he grabbed a hold of another pillow from the couch.  “If You Stand Still Then I Won’t Have to Chase You.  So Stand Still And Stop Being A Bandar.”

“That’s not nice!” As his older cousin step into view Neil pointed at his brother and complained, “He called me a bandar, Parth bhaiya.  Tell him to be nicer to me.” 

“Abhi be nice to Neil.”

“My dearest younger brother please stop running and come to me so we can have a chat,” Abhimanyu asked through gritted teeth.  “Tell me about this plan you had.”

“I told you I kept Arohi engaged so you and Akshara could have time together without disruptions.  I don’t know what else you want from me,” Neil said as he scrambled across to the right of the room trying to keep from being hit by flying pillows or being caught in his brother’s grasp.

Akshara couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous scene before her even though she was just as concern over Neil’s plans.  She had never seen this sort of childish side from Abhimanyu before; at least not at this level with his family members.  But she knew the situation had to be stopped. Both of them were looking worn out and running in circles was not solving anything. 

Holding a pillow Abhimanyu quickly raised it in front of his face to block a grey cushion being thrown his way.  He put his arms down looking at his brother in astonishment.  “I’m just defending myself,” Neil explained before he ran the other direction. “Bro, I’m getting tired. Can we please stop?”

“I just need the truth,” Abhimanyu said between heavy breaths. “If you stop we can have a chat.”

“He might have spiked your drinks with Desi daru the night of the convention party.” Parth interjected, causing Abhimanyu and Akshara to look at Neil, stunned at the revelation.

 “Bhai!” Neil shouted dazed by the betrayal.  

“There is a pregnancy test kit on the coffee table. I think they deserve to know,” Parth defended gesturing to the coffee table.  Akshara bit down on her lower lip realizing she had just left the box out in the open.  She felt her face flush now that the attention was directed towards her way and what the test kit meant. 

“No, I-I…”Neil stuttered as the gravity of the situation his actions had caused dawned on him, “I didn’t mean for anything like that to happen.  I’m sorry Bhaiya,” immediately folding his hands in front of him, “I mean it.  I’m really sorry.  I just wanted you to be happy.  And your happiness is with Akshara.  I wanted you both to be happy together, that's it.”  He could see his brother’s face tighten and his jaw clenching to control the anger that was brewing inside.

“Neil Birla,” he bellowed, “How could you do something that reckless?!  Did you not realize what could have happened?  What if I wasn’t with Akshara?  What if she got hurt?  What if something else happened?  Neither of us remembered what happened that night.  Do you realize how stressed Akshara has been?  Now there may be a baby involved.  Do you understand?  Talking to our families is one thing but society always points to the woman, never the man for these things.”  He threw the pillow that was still in his hand with such force that it bounced upward and landed on the coffee table pushing the TV remote to the floor with a clank.  

Akshara walked forward and stood between him and Neil. “Abhi calm down, please.  Let’s discuss things calmly?”

Abhimanyu shifted restlessly as he let out a puff of air trying to remain composed.  “I’m extremely sorry Akshara for everything that has happened.  I apologize that my brother decided to take matters into his own hands.”

“I’m really truly very sorry.”  Akshara turned around to see Neil kneeling with his hands folded.  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.  I only wanted to help.  I only wanted the best for you both.  I’m really sorry.  I’ve been a horrible friend.  I can understand if you cannot forgive me.”

“Neil…” she replied with a warmth that he thought he did not deserve.  “I know what you did came from a place of good intentions.  I can’t say I am not disappointed because I am.  It was reckless.  But I forgive you.  Please stand up. Your brother and I will handle the elders. ” Neil stood up but continued to look apologetic.  Parth held a faint grin. He never really interacted with Akshara much but he was beginning to understand why Neil was so sure that she complemented Abhimanyu so well.  His older cousin was hot headed while she seemed to possess a calmness in her.  She possessed the ability to tame his fiery ways.


Abhimanyu sat on the couch fidgeting.  One minute he had his hands folded another minute he was tapping his fingers against the side table.  He glanced at his watch making note of the time and wondered why it was taking so long.  The instructions stated it only took three minutes.  He looked up to see Neil and Parth sitting on the other side waiting just like him.  Never in his dreams did he think he would be sharing a private moment like this with them.  All the men stood up when they heard Akshara’s footsteps enter the living room.

“It’s negative,” she simply stated.  There was an instant air of relief that could be felt from everyone.

Parth nudged Neil to give Abhimanyu and Akshara some time alone.  He stood up and announced, “We’re going to get some water.  Do you guys want anything?”  Both Abhimanyu and Akshara answered no.  “Okay, if you need anything we’ll be there.”

Akshara waited for the cousins to be out of ear shot before she approached Abhimanyu and collapsed into his embrace.  “Akshu?” he gently soothed.  “Isn’t this a good thing?”  He could feel her nod against his chest.  “But?”

“It is less complicated now,” she replied, looking at him. “But I’ve never been late before.”

“Stress can be a factor.”

“Hmmm…my dreams about that night, the Oberoi case, hiding our relationship from everyone..I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to lie to the family about my whereabouts…and Bade Mama is talking to Mrs. Kaushik…” Akshara rattled off.

“The lying will stop soon.  I know things have not been easy.  We will tell everyone and you and I can just be together.  And the dreams you don’t have to worry about them now.  We received our answers today. Work...there will always be stresses…but you’re not alone in the Oberoi case..with time everything is going to be okay.  But who is this Mrs. Kaushik?  Why are you concern about her?”

“She is kind of a matchmaker,” Akshara sighed, “Bade Mama has been talking to her a lot recently.  I always either hear the end when they hang up or Bade Mama disappears into the study to talk.  I’m getting worried.  I’m the eldest daughter in the house…what if they are looking for a rishta for me?”

“It’s been two months since the blow up.  Do people have nothing better to do but think about who’s shaddi is next?” Abhimanyu peeved.

“For some it takes them less than two weeks,” Akshara replied curtly.  Abhimanyu’s stern face faded, understanding the sarcasm in her voice as it was a dig at him for the things he had put them through due to his angry decision.

“When Bade Papa, your uncle, and great grandmother come back home we will tell them immediately. We will stop it before anything else starts,” Abhimanyu reassured.

“You’re probably right about the stress.  Maybe it will come soon but I’ll make an appointment with the doctor.”  Akshara said.  She then held his hand and started moving towards the kitchen, “Let’s go get your brothers.  At least two people from your family now know about us.”  Abhimanyu grinned looking at her as she flashed her beautiful smile.  Every time she did that at him he felt like the luckiest man in the world.



Akshara pouted as she looked at the glass of warm turmeric milk her brother Kairav was holding on the serving tray.  “Akshu, you weren’t feeling well enough to come down and have breakfast this morning at least have a glass of milk.”

“Bhaiya, I really don’t feel like having anything right now,” she replied.

Kairav placed the glass on the side, “I’ll put it here in case you feel like it later,” he rested the back of his hand against her forehead and frowned, “You don’t feel like you have a fever.  You weren’t feeling so well yesterday either.”

“I don’t have a fever.  Don’t worry.  I’m off today.  I have a doctor’s appointment later in the afternoon.  I am sure I will feel fine later.  Just a bit tired.” 

“You have been coming home late from work recently,” Kairav stated. “Make sure you take enough rest.”

“You should go or you will be late for work.”

He chuckled, “All right I’ll take my leave.  Arohi has already left to the hospital.  Mimi and Bade Mama went to the mandir and afterwards they said they were going to visit some friends.  Vansh went out to do some vlog shooting.” Kairav turned around and started to head towards the doorway when he was stopped by Akshara’s voice.  “Bhaiya, do you know when Bade Papa and AG will be back?  I thought they would be home soon.”

“They had to extend the trip unfortunately,” Kairav informed, “They should be back by week after next. Why?”

“Nothing.  Just I miss them,” Akshara answered. “Have a good day Bhaiya.”

“Rest well.” Kairav smiled and then left the room.


Akshara had just finished taking a warm shower hoping it would help clear her head and smooth her stomach that had been acting up since the morning.  She had changed out of her pajamas and into a pink kurta and her comfiest jeans. The glass of turmeric milk was left half drunk on her desk as she paced about.  She was patting her hair dry with the towel when she heard a notification go off on her phone.  “Neil?” she murmured as she saw the message and 3 missed calls.  Not soon after she heard what sounded like small pebbles being thrown at the window sill.  She opened the window and gasped, “Neil, what are you doing?”

“Surprise,” he smiled.  “I was beginning to give up.  We don’t have much time.  You mind opening the front door?”


Akshara stared up at the large brown doors of the Birla house.  It was a surreal feeling again standing in front of the threshold after everything that had happened.  The doors opened and Parth greeted them with a smile.  “Hi Akshara, come in.”

“Parth Bhaiya,” she greeted though still a bit confused as to why Neil had taken her to his home.

“Bro?” Neil simply inquired.

“He’s still asleep in his room.  He came back late last night.  No one is home.  Chachi is out running some errands so she will be out of the house for several hours.  Nishtha is at school.”  Parth walked to the kitchen with the other two following behind.  “Everything is set up,” pointing at a tray that held a cup of black coffee, a glass of juice, two omelettes, some buttered toast and jam. 

“It’s my way of making up,” Neil said.  “It must be hard having to sneak around.  I thought it would be nice for you two to have a breakfast date in this house.  Anyways, you’ll be calling this place your home soon.”

“Neil…” Akshara simply uttered, touched by the gesture.

“By the way let me know what you want to change in his room…you know colors, furniture, bedding…I can start a list for you.”

“Thanks Neil.  I’ll keep that in mind.”

Akshara took the breakfast tray and made her way to Abhimanyu’s bedroom.  The last time she had entered the room it was to stop a sparking wire.  It was also her first time confronting the future reality that his room would never be their room.  At least that was how things were at that time.  Now, things were different.  She carefully opened the bedroom door and smiled seeing Abhimanyu sleeping peacefully.  She placed the breakfast tray on the bench at the foot of the bed and then silently approached him.  Sitting on the side she let her eyes take in his handsome face; his full eyelashes, predominant nose, chiseled chin, beautiful jawline, and of course his kissable lips. She had spent many hours drowning in those sweet lips of his.  Her hand reached out and gently brushed back his hair.  He stirred slowly causing her to grin.  “Abhi, it’s time to get up.”

Abhimanyu’s eyes slowly opened and he groggily responded, “Mmmm…Akshu, you’re in my room again?  Why do you torment me like this in my dreams?  I know you’re not here.  You’re never here when I awake.”

“I’m real this time Abhi,” Akshara responded as she caressed his cheek.  Abhimanyu immediately sat up all traces of weariness gone as he reached out and held her hand.  “You’re real….”  She nodded to confirm his assessment.  “What are you doing here?”

“I brought you your breakfast.  The only people here are you, me, Neil, and Parth.”  His brows knitted at a sudden mirthful laugh escaped Akshara’s lips.  “Your bed head...” she pressed down on the top of his head and watched as his hair bounced back in a disheveled way.  Abhimanyu tried fixing his hair by combing through it with his hands but it was to no avail.  “It’s cute Abhi.  Leave it.  Your breakfast is getting cold.”

“You want some?” he asked as he took a full bite of the omelette.

“No, it’s okay.  I’m not that hungry. My stomach’s been bothering me.  I didn’t even have breakfast this morning.”

“It’s not good to be on an empty stomach all day. At least have some juice,” he offered, looking at her worriedly.  Akshara took the glass and drank a few sips knowing he wouldn’t let her be if she didn’t.  She felt her stomach gurgle and a familiar ache.  “Hungry?  I heard that.”

“Okay, maybe a little,” Akshara acknowledged with a shy grin.  “I wasn’t feeling quite right this morning but it must have passed.”

They shared the omelette and toast quietly eating, enjoying their time together when there was a loud knock on the door.  “Bro, it’s me.”

“Come in Neil,” Abhimanyu stated.  

“We got a problem,” he announced.  “It’s Ma she’s on her way back.  She said she will be here in 10 minutes.”

“Wasn’t she out running errands?” Akshara asked as she stood up.

“Yes, she was and it was going to take her the whole day.  She forgot her shopping list,” Parth answered.  “I tried looking for the list but I couldn’t find it.  She said it was better for her to come home and look for it herself. “

 “How are we going to get you out without Ma noticing?” Neil asked; a question more to himself than to anyone as he paced back and forth trying to find a solution.

“She doesn’t have to leave.  Ma is just coming back to find her shopping list.  She finds it and then she will leave.  We just need to make sure she doesn’t see Akshara,” Abhimanyu stated as he got up from the bed.

“Abhi…” He turned towards Akshara and immediately came to her side sensing some dilemma.  “I don’t feel too good,” leaning her forehead against his shoulder as she clutched her stomach.

“Akshara…” Abhimanyu voiced with great concern.  “What’s the matter?  Is it your stomach?”

“I feel a bit nauseous…”

“Nausea?” Parth questioned.  “In the morning…how long?”

“This happened yesterday too,” she replied.   


“False-negative?  Can that be possible?” Neil exclaimed. “I thought over the counter pregnancy tests were fairly accurate.”

“It’s rare but possible,” Parth explained. 

Akshara held her hand to her mouth and rushed to the bathroom.  Abhimanyu looked distressed at the situation unfolding before him.  Neil folded his hands and in an apologetic tone and pleaded, “Bro, don’t kill me before I become an uncle.” Abhimanyu gave an eerie smile as he put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed it firmly.  But before Neil could say anything more he watched his brother lurch putting his hand to his mouth and then run off to find the closest bathroom that wasn’t occupied in the house. “What was that?  Is that what they call sympathetic pregnancy?”

“Couvade syndrome.  It’s not uncommon for men to have symptoms like nausea, bloating, irritability, gas, constipation while their partners are expecting,” Parth answered.  “But this soon?”

“Oh God,” Neil panicked.  “She’s sick and pregnant.”

“She’s not pregnant.”

“But what you just said.”

“I was only answering your question.  The test was negative.  She was fine when she came here.  She probably caught a stomach bug.  There’s been one going around,” Path replied.

“Well, Ma is not going to leave if she finds Bro like this. And if Akshara is sick it will be hard for her to leave. We got to think of something.”  

Parth nodded.  “I know.  Whatever it is, we have to do it fast.”




I hope to have this story wrapped in probably two more parts.

Thank you all for reading smiley31 and please let me know what you think.  Any parts that were your favorite?

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Comments (36)

I'm so glad I found this! I have been smiling all the way reading it. Looks like a mature version of AbhiRa. I don't care if they are preggers or not...just them together is perfect. Love Neil and Parth. I wish they had more to do in the show as well. Your writing is lovely. When is the. Ext update. Pls don't take long! Thank you

2 years ago

Waiting for the next update

2 years ago

I am waiting for the next update..

2 years ago

Wow! Lovely update. I have so many thoughts on this Everything happened in the story, I can totally see that happening. Everyone is acting so much like how they are in the show. It's rare in fanfictions, where people usually write their own interpretations of the characters.All the scenes were so cute, Abhi being extra careful in case she is pregnant was so....😍Also I love the secret dating thing really and that breakfast date, I want that in the show really.Really amazing chapter, do update soon..

2 years ago

Aww these brothers are too cute.

2 years ago

In love with this story and your style of writing. You prompted me to come out of silent reading in the forum. Thank you for tagging me, eventhough I didn't comment. Could relate so well to the characters and their interactions. The sibling encounter was hilarious. Can't wait to read the rest.

2 years ago

Thankyou for tagging me can't wait to read the next part ❤️

2 years ago

Pls continue soon,it’s so cute and interesting.And pls a long chapter like this one 😁💖

2 years ago

This is getting more and more interesting! I am hooked and eagerly waiting for the next part! Couvade syndrome??!! I am a doctor by profession and this tickled me pink

2 years ago

Omlette me hi kuch gadbad hoga phir to

2 years ago