Chapter 4

2 years ago

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Lucid Dream Part 4

Manjari Birla walked into the house, frazzled that she had forgotten to take the shopping list with her.  She had so much work to do before dinner today.  Her husband had called her reminding her that he would be coming home at 6:00pm and would then have to take an important call at 8:00pm so dinner would have to be early.  “Not here,” she mumbled to herself as she walked around the living room lifting various magazines and books on the coffee table.  

“Chachi, did you find it?” Parth asked as he walked down the stairs.

“No beta, I have not.  Let me see, I went to the dining room next and to drink some water…”

Parth immediately followed to keep an eye on her whereabouts in case he needed to run interference for anyone.  He walked around the table with his aunt searching for the shopping list.  Having seen none they entered the kitchen next.  

“Let’s see I told the maid to throw the eggs away.  They had expired,” Manjari murmured.  Her eyes flexed seeing the carton still on the counter.  “Why are these still here?”

“These are expired?” Parth questioned.

“Yes, by a day.  Where is Sheila?”

“There was a family emergency and she had to go.  Her grandfather had a fall.” Parth explained.  He then mumbled under his breath, “Oh no, no wonder they got sick…”

At that exact moment Abhimanyu walked into the kitchen.  His mother turned and looked at him, “Abhi, what is the matter?”

“What do you mean, Ma?  I’m fine,” Abhimanyu responded.  “What are you doing?  I just woke up a few minutes ago.”

Manjari’s motherly senses were going off as she looked at her son, the collar of his shirt slightly damp and the roots of his hair and sideburns had small droplets of water.  “Why is your face wet?”

“It is?” Abhimanyu replied in surprise as he touched his face, rubbing his hands against his stubble.

“The eggs had expired,” Parth simply stated while secretly giving his cousin a signal with his eyes.


“Did you eat them?” Manjari inquired suddenly understanding the situation.  

“It looks like Sheila didn’t have time to inform anyone.  I asked one of the new servants to make something for Abhi,” Parth confessed.

“Oh dear!  Please Parth throw those away before someone else eats them by mistake.  Abhi, should I make you something else?”

He raised his hand and touched his stomach, “It’s okay Ma.  I’ll let my stomach settle a bit before I eat anything.  I heard from Parth something about a shopping list?” 

“Yes, I was busy instructing the servants this morning then the calls from the dry cleaners came and then the contractors called about fixing the back patio.  I’m retracing my steps this morning.  Ah,” smiling brightly, “I went to your room to get the laundry.” Both Parth and Abhimanyu silently exchanged worried looks.


Neil gently knocked on the bathroom door and called out, “Akshara, you okay?”  He had heard the sounds of vomiting, flushing, and running water but now it was deathly silent and he was getting worried.  “Akshara?  Do I need to get Bro?”  He stepped back when he heard the door knob turning and watched as she emerged from the room.

“I’m fine Neil.” She stated.

“Ma is still here.”

“I have a doctor’s appointment soon.  I have to go.  Do you think I be able to sneak out?”

“We could try,” Neil said with some worry.  He poked his head out the bedroom door to survey the surroundings, “Looks like it is clear…” and quietly opened the door motioning with his hand for her to follow.  They had made their way to the front door when Neil abruptly stopped, almost causing Akshara to run into his back.  “Oh no…Harsh Uncle is here?!,” looking through a window “Back up, go back up.”  He turned and advised, “I’ll stall him and you go back up to Bro’s room.  We’ll have to wait for these people to leave otherwise you will get caught.  With Ma, we may be able to explain something but not with Harsh Uncle he’ll make a scene about this.” Akshara nodded and quickly ran back up the stairs towards Abhimanyu’s room.  

Neil could hear his father on his phone talking loudly as usual about some PR campaign he had in mind.  He stood at the foot of the staircase and pulled out his mobile pretending he was looking at something. “Yes, absolutely, I want it out on the publications, Twitter, Instagram, the radio…yes, yes correct.  Listen, I have to go. You prepare everything and we will sync back up again tomorrow afternoon.  Bye.”  Harshvardhan smiled as he hung up the call and with a spring in his step continued walking towards the stairs.  The joy in his eyes was immediately replaced with ire seeing the youngest Birla male loitering in front of the staircase.  “Do you have anything better to do than to stand around all day?” he quipped.  “This generation is always on the phone never paying any attention to what they are doing or where they are going and who they are even blocking!”

Neil lifted his eyes and simply replied, “Good Afternoon Harsh Uncle.  I’m sorry to have gotten in your way.  You’re home early.”

“I needed to get a file.”  He walked past Neil and then suddenly turned mid way up the stairs.  His face held a slight look of embarrassment as he started speaking.  “The Microsoft Surface Pro there seems to be something wrong with it.  I need it tonight for an important video conference call.”

“I can take a look at it,” Neil simply replied.

“8:00pm. Let me know if you are able to fix it or not.” Neil flashed a smile and started walking up the stairs.  “Are you following me?”

“I need to get something from my room,” Neil explained. 

“The Surface Pro is in the study,” Harshvardhan replied before disappearing into his room.

Neil glanced to his right to make sure his father was gone and then quickly entered his brother’s room.  “Oh, that was close.  He should be gone soon.  He came back home to get a file.”  Akshara nodded and sat down on the edge of the red lounge chair.  

Their relief was short-lived when they heard voices coming their way.  They could tell Parth and Abhimanyu were talking a little louder than normal.  Neil looked at a panicked Akshara and whispered, “You need to hide.”


“Bathroom…” they both stated at the same time.  They rushed over with Akshara entering just at the same time the door to Abhimanyu’s bedroom was opening.  Neil stood by the doorway acting as if he had just exited the attached bathroom.  He simply smiled as he saw his family enter the room.

“Neil, what are you doing?” Manjari inquired.

“Oh, I was helping Bro with his laptop and just went to the bathroom.”

“You didn’t have any of those expired eggs did you?” Manjari asked as she saw the breakfast tray on the bed.

“No, Ma I didn’t eat the expired eggs.”

“Okay that’s a relief.”  She began murmuring to herself again as she strolled around the room.

“We are helping Ma find her shopping list,” Abhimanyu informed.  He then secretly gestured to his brother inquiring where Akshara had gone.  Neil pointed with his thumb backwards to the bathroom door.

“So, let’s see…I took the laundry out of the bathroom.  Neil, beta why are you standing in the way?”

“Uh-huh…you don’t want to go in there Ma.  It’s um…”

“It’s what Beta?”

“Neil, did you go number 2 in there?” Abhimanyu asked rather loudly.  “Couldn’t you have gone in your own room?”

“It’s a bathroom.  You do your business in there Bro,” Neil defended as he gave silent gesturing eyes to his brother and cousin to think of something to keep Manjari out.

“I’m your Ma.  I’ve changed both your diapers and smelled worse things,” she interjected.  “Neil, please.”

“Chachi, that shopping list, what kind of paper is it?” Parth suddenly asked.

“It is a long vertical note with a green border.”

Abhimanyu felt his mobile vibrating in his pocket.  He was ignoring it at first but when it continued going off he pulled it out to check.  His eyes flexed and he looked downward focusing in at the bathroom door as his younger brother continued to stall their mother from going inside.  He could see a piece of paper being slid underneath the tiny gap between the door and floor.  “Ma, is that shopping list there…on the ground?”

Manjari lifted her hand from the door knob and looked down with surprise, “Why yes it is.  Thank you Beta.”   The Birla brothers flashed relieved smiles.  “Well, I must be off,” holding firmly onto the paper as she turned to exit.  Neil and Parth immediately followed, escorting her out of the room.

“It’s safe to come out,” Abhimanyu informed, talking into the bathroom door.  He watched as it slowly opened.  “I’m serious.  It’s okay now.”

Akshara sighed, “That was scary.  Abhi, I don’t like this.”

Taking her hand into his, “I know. We will talk to everyone soon.”

“Maybe you should tell your mother first.  I don’t like how you are keeping things from her.  I know how close you are with her.  I feel bad that you are doing this to her because of me.  This isn’t right.  Maybe we should have told everyone about us sooner like you had wanted.”

“Akshu, we agreed that at the time we resolved our issues that things were too strained between the families.  They needed time.  So we gave them time.  We will tell everyone,” Abhimanyu soothed.  “Listen, I will speak to Ma about us.  Is there someone we could inform on your side first?  Kairav?”

“Bhaiya?” Akshara nodded.  “I think before we tell the elders.  I need to talk to Arohi.”

“Arohi?” Abhimanyu repeated his voice slightly laced with disdain. 

“No matter what, she is still my sister.  And she has a right to know.  Her rishta broke twice with you,” breathing deeply, “Even if there was no love involved and what she did was absolutely wrong…she still has a right to know.”

“And if she says no?  Throws a tantrum and starts talking nonsense to you?” Abhimanyu heatedly questioned.  “Forgive me if I say I cannot trust her.  I don’t like the way she behaves with you.  Whatever it may be, it's not right.”

“If she says no…we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.  But that won’t change my feelings for you.  I love you Abhi,” Akshara replied.  “I want to marry you.  We need the elders to approve.  Of course I want everyone to be happy about us…to take a group family photo on our wedding day where everyone has smiles on their faces.”

Abhimanyu composed himself and replied, “What you want is what I want.”  He let out a calming breath as Akshara hugged him tightly.  “Don’t you have a doctor’s appointment to go to?  I’ll drop you off.”  

“Mmm…five more minutes,” she replied as she continued to cling to him enjoying the warmth and peace he always brought to her when they were together. 



Arohi Goenka sat quietly at the restaurant table reading a medical journal as she sipped a cup of black coffee.  She glanced at her mobile phone and sighed at the time before returning to the article she was reading.  She found herself stuck at the third paragraph re-reading the sentences but the information just wasn’t processing.  Her mind kept wandering back to that day:

The air hung low as a heaviness spread all around.  The kind of atmosphere that would make your clothes stick to your skin in the most irritating fashion.  She gave a faint sigh as she made her way down the mandir steps careful with the prayer plate in her hands.  Her right foot slid against a leaf causing her body to stiffen as it attempted to rebalance itself.  She took a deep breath as her balance regained and she closed her eyes trying to steady her breathing.  As the light disappeared her mind was suddenly transported back to the day she had lost everything.  Her breath hitched recalling how her mother had fallen down the steps and the panic and anger she felt towards her sister.  “Whoa, be careful!” Her eyes opened immediately as she felt a pair of hands gripping the sides of her arms.  She titled her head upwards to see a familiar young man’s face. 

 “Chamkadar?”  The normal smirk she was use to seeing did not appear instead his eyes held a look of concern.  “You don’t look so good.  Here come sit down.”

She felt herself being guided down the steps and then placed on a nearby bench.  “I’m fine Neil,” she protested.

“Drink this,” he replied, handing her a water bottle.

“You’re being nice.”

“Chipkali, stop wasting your breath and drink,” Neil ordered as he had recognized her sarcastic tone.  Once satisfied that she had taken enough water he continued talking, “I know you doctors work long shifts but walking around like a zombie without any sleep is probably not a good idea.”

“I’m okay.”

“Oh really?  If I had not been there you probably would have rolled down the stairs.” He noticed how her body posture had suddenly changed as if something had scared her and inquired, “You really okay?”

“I’m fine,” she snapped back.  “I don’t need your help.”

“Don’t confuse this for some concern over you.  I was only doing this as fellow human…you know manners…the right thing to do,” he explained.

She took a sharp breath, “Like what your dear brother did?  The right thing to do?”

“Don’t you dare say anything against Bro.”

“Of course a man who can do no wrong.  We should all be thankful when he graces us with his presence when he enters the room.  Never mind the fact that he came to me for a rishta while he was still in love with my sister.  That’s an upstanding thing to do.”

“And he told you the truth that he would always love Akshara and what that arranged marriage was going to be about and You said Yes.  So you knew what you were getting yourself involved in.  He also explained why he was breaking the engagement that day…because of your lies.  So there is no argument here.  I can’t believe you still don’t understand.  I can’t even…” Neil huffed as he started to walk away but then stopped himself.  “You know what I don’t get in all of this is how you can point a finger at everyone involved but you won’t take responsibility for your actions.”

“I did them for my studies and my career.  What is wrong with trying to get a higher education?“

“Nothing wrong when you work for it.  Why would a self respecting woman try to further her career by bribing for a seat?  Why would she feel like she needs to marry some guy who is a topper to elevate her own social standing?  That’s what I don’t understand.  You’re smart, you have the grades to prove it.  Why are you taking short cuts?  Just because Taiji said something to you about her degrees you want to suddenly race to beat her?  She’s built that career over time and gained that experience with her hard work.”

“Oh shut up, what do you know about careers?  What do you even do?  You’re no doctor—“

“That’s right, I'm not a doctor.  But even I know and understand this much,” Neil cut in.  “You know I thought you were arrogant before but now…I see you’re just insecure.”

“Excuse me?”   

“Yes you are insecure Arohi Goneka.  You have no self respect for yourself otherwise you would be working hard to get into medical college the correct way.  You would be working towards topping everything and building your own reputation without having to marry someone to further your standing.  Just imagine how great it would feel to earn this fairly where no one can point a finger at you and question your integrity.  But I guess you don’t have the courage to really challenge yourself. Anyways, it’s been nice chatting with you but I have to go.”  

Arohi was pulled from her thoughts when she heard the notification on her phone go off.  The memory of the conversation that day had wormed its way into her mind.  As much as she had fought to forget it in the beginning it soon took hold of her making her realize for the first time in her life a truth she had been hiding.  She couldn’t understand how or why Neil’s words had impacted her so much.  She was use to getting lectures by Akshara, Kairav, AG, and Bade Papa but she never listened to them.  Their words went in one ear and out the other.  But here a complete stranger had seen through her and called her out.  Yet, the same stranger showed up one day to take her to a NGO clinic and then to work and back home again.  At first she treated him like a driver, somewhat thankful that it kept her from having to share a ride with her sister that she was still angry with. But slowly this routine became a habit and she found herself in the presence of someone she was beginning to think of as a friend. 

She checked the text as the waiter came to the table.  “Miss, are you ready to order?”

“A few more minutes…my friend is running late.”

“Okay, I’ll come back again.”

Fifteen minutes later Neil Birla came running up with an apologetic look.  “Took you long enough,” Arohi harped.

“Chipkali, when I say traffic is bad…that is what it means traffic is bad.”

“Whatever, sit down, I'm starving.  I don’t see the waiter anywhere either, great.”

“So what’s up?  Why did you call me out here?” Neil asked.  “You still owe me from last time.”

“This lunch is on me. It’s a thank you.”

“What?  Can you say that again?”

“Lunch is on me?”

“The other two words.”

“Thank you.”

“What?” Neil repeated.

“Thank you.”


“Oh, will you shut up,” Arohi peeved.  “You know what I am saying.”

“I just had to make sure,” Neil replied, pulling his right ear, “I thought maybe I was hearing things.  I never thought I would hear these words from you.”

“I never thought I would be saying them to you, Chamkadar.  But I guess life has a funny way about it.  Anyways, I took your advice about that other doctor in our group.”

“The one that keeps slacking off and you have to keep covering for him…well almost everyone has to do that for him?”    

“Yes, and I’m glad it’s all settled,” Arohi replied. 

“So, you are friends now with some of your group?  It's nice to have people who like you, isn’t it?”

“I have friends.” Arohi defended.

“But they are acting nicer aren’t they?  Warning you about things? Inviting you to lunch?” Neil poked.  Arohi sighed and nodded her head begrudgingly.  Neil just smirked in response. 


Abhimanyu sat on his motorcycle staring down at his phone hoping it would ring soon.   It was 5:00pm in the afternoon and there would only be a few more hours of daylight left.  He got off his bike to stretch his legs and peered down the street to his left wondering if he should take the chance and walk by the Goenka mansion gate.  Despite the fact that Bade Papa and AG were gone he knew it was still problematic if he were to get caught by anyone.  He particularly did not want to meet Arohi.  That girl was trouble with a capital T.  He knew some of her attitude towards him was justified but the rest was gratuitous. The thing that irked him the most was her behavior towards Akshara.  He could not understand the sister dynamic and truth be told he never put much thought into it as he was preoccupied at that time with his own situation with Akshara and why she was hiding her love for him.  He only wanted that one question to be answered by her but no matter how hard he pushed and pull he felt like he was running into walls.  He had lost all sense of himself; he realized this much later after things had been resolved between them.  He remembered how she had distinctly described his behavior “You were being a real jerk.”  He apologized realizing how his attitude had put her in a tough position.  But even she had admitted her part in the mess.  Her silence had been a catalyst to the poor decisions made and had trapped them in a seemingly endless maze.  It was only through pure luck his brother Neil overheard Arohi muttering about a medical college entrance bribe.  He took the reins from there to investigate the matter further and discovered all the other lies that she had done all in the name of becoming a “power couple”.  Even after being called out, her blatant denial and refusal to own up to her mistakes irritated him to no end.  The one good thing was it left his father speechless and it ended any roads to her ever being thought of as a potential partner for him.  He was free now to work on his relationship with Akshara.

Abhimanyu found himself walking towards the Goneka mansion realizing his thoughts had distracted him.  Akshara had yet to reply to his calls and messages and he was beginning to feel uneasy.  It had been a good four hours since her doctor’s appointment.  He sent a text message to her again and then started walking back to his parked motorcycle when he received a call.  To his disappointment it was someone from the hospital. “Hello Dr. Rohan.  Yes, the file is on my desk.”  Ten minutes later he finished the consulting call and hopped on his motorcycle to drive back home.  Just as he was about to put on his helmet he heard a familiar voice call his name.  “Abhimanyu.”  He turned to see Kairav looking at him with piercing eyes behind his glasses.  “What are you doing here?”

He looked at him recalling the discussion that he and Akshara had earlier in the day and simply replied.  “I wanted to meet Akshara.”  

Kairav sighed, “I thought as much.  Five missed calls.  Ten text messages.”  He watched as the man before him held a look of surprise.  “It was displaying on the screen.  Don’t worry I did not read the messages.  She’s sleeping right now.”

“Is she okay?” Abhimanyu asked with great concern.

“She’s fine.  She caught a bit of a cold and has a stomach bug.  She took the medicine the doctor prescribed and is resting.  

Abhimanyu breathed a sigh of relief and then asked, “Is there a place we can talk?”  

Kairav simply nodded in reply.


Abhimanyu held the cup of coffee in his hands waiting for the waitress to walk away before they started talking.  He was generally quite calm in situations like this and knew exactly what to say and be persuasive but today of all days he felt this nervous flutter in the palm of his hands.  He took a drink of coffee and looked at Kairav who was patiently waiting.

“You wanted to talk?” Kairav started off.

Abhimanyu nodded and simply stated, “I’ve been meeting Akshara.” He swallowed hard and watched the man in front of him trying to read his expressions.  From what he knew of Kairav he was soft spoken and generally quiet.  But when it came to his sisters like any brother he would turn protector should someone attempt to hurt them.  

“How long?”

“Two months.”

“And your purpose?”

“Because the families should know about us.  I know the past history has caused some tension…” pausing, “There is a strained relationship, but I care deeply about your sister.  She feels the same way about me.  I want to marry Akshara.”  Kairav scoffed at the last comment as he took a deep breath trying to remain composed.  “I know you aren’t fond of me.” 

“Fond?” Kairav repeated.  “You’re right.  I’m not very fond of you.”

“I’ve made mistakes.  But I promise I will do everything to protect and take care of Akshara,” Abhimanyu firmly stated.


“Yes, you have my word.”

“Your word?  You do realize Dr. Abhimanyu Birla your word doesn’t mean much after the things that have happened.  The truth is the trust is broken.  How can I trust you to take care of my sister?  Fine, the first tilak I can understand.  There was confusion words were said.  But you came back into the same house a few weeks later with your own two feet, with your own words that you were there for a rishta for my other sister Arohi.  A rishta that would be built on support and a partnership?” Abhimanyu clenched his fist trying to remain calm reminding himself how Akshara would not approve if he impulsively spoke.  He had to let Kairav finish speaking his mind.  “Didn’t you do that?  You expect me to look the other way.  This isn’t some game.  This is real life with real consequences.  You once said that you understand what it is like to be a brother as you too have a sister.  Could you honestly tell me that you wouldn’t have the same feelings like I have regarding this matter?  And I would look at you any differently?  Would you want someone who did all of this to be with your sister?”

Abhimanyu folded his hands and solemnly answered, “I’m sorry.  I truly am.  I went with the rishta for my mother.  Her one wish was for me to be settled…to find a partner in life.  But marriage had been something so far from my mind and then when her health started to take a toll due to the stress of everything that had happened after the first tilak…I did what any child would do for their mother.  That day you questioned me and I told you my anger is something I struggle with.  I will admit my judgment was not as clear as it should have been during these events.  My parents chose the original rishta…two people in the same profession…thinking we would have the same things in common…practical understanding.  But all of us found out just how that was furthest from the truth.  She saw me as a title and I never promised love.  I won’t say anything more about your sister Arohi.  We know what transpired that day.  Truth is never convenient,” taking a breath, “But the one truth I always held on to is my love for Akshara.  I won’t apologize for my love.”

Abhimanyu watched as Kairav exhaled and then took a drink of water before continuing. “My sisters’ health and well being are important but above all of that is their happiness.  I cannot deny that Akshara’s face lights up when she is with you.  I cannot deny the fact that she is in love with you.”  Abhimanyu’s eyes flexed at his last sentence.  Was it possible Kairav had known about them all along?  “But I also cannot ignore the fact that Arohi’s rishta was broken…twice…one time in confusion and the second time in humiliation...regardless of the wrong done by her.”

“Which is why we waited this long before speaking up about our relationship,” Abhimanyu replied.  

“Dating secretly without anyone knowing?”

“Could you see either family agreeing and allowing us to see each other?  After everything and so soon?”

“No.  And you will have a hard time even now,” Kairav warned.

“Are you saying you won’t support us?”        


Akshara flipped to her side pulling the covers settling them underneath her chin.  She lay there for a few minutes before opening her eyes and reaching out to the bedside table for her phone.  “Five missed calls.  Ten text messages,” she gasped with a cough and immediately sat up making a call to Abhimanyu.  She heard the phone ring but then go to voicemail.  Frowning she started to type out a text message but upon hearing someone entering her room she looked up. “Abhi?” Her eyes went wide, unable to believe what she was seeing.  Maybe it was a dream.  She used to have them a lot during their separation period.  He was wearing the clothes from their last meeting; jeans and a black buttoned up dress shirt.  His sleeves were rolled back exposing his forearms.  He gave a wide smile as he placed the serving tray holding a bowl of soup with a soft clink onto the side table.  This was no dream.  This was real.

“But how?” Akshara asked in confusion.

“Ten minutes.”  She looked behind Abhimanyu to see Kairav standing firmly by the door.

“Fifteen.” Abhimanyu negotiated.

“Five minutes.”

“Okay ten minutes,” Abhimanyu relented and turned his attention back towards Akshara. She was looking at him bewilderedly.  “We had a talk.”  She opened her mouth to say something more but was cut off, “But first let me check…” Abhimanyu moved his hands with two fingers each to check her lymph nodes on her neck.  “Hmmm…a little swollen.  Kairav said you caught a cold?”

“Yes, after you dropped me off while I was waiting to be seen my throat started to feel scratchy.  I thought it was because I had thrown up earlier.  But I just suddenly started feeling worse. The doctor gave me medicine.”  She turned her head to the side and coughed into the crock of her arm.  

Abhimanyu placed the back of his hand on her forehead.  “You feel a little warm.”

“We shared the food this morning.  You need to drink orange juice or take some vitamin C.  You’re going to get sick Abhi.”

“Yes I will do that. Don’t worry about me.  Here, have some soup.”

“I can feed myself,” she replied, staring at the spoon traveling towards her mouth.

“Just drink.”

“Seriously Abhi…”

“I only have ten minutes.  You want to spend the time arguing about this?”  She conceded and took the spoon into her mouth.  He could see her eyes travel behind him towards the open door checking to see if her brother was there.  “What’s the matter?”

“I took another test at the doctor’s office just to confirm.”  She softly whispered.  “I’m not pregnant.  And after I came back from the appointment my monthly finally came.”

Abhimanyu nodded.  “One less thing to stress about.”

Akshara swallowed another spoonful of soup before inquiring, “What happened with Bhaiya?“

“He saw the missed messages on your phone and caught me waiting outside.  Apparently, he’s known about us for some time now.  He took a walk one day around the neighborhood and saw us together.  But he didn’t tell anyone. I told him how we want to tell the families about us and get married.  It was a very…thought provoking conversation.  I didn’t think he would agree.  I’m still surprised he allowed me to come here to see you.”

“He’s known how I felt about you since the beginning,” Akshara divulged.  “I made him promise not to tell anyone.  Did anyone see you come in?”

“No.  He told me that no one else was home yet.”

“Time’s up,” Kairav announced as he came into the room.  Akshara gave a sullen look at her brother.  “He needs to go before anyone else comes home.” Abhimanyu nodded as he stood up leaving the soup bowl on the bedside table.  

“Kairav Bhaiya?”  Everyone in the room froze as they heard the youngest Goneka calling.  

“Aru…” Akshara said with concern.

“She can’t find you here otherwise there will definitely be an issue,” Kairav warned.

“I can’t go down if she is coming up here,” Abhimanyu stated.  He looked around the room and walked towards the window overlooking the front of the house.  Satisfied that no one was in the driveway he opened it and turned to give one last look, “Call you later. Love you. Bye.”

“Abhi,” Akshara called out as she saw him jump out.  She quickly ran to the window to make sure he was all right.  She breathed a sigh of relief seeing he had climbed down a pipe on the side before jumping off a few feet from the ground.  She waved as he turned around giving a smile.  He raised his right hand to his ear making a phone gesture reminding her again that he would call.  She returned the gesture nodding her head and then slyly gave him a flying kiss.  He pretended to have caught it collapsing his hands against the left side of his chest leaning backwards as he did so with a grin.

“Akshara?”  She quickly turned and saw Bade Mama walking into her room.  “What are you doing by the window when you are sick? Kairav just informed us.  You should be resting.”

She coughed and replied, “I just wanted some fresh air.”  Swarna shook her head and gestured to her to come back to the bed while she went to close the window.

“Bade Mama,” Arohi called as she walked into the room with a cordless phone in her hand.  “It’s Mrs. Kaushik.”

“Oh, yes,” Swarna answered and quickly took the phone exiting the room in a hurry.  Both sisters turned to each other wordlessly and shared a concerned look.


Abhimanyu rubbed his towel roughly against his head trying to dry his damp hair.  He let it rest against his bare shoulders as he went to his dresser to pick out his clothes for the day.  He slipped into his khaki pants and then tossed the towel onto the bed putting on his white dress shirt.  He heard a knock on his door as he finished rolling up his sleeves.  Unlocking the door he greeted,  “Morning Ma.”  She ruffled his hair, “Morning Beta.  You are up later than normal.”

“I had a schedule switch.  The morning surgery is being performed by Dr. Gupta.  I’m taking his afternoon surgery.”

“Everyone has already left for work.  Come down and have breakfast,” she replied.  

“Ma, I have something to tell you.”

“We can talk at the table.” Manjari was surprised when she felt her son’s hands gently guide her to the bench at the foot of his bed.  “Is everything all right Abhi?” 

“Yes, everything is fine.  In fact it’s been wonderful these past few weeks.” He was kneeling down with a small grin. “I’ve been meeting Akshara.  She feels the same way about me as I do about her. “ He then folded his hands in front of him. “I’m sorry that I have kept this from you for such a long time.  But I didn’t want to burden you with this after all the things that had happened.  With Sir and the way the family was feeling…I’m really sorry Ma.  We already had that connection back during the trip but then all the confusion happened.  So we took this time to understand each other even more.  I feel complete when I am with her. ”

“Abhi,” she said, shaking her head as she lowered his folded hands.  “Beta, your happiness is the most important thing to me.  Akshara is a good person. I’ve always felt that way about her. Forgive me for putting that pressure on you and my own misunderstanding.”

“Ma, all of us were confused.”

“Well,  I’m glad you two have worked out the misunderstandings.”

“You aren’t disappointed that we are hiding our relationship?”

“Both of the families were not in a good place after everything was called off,” Manjari stated. “But if you two are serious…”       

“We want to get married,” Abhimanyu firmly declared.  “We want to tell everyone about us.  It’s been hard hiding and it did not make us feel good.  Akshara did not like that I was keeping this from you.  So we decided to start with you first.  But last night I got caught by her brother Kairav.  I was trying to call her.  She’s been feeling unwell.”

“Oh dear!  Shall I make her something?”

“Ma, she’s at home.  I can’t go to her home and give her anything directly.  Only Kairav knows about us.  We haven’t told anyone else in the Goenka family.   Bade Papa and Akhilesh Uncle are still out of town.  Akshara is going to speak with Arohi first.”

Manjari nodded her head in understanding.  “Come,” she ordered as she pulled him out of his room and walked him to the prayer room.  She folded her hands and prayed, “Oh Kanha ji please look over my Abhi and his love Akshara.  Both have had to face so much.  Please bless them and let the families understand.” Abhimanyu smiled as he heard her prayer.  He unfolded his hands and stood up giving his mother a tight hug.  “Now, you go and eat breakfast.  I will go and make some tomato noodle soup.” 


“You may not be able to give it to her.  But someone else can.”

Kairav looked at the red bundle in his hand wondering why and how he even agreed to do this.  He sighed as she walked towards his sister’s room.  “Akshu,” knocking on the door.

“Come in Bhaiya.” He found Akshara sitting up in bed reading a book.  She gave a heavy cough before blowing her nose into a tissue.  “Sorry.”

Kairav shook his head.  “You’re sick.”

“What’s that?” Her eyes zeroing in on what he was holding.  

“A present from someone,” handing it over to her.

She untied the red cloth revealing a thermos and a small note.  It read:

 Tomato soup from Ma – smiley27 Abhi

“That’s the only reason I agreed,” Kairav explained.  “You can have that for lunch.  I’ll be in the study if you need me.”

“Bhaiya, have you noticed that Bade Mama has been talking to Mrs. Kaushik a lot recently?”

His eyes flexed as he replied, “So, you’ve noticed it too?  Vansh was talking about it earlier.”

“Bhaiya, do you think they are planning something?  So much has happened, would they be looking again for one of us?  Arohi and me?”

“I don’t know.  But don’t worry.  Mrs. Kaushik also likes to gossip a lot.  Bade Mama and Mimi wouldn’t arrange anything again without talking to Bade Papa first.  If he is away on business I don’t see how they could.” Akshara nodded, trying to keep her anxiety at bay.”Have your soup and take your medicine.”

Akshara looked back down at the note in her hand and flipped it over.  On the other side there was a phone number.  She decided to open the thermos first and check the contents.  She breathed deep and realized her own silliness.  Her nose was stuffed and she could barely identify smells.  Taking the small metal spoon that had been packed with the thermos she took a spoonful of the tomato noodle soup.  The hot broth warmed her immediately and she could feel her nose slightly clearing.  

Twenty minutes later she had finished her lunch and had taken her medicine.  She picked up the note and dialed the number on her phone.  She paced back and forth nervously as the phone rang.  When she heard it get picked up she stopped and stood still listening to the other side of the line.  “Hello, Akshara?”

“Hello Aunty.”

“How are you feeling?” Manjari inquired caringly.

“I’m feeling much better after the soup.  Thank you so much.”

“Abhi told me everything.  Beta, I want you to know that I am with you both.”

“Aunty…” Akshara said not knowing how to continue.  She felt a surge of emotions suddenly that was leaving her grasping for words to say.

“You take care and get better soon.”

“Thank you.  Aunty…I…”


“I’m sorry for my silence earlier.  Many things happened because of it.  I had kept silent for my family. “

But now Abhi and I are seeing each other.  I want you to know that I care for Abhi very much. I would like to get married to him. I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark.”

“I trust you both in your decisions and their reasons for them.  Abhi is full of smiles when he mentions you.  And now you are going to tell the families. So let’s focus on the new start shall we?” We’ll work on the next step once both families have been informed.”

“Thank you Aunty.”

“Bye Beta take care."

“Bye,” Akshara said as she hung up the phone with a smile.  She hugged her phone and made a twirl before falling onto the bed with a happy giggle.  Things were going in a positive direction. 


Thanks for reading smiley31 

Pre-cap Part 5

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Comments (51)

Loved it…
Waiting for the next one

2 years ago

When will you update? Pls tag. Thanks

2 years ago

Hey,Thanks for tagging me.Got a little late for reading but enjoying your story more than current plot on screen.Great Job.

2 years ago

Just came across your story and read all parts its interesting and different.Your style of writing is amazing.Plz tag me in future updates.

2 years ago

Not that I wanted them to be would have been an interesting twist..ab tak Kisi ne aise likha nahi hai....and Its not that it can't happen...they are humans, in love, intoxicated that night... anything was possible!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

Beautiful update.I just love your fanfiction so much....It was definitely worth the wait. Glad it was longer.It's so simple yet beautiful, no unnecessary drama. The characters a of them seem like how they are in the show. Really amazing....Keep writing and treating us...

2 years ago

Thank you for tagging me...I think Arohi is more sensible here... like Neil's talks already affected her..I just hope Akshu stay stronger...I secretly wish they were pregnant ..But now ..

2 years ago

Beautiful update.. !!! This chapter should be Bad Eggs and Pregnancy Arohi - Neil.. wow such matured banter and their lunch date I wanna see more of these two now… Manjari and Akshara conversation was refreshing to see..!! I hope to see the same care in episodes.. Ambajee2022-02-05 17:03:39

2 years ago

Loved reading the chapter ❤️ So now Kairav from Goenka side and Manjari from the Birla's know.Loved that Neil could break a chip from the ice that covers Aarohi's heart.....Biting my nails and waiting for the Akshu-Aaru conversation

2 years ago