Day 9: spark in our bonfire hearts pt.2

3 years ago

Satrangi_Curls Thumbnail

Delusional Minx


One year later

"Tasha!" Amethys exclaimed, "you know Cassie-"

"You've been dating her for a year, obviously I know!" Tasha smacked her head.

"JFC! I meant I am planning on to proposing her. How do I go about it?"

"You want ideas? You got 'em!"

"No, I just don't know if I should so it yet."

"Have you two had the discussion on what you want? Are you two in the same page for this relationship?"

"Yes. We are. In fact just last week she brought up something like getting a dramatic proposal would be lovely."

"Then do it!" 

"How dramatic?"

"As extra as you can be!"

"Then help me plan it mofo!"

"That's all I do." Tasha chuckled.

"I have an idea, tell me if you like it. How about all of us go on a trip and I propose her near the mountains?"

"How's that dramatic?"

"I will make it."

"Need more details."

"Haven't planned."

"Then let's do it, dumdum."

And they did all the planning.

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Comments (2)

And the planning begins hayee cant wait for the proposing part hehe.

3 years ago
