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Madhavgarh, 1954

''Arnav!" She cried as tears rolled down her face. She coughed once more spitting out blood. She could hear a constant she could hear a tirade of insults thrown amongst a group of people and it was intensifying into a full blown fight with each passing moment as the voices took on a higher pitch, some humorless laughs thrown in the middle of limitless aggression. Her heart started beating faster recognising his brother's voice. She could see the faces of his father and her father hovering over them. She felt someone try to pull her away from his body but he held on tight.

She knew that it was her father who tried to pull her away. But she could not bear to be apart from her love, her Arnav. He Lifted her chin up, her heart broke into pieces when she saw the tears running down his eyes in agony. It was like a torture, as she tried to control the panic that was swelling inside her gut , she clutched his white shirt. Arnav was the safest place for her and she clung to him like there were no tomorrow and truly there were none.

"Khushi," he whispered.  She knew her life was seeping away. His breath stuck in his throat as she lifted her arms to wipe away his tears and whispered "I can't....I am in pain Arnav." 

"I have loved you and always will." 

She was aiming for his lips but the miniscule distance from his chin to his lips seemed too far much like the way she felt. She felt far away from everything. She could only kiss his chin before she died.

Arnav never felt so helpless in his life.

His cry of agony was like a curse to the ears of the people standing by. From the depth of his heart, he cursed the land and the man who destroyed the most precious part of his soul and snatched her away from him. He looked down at his love, her beautiful face. Her beautiful hazel eyes were open but they were lifeless. 

"I have loved you and always will." He promised in a broken voice as he held her protectively and for a moment before he went lifeless slowly. Had he survived that would have been the end of them. 

Mumbai, 2024

Closing his laptop that he was working on, she sat on his lap.

"What are you doing, baby? It's my office," He said taken aback by her sudden move. 

"Who cares?" She said seductively. “Khushi doesn't care about anything when she is with Arnav." 

Placing her soft plump lips on his Khushi started kissing Arnav passionately. 

She was dressed in her deep yellow sleeveless knee-length top and a black jacket over. They were in Arnav's cabin and he was in his three piece suit which was making him look extremely sexy and that in turn was making Khushi horny. 

Khushi was Arnav's girlfriend for nine weeks from now, to be exact nine weeks and seventeen hours, nearly two months. 

Arnav responded to her kiss with the same passion as if he was hungry for this. His one hand moved on her back and the other caressed her thigh. His fingers which were just playing with her hair, had a firm grip on them now, shy of being painful while she deepened the kiss. 

Getting up from his chair, Arnav wrapped Khushi’s legs around his waist. They didn't break the kiss and dropped themselves on the couch. He pulled her jacket off and started pestering kisses on her neckline and earlobe. 

Their private moment was disturbed by a ring on Arnav's phone. 

"What a timing!" Khushi was pissed off and pushed away from Arnav so that he could take the call.

She wore her jacket back while Arnav answered the call. 

"Yeah... Send him inside," Arnab said on the landline and put it back.

"It's Aakash," He said to Khushi while combing his messed up hair with his fingers. 

"I better leave, baby." Khushi said getting off the couch. "Will talk to you at night." 

She pecked his cheek and he did the same in return. 

Khushi opened the door, she found Aakash standing there already. They smiled at each other and waved a good bye. Akash locked the door and banged on Arnav's table with his fist.

"What the hell you think you were doing?" He said in anger.

"What?" Arnav asked pretending to be clueless.

"You know that I can read your thoughts, so stop feigning innocence, okay?"

Arnav sighed and sat on his chair. Akash sat in front of him. 

"What can I do? I can't control myself in front of her." 

"You did!" Akash said reminding him. "You controlled yourself for two years, right?" 

"I have waited for her more than that," He said in a loud whisper.

"Bhai, she is an innocent soul." Akash tried to be calm. 

"She is my soulmate!" Arnav tried to compose himself. 

Akash got up from the chair getting agitated. 

"Look, Bhai. You have to do it, okay? You have to control. I have always warned you about this. I told you to stay away from her, to make her stay away from you," He was now loosing his temper. 

Arnav's hand made a fist and his jaws tightened. And the eyes went red no sooner.

"I tried and you know it! I was arrogant in front of her, behaved rudely to her. I made a fake, Casanova image of myself in front of her. But what can I do if she still gets attracted to me? She loves me!"

"Then make her get scared of you. Don't cross your limits and never go near a pure soul. Never be closer to an innocent human. Don't ever forget, who the hell you are!”

Arnav sat back on the chair rubbing his temple. For the first time, he cursed his existence. 

Beta-ed by Sonatia

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Comments (6)

DONT ⏭️ SKIP THIS IS A REAL LIFE STORY READ TILL THE END 👇. OMG!!😱. My name is ARI , My own problem started when I came across a man on the internet called Mr Philips, who promised to help me become a vampire because of the way people treat me .The world is full of evil and wickedness,The world is not fair to anyone. I made a decision to become a vampire so badly , and then I got scammed by Mr Philips over $12,000 USD, Until I later met another man again called Mr Henry who introduced me to another group of vampire community blood hood , I decided to try it one last time with the new group introduced to me by Mr Henry , and everything worked out 💪 perfectly well for me I am the most happiest person in this world today because I’m a vampire now ,.thank you Mr Henry for proven to me that not all are fake or scam, Thank you to Lord WILLSON ,. your good work My dream has finally come to reality today No man or woman steps on me goes freely if I want to take my own actions , I became even more richer than before, ever since I joined the vampire blood hood . I get whatever I want in tinkle blink of an eye with out any stress. have you ever been scammed ? Do you want back your money? need a revenge? Are you going through Bullying and harassment and abuse or Threatening Behavior and you want to have your own freedom and become very strong and independent and supernaturally strong 💪 ? Do you need any help physically or mentally or spiritually and medically ? Become Immortal and lots of good things Without side effects. You will not regret it. Vampire turning back to human being again when ever you want. You will live for ever and ever young . You won’t get old. Sickness and oppression free , right now I am one of most dangerous and special person in my country no one steps on me goes freely today , unless I don’t want to take action. wealth and riches ,Vampires Protections guarantee. supernatural skills and extraordinary powers. Super hero. Superhuman Strength Superhuman

2 days ago

Das ist mal eine andere Sichtweise und könnte sehr aufregend werden, würde gern mehr erfahren.☺

2 years ago

Interesting so Arnav is a vampire 🧛‍♀️ and khushi is his soulmate who took birth again for him

3 years ago

Very very intresting.
Eagerly looking forward to read more.
Hope to find the next upsate soon.

3 years ago

Very interesting... Looking forward to more

3 years ago whatever you want Arnav, Khushi will not leave you

3 years ago
