Day 5 : love pact

Satrangi_Curls Thumbnail

Delusional Minx


She opened the curtains and looked at the sunrise in the mountains.

"I can't believe I almost said no to this experience." 

"Not gonna say told you so but told you-"

Her look silenced me. "But babe, consider this our first honeymoon."

"Honeymoon sweetheart? We're 16! Let's get married first." She gave the usual reality check.

"Alright! But it's not legal yet so I don't think it matters."

"You know we could just say we're married and that's that."

"Kiss me and I'll be yours for all my life."

"Whoaa! You ready for a commitment like that this soon?"

"I've known you for three years but it feels like we're meant to be."

"But what if, few years down the line you feel you did this in haste and only if you waited and found someone else." She voiced her fears.

"I don't think so. But we could do a 10 year pact. So we'd be free to explore and experiment with anyone we like and 10 years later see if we still want to be together."

"That sounds good. We'll still stay in touch, right?"

"Darling, we're friends, first and foremost. That's never gonna change, no matter what. Now come on and kiss me to seal this pact."

She pulled me close and locked my lips with hers.

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Comments (2)

Oh interesting pact abt that 10 yr, and its a good pact, explore the world and explore different ppl and if those 2 r meant to be, they will unite again with more love n effection for each other. Nicely done Neha.

3 years ago
