Chapter 3 - Moving On

3 years ago

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Prerna went to the old age home to meet her mother with Abby. Her mother was in her room working on some embroidery when they entered.

“Maa, How are you?” Prerna hugged her mother.

“I am fine. How are you?? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in office??” Veena started bombarding her with questions before even hugging her. Abby confusedly put her hands up to say hi but then she realised her mistake and did a namaste. She even moved forward to touch her feet, but Veena stopped her.

“This is Abby!!! My secretary. Abby!!! Bring the movers and start packing her stuff..” Prerna ordered.

“What??” Veena exclaimed.

“You are moving in with us at Bajaj Mansion no question asked. Maa, please!!!. With everything that is going on, you shouldn’t be staying here alone. The situation is going to get worse. There is also news about a complete lockdown. We have just found each other and if there is a lockdown, I won’t be able to see you. I can’t lose you again.” Prerna urged to her mother.

“Right now Mr Bajaj has given you permission to meet me. Had he not done that, I would have still gone through this alone,” Veena interjected with a straight face. Abby looked on awkwardly.

“Abby!!! Give us a moment!!” Prerna said, and Abby quickly went outside. Abby thanked her stars for not having to be a part of another daily soap confrontation. She understood Prerna’s concern and need to have her mother in her life, but Veena’s continuous rants and jabs on the Bajaj family made her stomach sick to the T. Any other person would stand on a fully decorated gate with red carpet and 3KG thalli with utmost 100 diyas to welcome her daughter’s family but not Veena Sharma. No wonder only saas-bahu works on Indian television that is what all parents like to do. Abby sighed, stuffed her earphones in full volume and went on to some more stalking on the phone. 

Meanwhile, in Veena’s room - 

“How many times do I have to tell you? It was my decision? Mr Bajaj has nothing to do with it,” Prerna said a tone higher.

“He had everything to do with it and you know it. All Mr Bajaj ever wanted was to have you, and once he had that, he didn’t care about anything. Do you have any idea what I have been through??” Veena spat all together at Prerna.

“What you have been through!! Did you ever think about what I have been through?? Do you know what it feels like to watch your 2-day-old daughter being burnt alive inside a building and not able to do anything? Do you know Maa???” Prerna replied as tears rolled down her eyes.

“Priyu!!! I am not undermining what you have been through. Every day, every single day, I wish I could have been there for you. You are alive, my Priyu is alive, and she is back much stronger than ever. Do you know how happy it makes me and more than that, how proud I feel every time I look at what you have achieved? But in my sane mind, I just cannot accept Mr Bajaj. After everything, he did to hurt you, to hurt us. He could have told us you were alive, at least given some sign that you were safe and sound.” Veena said.

“And what if Mr Basu and the family had found out about that?? Can you in your same sane mind tell me he wouldn’t have tried to do it again?? That Mrs Komolika Basu would have not tried to do something again. Can you??” Prerna asked her mother.

“Then we would have been there for you. We could have protected you.” Veena replied.

“This happened when you all were there to support me. Maa please try to understand I needed to be strong so that when I came back I could handle anything that was thrown at me.” Prerna.

“Priyu!!! You were strong alone…. Even before you needed no one, especially not someone like Mr Bajaj. We never needed him in our life. Had Mr Bajaj not taken advantage of that vulnerable situation of yours and taken you away. Why didn’t he bring you back to us?? Tell us what happened?? We would have all stood for you and fought those Basus for you. We could have punished them for their deeds 8 years ago. Why did he wait all these years?? Because all he cared about was having you to yourself. You don’t want to see the truth so you not can not see it.” Veena spat bitterly.

“Aapko sach main lagta hain hum yeh kar sakte the?? Ki hum Basus se lad sakte the us waqt?? Look me in the eye and tell that to me and I will do as you say.” Prerna looked straight at Veena. Mother and daughter kept looking at each other for a longtime after which Veena turned her face away. Prerna sighed and sat on the bed with her head in her hands and tears in her eyes. 

“Priyu… Prerna Sharma - Rajesh Sharma and Veena Sharma’s daughter was strong, but a mother who had just lost her daughter was not. I was dead inside Maa I just wanted to die and I would have killed myself had Mr Bajaj not been there. What was he supposed to tell you?? That your Priyu, who you were so proud of, was mad now???” Prerna.

“Priyu…. What are you saying???” Veena went and kneeled down in front of Prerna, caressing her head.

“Yes, Maa. My everything went with my daughter - my love, my life, my home and my sanity. For 2 years I kept running around mental institutions, trying to….. Had he brought me back, I would probably be in a mental institution and not to forget it would have put all of yours and my life in danger once again. I needed this time to make myself strong. When I was stable enough, I was back to being your priyu, back on my feet, the first thing Mr Bajaj suggested was that I should meet you.” Prerna.

“If you think that all Mr Bajaj cared about was getting me, then you couldn’t be more wrong. How easy would it have been for him to destroy the Basus and just give it to me on a silver platter? He was ready to do that, but would you have been happy had he done that?? Would you have been happy having me back like that??” Prerna inquired of her mother. Veena had no answer.

“Priyu!!! I am not dismissing Mr Bajaj’s efforts or what he did for you. I can’t thank him enough. But I just wish that he had told us about you. And regarding moving into Bajaj mansion no Priyu, I won’t do it. I am happy that he has been good to you. Happy that you have made a good life for yourself, but the truth for me remains he doesn’t care about us. All he ever wanted was you. It ends there.” Veena replied.

“But he does Maa. He cared for you more than any of us, more than any of your sons or daughters. You know this place was nothing. Today it is one of the best facilities. Tell me, how is this possible?? Just how?? Mr Bajaj did that. He gave donations lavishly to this place after you came here. Sharma Niwas is still yours. He bought it and it’s yours. But yes, he hasn’t given a damn about those sons of yours and Shivi and frankly I am not complaining.” Prerna tried explaining. Veena was in shock and started feeling dizzy. Prerna caught her just in time and made her sit on the bed. 

“I am not saying this to you to insult you. I know you take pride in standing on your own feet. Mr Bajaj didn’t do it to insult you. That is why he didn’t even tell me or let you know in any way that he had done this. I found out on my own when I visited this old age home and the caretaker told me. My not meeting you had nothing to do with Mr Bajaj, but it has everything to do with my fight for my daughter. Please Maa come and live with us. You will see for yourself. I just got you now. Please don’t make me lose you again.” Prerna said, and finally Veena nodded. Prerna hugged her tightly.

“Come!!! Today I made lunch for you myself. Let’s eat,” Prerna said, opening the lunch bag.

“You still cook?” Veena said 

“Why wouldn’t I??” Prerna said

“I thought the Bajaj clan had servants for every single thing??” Veena said. Prerna was so happy that she dismissed the snide comment that her mother tried to make.

“Well, I still cook and you know what so does Mr Bajaj. In Fact, Chinese is his speciality along with cakes. He always makes them for Kukki.” Prerna said 

“Kukki!!! How is that angel?? How old is she now?” Veena asked.

“She is now 13,” Prerna said 

“I need to take something for her. Wait, I had made a beautiful bag with my own hands. She will like it very much.” Veena said, searching for the bag.

“Maa this is unnecessary but yes, if you really want to you should take that purple one. That’s her favourite colour, and that reminds me I need to call Mr Bajaj and inform him you are coming home with me,” Prerna said and Veena gave a constricted smile. 

Prerna called Mr Bajaj while he was eating rolls with Kukki.

“So she agreed??” Mr Bajaj said the moment he saw Prerna’s number. 

“Yes!! She did. Listen, we need to pack all stuff and then I was thinking about spending some time alone with her. Will you and Kukki be okay??” Prerna asked 

“Your mother wants to know would you be okay if you have to be a little more bored with me,” Mr Bajaj asked Kukki while taking big bites of the roll that he was having while putting the phone on speaker.

“Wait for a second, what is the commotion going on and where are you both??” Prerna asked

“We are having the most heavenly rolls, Mum,” Kukki said in a cockshy voice, taking a bigger bite.

“NO!!! You went without me. That’s so not fair,” Prerna mock cried, getting angry.

“We will bring back some rolls and I promise I will bring you tomorrow.” Mr Bajaj said.

Kukki shook her head “Dad ka Kuch nahi ho sakta” Kukki said side by side. 

“Are you promising me??” Prerna asked. Mr Bajaj just smiled at her antics. 

“Of course he will Maa. As it is dad said that he was tiring of your home-cooked food and that is why he wants to take over so that he can eat some at home,” Kukki shouted at the phone while Mr Bajaj tried to switch off the loudspeaker and take the phone away from his daughter. 

“What is Kukki saying?? Hello!!! Hello !!! Mr Bajaj?? What are you both up to” Prerna asked knowing full well that they were both having fun. So much for them being Weasley brothers and Umbridge as Prerna remembered her and Kukki’s conversation this morning. 

“Nothing!!” Mr Bajaj said while Kukki kept on shouting from behind, “Now spend time with your mom. We will meet you at home,”

“OK…. I….” Prerna was about to complete when she saw her mother sitting next who tried to show herself busy but was actually listening to the conversation. “I will see you at home, “Prerna said as she disconnected the call.

“You know, it is bad to agree to all of your child’s demands. That means you are spoiling them,” Kukki said 

“You didn’t have any issues when I bought you those Air pods,” Mr Bajaj said 

“I am talking about the 34-year-old child of yours whose every wishes you fulfil because you just can’t see her sad,” Kukki made a mock puppy face. “You don’t even agree to my demands that easily that you do of hers,” Kukki exclaimed with a sigh.

“Trust me Kukki no man can ever disagree or take the risk of disagreeing.” Mr Bajaj said as he took a big bite of his role once again.

“why?? what would happen if they do??” Kukki asked

“I am not sure any man has ever lived or survived to tell the world that tale,” Mr Bajaj said

“Point taken.. Now I need one more roll if I have to endure some more of you looking at your phone,” Kukki said, throwing the wrapping papers away. Mr Bajaj gestured to her to throw it in the bin, which she did by scrunching her nose. This was all new to her. 

“Excuse me, but I am offended. From what I can see, I am getting nothing for giving in to the demands of your mother and for answering your constant questions. What do I get??” Mr Bajaj said 

“World Peace…..” Kukki said taking Mr Bajaj’s hands in hers and laughing “and now one more roll” 

“Lets try something different. Shall we???” Mr Bajaj said. Kukki looked at him uncertainly.

“Oh!!! Come on!!!” Mr Bajaj said as they moved to the next counter.

Prerna was packing her mother’s stuff with Abby and looking at old pictures and some of her old stuff. 

“Maa!! You have kept these. I can’t believe this” Prerna said looking at her mother’s wedding chunri she wanted to give to Prerna. 

“How was I supposed to throw this away? This was your father’s dream. But now look at us we could not even be there with you on that day.” Veena said.

“Maa!!!” Prerna said

“How was your wedding?? It must be lavish considering the Bajaj wedding and all. Do you have pictures??” Veena asked.

“Yes!!! Let me show you” Prerna said and Abby choked at the water she was having

“Abby, are you okay??” Prerna asked, concerned.

“You are showing her your wedding pictures???” Abby asked

“Yes??” Prerna said

“Your wedding pictures” Abby gestured with her fingers.

“Yes, Abby!!!!” Prerna said, showing her phone to Veena

“Oh, you look beautiful,” Veena said 

“What???” Abby said again spitting the water 

“You!!! what are you doing?? You are ruining my stuff,” Veena shouted, shaking her head.

“Sorry!!!!” Abby said

“But Priyu, this was what I always thought about your wedding. It all looks so beautiful.” Veena said, and Abby’s eyes kept getting wider and wider as if they would pop out any moment. 

“Veena Sharma is one heck of a modern mom but….. no….. she is not a modern mom…..” Abby thought as she moved behind Veena to see the pictures.

“Wait, a second… these are not….your wedding pictures,” Abby said 

“Yes, they are” Prerna said, but she realised what Abby was going to say so she pulled Abby out of the room.

“No…. I stalked your social media accounts,” Abby said as Prerna dragged her out.

“What are you doing??” Prerna asked

“Those are not your wedding pictures,” Abby said 

“Yes, they are” Prerna said 

“No, they are not” Abby said with certainty “and if that is so, why did you drag me out”. Prerna peeked inside the room to check on her mother.

“What do you know about the wedding??” Prerna asked

“What should I know and shouldn’t know,” Abby said

“You shouldn’t know anything… But somehow... you tell me right now what you know??” Prerna threatened Abby

“B….” Abby shouted, flustered, and it shocked Prerna.

“You…. you… hacked my phone. No one has seen those pictures except me and Mr Bajaj,” Prerna said.

“No, I didn’t,” Abby said

“Then??” Prerna asked

“Tell me the truth. Have you seen the pictures??” Prerna asked.

“No!!! But I just could you know.” Abby said with a wink.

“Okay!! If you tell anybody and by that anybody about any of this especially my mother then….” Prerna tried to threaten.

“Then….” Abby whispered, scared

“Then I will have the admin department cut your Wi-Fi and block all social media,” Prerna said 

“NO!!!!” Abby shouted and Prerna put a hand on her mouth.

“Now GO work with the movers,” Prerna said “not a word to my mother” Prerna shouted as Abby was walking away scared. But after a while, Prerna sighed and said, “Abby!!! I am sorry. It’s just personal for me and Mr Bajaj and right now my mother she….” Prerna tried explaining. Abby overwhelmed with being talked so nicely by someone 

“It’s okay mam…. Seriously, it's totally fine…. and I might look stupid to the world but I am not; Your mother already thinks that you choose Mr Bajaj over her. If I would tell her you got married in the most opposite way that she could ever have thought, then we would probably unpack stuff,” Abby said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“What is that supposed to mean??” Prerna asked

“Isn’t it obvious? Your mother doesn’t have an issue with Mr Bajaj. She has an issue with the fact that you went on with your life playing happy family with Mr Bajaj while she needed you here. “Abby stated. Her sharp words cut like a razor on Prerna and Abby who was smiling proudly for being so considerate had her smile wiped out of her face looking at Prerna’s reaction.

“Leave!!!” Prerna whisper yelled.

“Mam!! I didn’t mean to!!!” Abby realised her mistake and tried to control the situation.

“LEAVE!!!” Prerna raised her voice, and Abby left that instant. Prerna came back to the half-packed room. She was sure that she needed Abby’s help. She saw her mother admiring her so-called wedding pictures and her feet took her out of the room that instant. Abby’s words didn’t mean any harm, she didn’t mean any harm, in fact, it was the truth. But unfortunately, they had hit her hard. So she just needed a moment with herself. Prerna sat on a bench near the garden and caressed the Opal in her finger remembering her big day and just like Mr Bajaj and Kukki were missing Prerna at Bajaj mansion Prerna wanted nothing more but to run home and snuggle next to her family and relax in their warmth. She smiled at what would be her mother’s reaction when she found out how she actually got married, and just the memory of that brought a smile to her face. 

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Comments (19)

Give an update super fasstttt

3 years ago

Why is Mr. Bajaj so cute? Like why? Can I cuddle him? Pls?

3 years ago

Abby person is so familiar that I just know who to imagine when I read her parts 😎😎💝

3 years ago

Tell me NOW how they got married

3 years ago

Kukki repremanding rishabh 🤣😘😘😘

3 years ago

Amazing can't wait to read more this is like a mystery waiting to be uncovered 🤗🤗🤗🤗 can't wait update soon🤗❤️❤️😘

3 years ago

Awesome update
So kukki is reprimanding her father for agreeing to every demand of Prerna
Can't wait to see Bajaj family reunion

3 years ago

More Bajaj and Prerna plz.

3 years ago

Now, I am curious about the wedding and I want to see PreRish and their equation in detail

3 years ago

Continue soon
Thanks for pm

3 years ago