His Fake Fiance

His Fake Fiance Abandoned G

eye 1602 star 47 book 0

Prerna had dreamt of a fairytale. However getting proposed by the school's hotshot and her childhood friend was not what she had dreamt of. Anurag had his life planned out his life well. But kneeling in front of his childhood friend, the girl he barely gave a second thought about, was definitely not the plan. What happens when Anurag proposes Prerna with a proposal. And what happens when she accepts?
Author's Note:
Hi everyone! This is Sam here. Had thought of this story from long time back and finally got time to pen it down. Its somewhat AU since Anurag is a bit different than the show. He is the same studious Anurag but with some hot flirtatious side. ;) And well Prerna is Prerna.
Refine by Genre: Comedy Romance
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