Every Single Day of our Lives Thumbnail

Every Single Day of our Lives
Completed M

krystel21 Thumbnail



Summary: Kriyansh OS
Author's Note: Anywho, this one's got bits of Sharon-Swayam as well, as well as KR, who're supposed to be the center of attraction in this OS. Its pretty much a flashforward to about 4 years from the current timeline; KR and SS have been happily dating, and MRP still doesn't approve too much of Swayam. Anywho, nothing what I just mentioned is really relevant, but its just a bit of backstory I had at the back of my mind. LOL If you feel I've not done justice to any of the characters, apologies. This wasn't really written in a moment of passion, but in a moment of boredom and a bit of inspiration, so yeah.

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