Mere Humkadam Thumbnail

Mere Humkadam
Completed G

Gold.Abrol Thumbnail



Summary: There is a saying “Marriages are made in heaven” & relation of husband & wife has many flavors and it is the closest relation to anyone’s heart as it is considered to be for the life time. It may have many ups & downs, tiffs and some bitter–sweet moments but still when the time comes to stand by each other in difficult situations true life partners always stay strong in such situations. True life partners might have different like’s dislikes different life styles & aspirations but their love and compatibility makes everything easier between them. Love trust and compatibility are the three main pillars of any marriage but what about 2 people having different background, life & aspirations get married without any of these feelings then their relation will surely won’t survive for a longer time. Will this journey make them soul mates for ever or will they part ways in the tough situations of life.
Author's Note: Story about 2 individualis bonded by holy matrimony

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