Saturday,Dec 04, 2021 02:05 AM GMT-07:00
They say that your world is coloured in gray until you meet your soulmate. It takes Kat a warm smile and a possibly twisted ankle to colour hers.
Author's Note:
This is in response to a prompt by LizzieBennet who had a list of soulmate prompts for people to choose from, and the one that caught my eye was one where people are missing one of their five senses (sight/hearing/touch/taste/smell) or emotional senses such as joy. I had written this story about people who couldn't see colours (so their world was in shades of black, white and gray) until they met their soulmates for a creative writing assignment and I wanted an excuse to work on it again, hence this prompt. I definitely tweaked it a little to fit the prompt a little better (I focused on emotional senses) and I hope that comes across well! I would also like to say that Invisible String by Taylor Swift definitely prompted me to initially want to come back to this story and work on it (and maybe I'll make it a TS because I have ZERO self-control).