Woah! Guess who is making a COMEBACK to comedy after several years!

Austin Powers is back but not as Austin Powers...

Kunal Nirmal Kothari Thumbnail

Kunal Nirmal Kothari

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It is sealed. The nerdy-goofy looking man Austin Powers is making a comeback to the roots of comedy, only not as Austin Powers himself. Before you think too much, we are talking about actor Mike Myers, who is coming back to comedy where he is getting his own show on Netflix.
According to reports, the series will be a limited one and will only consist of six episodes. Not too much has been known about the project so far but Myers is said to be playing multiple characters for the show and will also serve as one of the executive producers on the show.

Myers has plenty of character work under his belt from SNL and has played multiple roles throughout the Austin Powers trilogy, so a skit-style show or narrative-driven series are both conceivable. 

That said, it's been a while since Myers has starred on screen in anything. Outside of smaller roles in Bohemian Rhapsody and Terminal last year, Myers hasn't headlined a film since Shrek Forever After in 2010 and hasn't been the lead in a live-action project since 2008's The Love Guru.

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