Ulka Gupta to return with Veer Shivaji...

Ulka Gupta's entry might soon take the show towards its leap...

A still image of Ulka Gupta
Tellybuzz exclusively reported about Amol Kolhe playing Shivaji, post leap in Colors' Veer Shivaji. The latest we hear is that Ulka Gupta would also return with yet another costume drama after Ek Veer Stree ki Kahaani Jhansi Ki Rani.
According to our source, "Ulka will essay Rakhma, a girl who gets married at an early age and stays in a nearby village with her husband (Vishal Thakkar). The track continues with Rakhma getting exploited by few Mughuls at the village. This provokes Rakhma to revolt against the Mughuls. Eventually, the news of this revolt of a common villager women against a huge Mughul gang reaches Shivaji. His curiosity to meet this brave lady leads him to the village. This incident would probably be a bridge, building to the leap."
We contacted Ulka Gupta and her father confirmed the news, "Yes, Ulka will be seen in a cameo role in Veer Shivaji. It's an interesting character, somewhat similar to her character of Manu in Jhansi .  Actually, she is giving her board exams but the reason to accept the role is that we cant say no to Abhimanyu. It's just three days of shoot and she can manage both. After her exams she will be taking up a good role if it comes along."

Get ready to see Ulka back in yet another brave avatar!

Reporter: Ranjini Nair
Author: Sharat Kumar

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Vishal Thakkar Thumbnail

Vishal Thakkar

Ulka Gupta Thumbnail

Ulka Gupta

Ek Veer Stree ki Kahaani Jhansi Ki Rani poster

Ek Veer Stree ki Kahaani Jhansi Ki Rani

Veer Shivaji poster

Veer Shivaji

Colors thumbnail


Comments (17)

Great News!! It was pleasant surprise to see Ulka back in brave avatar

12 years ago

yaa she was lukin quite brave in yedterday's epi...best of luck ulka di...for d exam...

12 years ago

somehow i feel they shouldnt make kids act.. the show world takes the childhood away from kids... wish kids could remain kids..

12 years ago

all the best for your exam... And for your role too

12 years ago

wow wow my sweet manu is back..can't wait to see her again

12 years ago

Awaiting your return our 'Rani'! Love you and All the best!

12 years ago

come back beauty princess,i love you so much all the best dear

12 years ago

She will do just as well as she did in Jhansi ki Rani. Really looking forward to seeing her back. All the best Ulka!

12 years ago

Great news.ulka is coming back.all the best ulka

12 years ago

Looking forward to see our Jhansi ki rani in Veer Shivaji

12 years ago

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