Tunisha Sharma case: Sheezan's bail verdict to be out on January 13; Shafaq’s previous allegations discussed

Sheezan’s bail plea verdict will be out on Friday, January 13th.

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Aqsa Akbani Siddiqui

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Sheezan and Tunisha

Tunisha Sharma’s suicide case has left everyone with many questions. The actress committed suicide on 24th December 2022. The actress’ mother filed an FIR against her co-actor and alleged boyfriend Sheezan Khan and he has been detained by the cops. 

Sheezan is sentenced to fourteen days’ judicial custody while his family filed for bail plea. On the basis of application filed by Sharma’s family’s lawyer, the case was adjourned until 11th January 2023.

This afternoon, the case was heard in the Vasai court. The proceedings today were carried on for a long time and the new update on the case is that the final verdict on Sheezan’s release will be out on January 13th (Friday).

In the previous hearing, a guy named ‘Ali’ was mentioned. Shailendra Mishra, Sheezan’s lawyer claimed that Tunisha spoke to Ali before taking the drastic step for fifteen minutes on a video call. Tunisha’s mother Mrs. Vanita Sharma stated that Tunisha and Ali were good friends and had met thrice in the month of December.

In today’s hearing, Tarun Sharma, Tunisha's family lawyer brought out the argument about Shafaq Naaz's previous allegations on the Khan family regarding financial matters. Sharma brought the point up in the court and tried to prove a point regarding Khan family allegedly using Tunisha's money. Sharma questioned about Tunisha's three lakh rupees being used by Khan's family.

For the uninitiated, Sheezan's sister Shafaq Naaz had a dispute on financial matters with the family and had broken all ties with the family and was staying seperately. However, in the time of need, Shafaq reconciled with the family post brother Sheezan's arrest.

Shailendra Mishra, Sheezan's lawyer said, "We've been co-operating with the police. However, I'd still maintain that Sheezan's arrest has been illegal. In today's hearing, it was quite clear that Sheezan wasn't the last person that Tunisha spoke to. It was Tunisha's mother Vanita Sharma with whom Tunisha spoke to minutes before taking the drastic step. The opposition lawyer has not given any prominent reply to our arguments. I'm sure we will get the bail on January 13th".

When asked about heated argument in the court and personal comments by the opposition lawyer, Mishra said, "He has a habit of putting allegations, going overboard, interrupting and passing personal statements which are against the etiquettes of the profession. He says all of that but isn't able to prove those allegations right. He never argued on love jihad angle and hijab. I sympathize with Vanita jee but I'd still maintain that Tunisha would've been with us today if Vanita Sharma had acted on Sheezan alerting her about Tunisha's mental health on December 23".

Keep reading this space for more updates from the entertainment world.

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