Teri Meri Doriyaann: Gurnoor decides to steal Sahiba's passport

Teri Meri Doriyaann written update, 20 June 2024: Gurnoor calls a travel agent to arrange an urgent foreign trip but is told she needs her passport, which she has lost.

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Teri Meri Doriyaann: Gurnoor decides to steal Sahiba's passport
Gurnoor from Teri Meri Doriyaann. Image Courtesy: Star Plus

In tonight's Teri Meri Doriyaann episode, Angad (Vijayendra Kumeria) expresses his gratitude to Gurnoor (Himanshi Parashar) for assisting Akeer. Gurnoor advises that Akeer needs to express his pain rather than internalise it, as doing so might lead him to live with his pain like his father. She emphasises the importance of teaching Akeer to handle pain like any other emotion. Angad wishes her goodnight and goes to his room. Gurnoor notices a photo of Angad, Akeer, and Sahiba looking happy together. Angad then hands her an advance check, which she thanks him for. Spotting a tattoo of the letter "Z" on her wrist, he inquires about it, but she brushes off the question and retreats to her room. Angad is left puzzled about the unusual tattoo. Later, Gurnoor confronts her reflection, which urges her to stop hiding her true identity and warns her that keeping Mr. Brar in the dark is wrong. Overwhelmed with guilt, she wonders how much longer she can stay in the house. 

Beeja spots Gurnoor:

The next morning during breakfast, Angad is busy with a client call. Manbeer tries to get Akeer to eat, but he refuses, asserting that she is Angad's mother, not his. In frustration, Manbeer demands to know where the caretaker is. Gurnoor arrives and cheerfully greets everyone, suggesting Akeer join her at the jogger's park. Akeer eagerly agrees and quickly finishes his breakfast to get ready. Gurnoor invites the other family members to join them, but Manbeer sternly declares that no one is going anywhere and insists on teaching Akeer discipline. Gurnoor points out that Akeer, having recently lost his mother, needs to cherish his mother's memories, and removing those memories would only hurt him further. Hansraj and Prabjot express their agreement, but Manbeer remains resolute, asserting her authority in the house.

Meanwhile, Beeja's spy eavesdrops on school children. Simran tells her friends she must return home early for a family outing to the jogger's park, explaining her concern for Akeer, who no longer listens to Angad. She mentions that Angad hired Gurnoor to accompany them. Beeja's spy overhears this and informs her that they have found Gurnoor's location. Gurnoor then takes Akeer, Bani, and Keerat to the market, where Akeer and Bani enjoy candy floss while Keerat appears troubled. Gurnoor inquires about her sadness, and Keerat confides that Garry, who was always around before their marriage, now pays her no attention. Gurnoor suggests daily jogging together to lift her spirits. Keerat agrees to a walk instead, but they need someone to watch the children. Simran volunteers, and as Beeja and her aides search for Gurnoor, she spots them and hurriedly leaves with Keerat. Beeja sees her and instructs her goons to catch Gurnoor, who escapes in a car. Beeja takes a photo of the car's license plate and orders her aides to trace the owner.

Gurnoor steals Sahiba's passport:

Back at the house, Gurnoor calls a travel agent to arrange an urgent foreign trip but is told she needs her passport, which she has lost. The agent suggests sending other documents to apply for a new passport, which will take time. Desperate, Gurnoor decides to steal Sahiba's passport. Angad walks in and asks what she is doing. Gurnoor quickly hides the passport and claims she was admiring the photo frame, noting the different photos. Angad tells her not to ask about Sahiba and Gurnoor leaves. Angad then turns off his phone.

Gurnoor returns to her room and checks flight prices, realising she needs to work for a few more months to afford the tickets but knows she can't stay that long. Manveer, after receiving a call from the school principal, angrily summons Gurnoor. The principal accuses Gurnoor of stealing from a wealthy home and using her resemblance to Sahiba to stay there. Gurnoor defends herself, saying Manbeer should have spoken to her first, but Manveer slaps her, insisting she deserved it. Gurnoor, maintaining her composure, says she could retaliate but chooses not to due to her morals. Declaring that Manbeer wanted her gone, she decides to leave.

Precap for the next episode:

Gurnoor confronts Manbeer for slapping her. Manbeer insists it was deserved. Gurnoor, holding her ground, states she could slap back but won't due to her principles and announces her departure from the house.

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