Sumrit Shahi's new novel to celebrate friendship...

Sumrit Shahi's upcoming novel Never Kiss Your Best Friend to celebrate friendship. He talks about writing and more with us...

Young writer Sumrit Shahi, who is currently writing for Beyond Dreams' two much loved shows Sadda Haq and Million Dollar Girl on Channel V, is on cloud nine these days. The 22 years old writer Sumrit is all excited for the launch of his new novel - Never Kiss Your Best Friend!

In a candid conversation with TellyBuzz, Sumrit shares the theme of his upcoming book, his future plans and much more...

Talking about his excitement for the release of his third book, Sumrit shares, "I wrote my first book when I was 17 years old. My first book was 'Just Friends'; my second book was 'A lot like love and a little like chocolate'. Both the books have been bestsellers.

I wrote my second book when I was 18. My third book is going to be the sequel of my first book which is titled as 'Never Kiss Your Best Friend'. It's the story about two best friends where one falls for the other. The idea of the story is about two best friends and the society assumes them as a couple but they keep on saying that they are just good friends till they actually start dating each other, then break ups happens, etc. and whether best friends stand up with each other in different situations.

The story starts from the time when two best friends haven't met each other from a long time and later then meet again and relive the moments. It's going to be a tale of loving, living, liking, lusting, losing and learning. I am very excited about the launch of this book. My new book is coming out after three years. It's officially releasing on May 7 but it has already been released online and ready up for pre order."  

Talking more about the book and his future plans, Sumrit continues, "I am already working on my next book which I think it would be out by the end of this year. I mostly like the subject of relationship issues, the changing truth of the Indian society which is very relevant. I talk about the importance of friendship and value of love. This book is all about friendship and not just about typical love story. This book celebrates friendship. The one liner is that we all have that one special friend who enters in our lives then leaves and then it's never the same again. So, it's the story about celebrating that one best friend of our life."  

We wondered what has inspired Sumrit so far! When we asked him about it, he said, "My inspiration throughout has been my life. I enjoy listening to the gossips of the people. So, the people around me, the friends from school and college days have been my inspiration throughout."  

Today is World Book Day. So, we thought of asking Sumrit to share his point of view on this day and he shared, "I think everyday should be a World book day because reading a book is such a beautiful experience with which you get to learn something, live with the characters and books take you to the other world. So, everyday should be a World book day."  

The young writer of Sadda Haq and Million Dollar Girl is thankful to his producers too, he said, "I would like to thank Yash sir and Mamta ma'am for getting me into the world of television. It's not easy to get into television writing at this age but they wanted novel writers and gave me this opportunity."  

Good luck Sumrit! 

Anwesha Kamal


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Comments (83)

Never kiss ur bestfrd'.. Left tears still falling down my cheeks. Tat
Was so cruel.. I loved sumer.

9 years ago

All the best for your new book

Sadda Haq rocks
Param Singh and Harshita Gaur rock!!!

9 years ago

keep rocking sadda haq
we love you param & harshita

9 years ago

Keep loving sadda haq
Param singh and harshita gaur rockzzz

9 years ago

All the best sumrit
Sadda haq rocks
Param Singh & Harshita Gaur rocks

9 years ago

all the best sumrit
love u Param Singh nd Harshita Gaur
Love Sadda Haq

9 years ago

All the best sumrit
Sadda haq rocks

9 years ago

ATB Sumrit
Sadda Haq rocks !!
Love Param Singh nd Harshita Gaur <3

9 years ago

Love sadda haq.
All the best Sumrit.

9 years ago

love saddaq haq,param singh and harshita gaur..
all the best

9 years ago

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