Shantanu Maheshwari shares insights of his unique virtual date!

The Instagram skits that have been created by Dill Dostii Dance actors are being absolutely loved by the fans of the show. Amongst all the characters friendships and romantic angles which are resurfacing again through a time travel in the storyline, the latest episode saw its iconic couple Sharon and Swayam reuniting with a unique virtual date.

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Shantanu Maheshwari

The Instagram skits that have been created by Dill Dostii Dance actors are being absolutely loved by the fans of the show. Amongst all the characters friendships and romantic angles which are resurfacing again through a time travel in the storyline, the latest episode saw its iconic couple Sharon and Swayam reuniting with a unique virtual date. The episode had some amazing post production aspects to it, which Shantanu himself was a part of. 

Speaking about working on the post production aspect of the skit, Shantanu shared, "I love learning about the whole filming process and always look out for an opportunity to learn every aspect of it, as it really fascinates me. So when we were racking our brains on how to go a notch higher with Sharon-Swayam's love story, Palki Malhotra came up with this unique idea of a virtual date, which really excited me as it was something never seen before. Executing it though was a big task given the lockdown scenario, and us filming individually from our own homes as well. So we arranged for a projector somehow and did a few test shots but we weren’t getting the visuals we were hoping for. So we finally decided to use a different approach to this virtual date, which was tiring, time consuming and required us to film everything very precisely from 3 different angles. The positioning of the camera had to be specific, the distance between us had to be kind of measured to make it look like we were sitting together even though we weren't actually together. To achieve this, the communication between Vrushika and I had to be very clear. After pulling off all this, we deciced to use a bit of VFX in post production which none of us knew how to work on but I took up the job. Macedon from the cast helped me with the editing bit. It really gave me a good opportunity to learn a new software (for VFX)from scratch. It was definitely a great learning experience and accomplishing the visuals we were aiming for was an amazing feeling."

Vrushika too had a challenging experience shooting for the episode. Speaking about how this unique virtual date was put together, she shares, "This episode was definitely a tough one to shoot because of all the technical aspects involved in it. But Shantanu was very clear about the requirements, and so we were constantly coordinating for my filming bit. Every detail was taken care of very well. Even I wanted to give my best for this scene and for us to achieve the visual because I felt that this unique date that Sharon – Swayam were having would be great to watch. Overall it was a challenge but altogether a fun shooting experience for me."

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