Reunion: When Tina Dutta hosted a Reunion for Uttaran team...

The team had a gala time with each other...

It's always good and a cherishable experience when catching up with your old buddies and reminisce those good old days with them.

Though Colors' much loved show, Uttaran, is off-air now, but their friendships are still on. After so many days, this cool team planned out a reunion. The lovely Tina Dutta hosted this reunion at her place, and they all had a gala time remembering their good old days. Sreejita De, Rishina Kandhari, Varun Toorkey, the creative of the show Ketki and Sameer, Samiksha Bhatnagar, Vikas Bhalla and Amrin Chakkiwala were present at the reunion.  

Tina told us, "This time, we all met after quite a long time. It's always good to catch up with these people who are also like my extended family in Mumbai. I cooked Crab and Fish for everyone as they all wanted to have it. It was super fun chilling out with them. The party happened till late in night."

Sharing about the same, Rishina Kandhari told us, "Tina planned the reunion at her place. We all haven't met for so long so we planned out for a get together. She made Crab, Fish and Biryani for all of us that was very tasty. We all had lots of fun and we were remembering the days we all had together on sets. We were chilling out and we all were missing the people who couldn't make it to the get together. I am really impressed by Tina for the way she handled everything. She is very loving, caring and sweet. Hopefully we will have another reunion soon."

May their bond grow fonder with time! 

Your reaction

Vikas Bhalla Thumbnail

Vikas Bhalla

Amrin Chakkiwala Thumbnail

Amrin Chakkiwala

Sreejita De Thumbnail

Sreejita De

Tina Dutta Thumbnail

Tina Dutta

Rishina Kandhari Thumbnail

Rishina Kandhari

Samiksha Bhatnagar Thumbnail

Samiksha Bhatnagar

Varun Toorkey Thumbnail

Varun Toorkey

Uttaran poster


Colors thumbnail


Comments (9)

hey sreejita de missing sousree together

8 years ago

Cutest sreejita may god shower u with all love n blessing n success.

8 years ago

Commenting for sreejita_de looking very cute my dear .

8 years ago

Love you Varun Toorkey as Tushaar in HTHGHPKK

8 years ago

Love you Tinadutta. Come back soon. Wish your bond stay stronger. Waiting for your new show.

8 years ago

Please give us a joint interview of Nandish SIngh Sandhu and Tina Dutta !

8 years ago

Great !!
Miss u Tina Dutta and Uttaran

Nice to see everyone back together

8 years ago

i am in love with Tina dutta...Plz bring Nandish and tina datta iv

8 years ago

Tina Dutta is such a sweetheart. MMissyou onscreen Tina Dutta .Plz come back soon.

8 years ago

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