Purab Kohli on one thing he would like to change in the industry, his journey and more

In this candid conversation with India Forums, Purab reflects on his move from Mumbai to pursuing a career in the Western film industry, his thoughts on the evolving entertainment landscape, and his personal experiences that have shaped him both as an actor and a person.

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Purab Kohli

Actor Purab Kohli has charmed audiences for over two decades, from his early days in Indian television to his impactful performances in films like Rock On!! and international projects like Sense8. In this candid conversation with India Forums, Purab reflects on his move from Mumbai to pursuing a career in the Western film industry, his thoughts on the evolving entertainment landscape, and his personal experiences that have shaped him both as an actor and a person.

Join us as Purab Kohli takes us through his remarkable journey—one that spans continents, genres, and a deep love for cinema.

Q: Purab, you've been away from India for quite some time now. Can you share the reason behind your decision to live abroad?

Purab Kohli: The main reason I don't live in India anymore is work-related. I'm trying to pursue a career in the Western film industry, which means I split my time between the U.S. and India. Living halfway between these two worlds allows me to reach out to producers and casting directors abroad while still keeping my connections here in India. But no matter where I live, my heart belongs to Mumbai—it's home.

Q: You've spoken about your deep connection to Mumbai. What do you miss most about the city?

Purab Kohli: Oh, I miss so much about Mumbai! The humidity, believe it or not, is something I love. As soon as I step out of the airport, I take a deep breath, and my skin feels better almost instantly. I also love the hustle and chaos of the city. Many people complain about the traffic, but for me, it's part of what makes Mumbai feel alive. Even though I've been living abroad, I come back often, and my family and closest friends are still here.

Purab Kohli

Q: You started your career as a VJ before transitioning into acting. Do you remember your first dialogue on camera?

Purab Kohli: Absolutely! My first dialogue was, "Zada Safi White Hai," which I delivered while sitting on the stairs of Elphinstone College for the show Hip Hip Hurray. I was terrified! Facing the camera for the first time was nerve-wracking, and I didn't think I'd done it well at all. But looking back now, it's crazy to think how far I've come from that scared teenager to where I am today—26 years later.

Q: Rock On!! was a turning point in your career. How do you feel looking back at that moment?

Purab Kohli: Rock On!! was definitely a game-changer for me. Before that, I had done some appreciated roles, but nothing that brought the kind of commercial success that Rock On!! did. It wasn't just about my character but also about the ensemble cast. We were a band, four friends coming together, and that story really resonated with audiences. Even today, people talk about the film, and it's a wonderful feeling to know it touched so many hearts.

Q: You've now spent significant time working both in Bollywood and Hollywood. How has the journey been, and do you feel you've gotten your due?

Purab Kohli: It's been an exciting yet challenging journey. In Bollywood, I've been fortunate to have a relatively smooth path, thanks to my family's long-standing connection with the film industry. But breaking into Hollywood has been much tougher. I've been working there for about five years now, and while I've done projects like Sense8 and a small role in The Matrix, it's still a hard market to crack. But I'm not disheartened. I believe everything happens at its own pace, and I'm happy to continue giving my best.


Q: You've witnessed the rise of South Indian cinema and its growing influence across India. What are your thoughts on this Pan-India movement?

Purab Kohli: I think it's fantastic that cinema from across India is being appreciated on a broader scale. The OTT platforms have made content from Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam industries more accessible to everyone, which is great for Indian cinema as a whole. Bollywood has traditionally dominated in terms of revenue, but now Southern films are doing just as well, if not better. It's a healthy change for the industry and for storytelling diversity.

Q: You've worked across various platforms, from television to films to OTT. What do you think about the rise of influencers and social media stars today?

Purab Kohli: Influencers today are doing an incredible job. It's a full-time commitment—just like acting or any other profession. The energy they put into their content, Instagram reels, and connecting with their audience is remarkable. Back when I started, we had entire teams to help us create our content, but today's influencers are doing it all on their own, which is really commendable. However, my focus now is more on acting, so I don't spend as much time on social media as I used to.

Q: What's one thing you'd like to change about the industry?

Purab Kohli: If I could change one thing, I would make sure that everyone starts coming on time! Punctuality is important, and I think it's something the industry could definitely improve upon. It would make things run smoother and more efficiently.

Watch the video here:


As Purab Kohli continues to carve out his space in both Bollywood and Hollywood, his passion for the craft and his grounded nature remain as strong as ever. His journey, shaped by love for cinema and a deep connection to his roots, is an inspiring tale of perseverance, adaptability, and success. With upcoming British films and ongoing projects in both industries, Purab is all set to take his career to new heights, proving that home is where the heart—and the craft—reside.

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